CFP: Sports Culture (Midwest Popular Culture Association / Midwest American Culture Association Annual Conference 2014, Indianapolis, IN)
Friday-Sunday, 3-5 October 2014
JW Marriott Indianapolis:
Address: 10 S. West St., Indianapolis, IN 46204, Phone: (317) 860-5800
Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2014
We are currently seeking original work and panel suggestions in the area of Sports Culture for the annual Midwest Popular Culture Association / Midwest American Culture Association Annual Conference. Abstracts can include a wide variety of topics and approaches to sport. Abstracts or panels might include research focused on popular culture and sport in the Midwest; but papers / panels on all topics related to popular culture and sport are welcome and encouraged.
Please upload 250 word abstract proposals on any aspect of Sports Culture to the Sports Culture area:
Any questions? Please email Ben Dettmar at
More information about the conference can be found at
Please note the availability of graduate student travel grants:
Please include name, affiliation, and e-mail address with the 250 word abstract. Also, please indicate in your submission whether your presentation will require an LCD Projector.
Ben Dettmar (
Sports Culture Area Chair
Department of History
Adrian College
309b Jones Hall
Visit the website at
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 30, 2014
CFP: 14th International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
CFP: 14th International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
8-11 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA
Complete Call for Participation:
DCMI's annual conference addresses models, technologies and applications of metadata.
2014 THEME: "Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory"
Metadata is fundamental in enabling ubiquitous access to cultural and scientific resources through galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). While fundamental, GLAM traditions in documentation and organization lead to significant differences in both their languages of description and domain practices. And yet, the push is on for "radically open cultural heritage data" that bridges these differences as well as those across the humanities and the natural sciences. DC-2014 will explore the role of metadata in spanning the archipelago of siloed cultural memory in an emerging context of linked access to data repositories as well as repositories of cultural artifacts.
--Peer-Reviewed Papers, Project Reports & Posters
Submission Deadline: 3 May 2014
Author Notification: 12 July 2014
Final Copy: 16 August 2014
--Special & Panel Sessions, Tutorials & Workshops
Submission Deadline: 3 May 2014
Author Notification: 1 June 2014
--Best Practice Posters & Demonstrations
Submission Deadline: 2 June 2014
Author Notification: 30 June 2014
(1) Peer-reviewed Papers, Project Reports & Posters
(2) Special & Panel Session, Tutorials & Workshops
(3) From the field: Best Practice Posters & Demonstrations
8-11 October 2014, Austin, Texas, USA
Complete Call for Participation:
DCMI's annual conference addresses models, technologies and applications of metadata.
2014 THEME: "Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory"
Metadata is fundamental in enabling ubiquitous access to cultural and scientific resources through galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). While fundamental, GLAM traditions in documentation and organization lead to significant differences in both their languages of description and domain practices. And yet, the push is on for "radically open cultural heritage data" that bridges these differences as well as those across the humanities and the natural sciences. DC-2014 will explore the role of metadata in spanning the archipelago of siloed cultural memory in an emerging context of linked access to data repositories as well as repositories of cultural artifacts.
--Peer-Reviewed Papers, Project Reports & Posters
Submission Deadline: 3 May 2014
Author Notification: 12 July 2014
Final Copy: 16 August 2014
--Special & Panel Sessions, Tutorials & Workshops
Submission Deadline: 3 May 2014
Author Notification: 1 June 2014
--Best Practice Posters & Demonstrations
Submission Deadline: 2 June 2014
Author Notification: 30 June 2014
(1) Peer-reviewed Papers, Project Reports & Posters
(2) Special & Panel Session, Tutorials & Workshops
(3) From the field: Best Practice Posters & Demonstrations
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
CFP: Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium (The University of Toronto, October 18, 2014)
CFP: Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium (The University of Toronto, October 18, 2014)
Gender and sexuality are two of the critical organizing axes of contemporary life. Alongside and intersecting with race, class, nation, and others, they constitute the ways through which we make ourselves known to ourselves and to one another: as men, women, or one of the 58 new gender options offered by Facebook, and as lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, and all the other varied and ever-changing linguistic markers of preferences of physical and emotional intimacy. Just as legal studies, the hard and social sciences, philosophy and literature, information studies is a discourse called to respond to the challenges posed by critical perspectives on gender and sexuality. Perhaps more than any other discipline, information studies confronts the theoretical with the material. How do both the “the archive” and the archive organize, and how are they organized by, gender and sexuality? From the collections we build to the access tools we design to the histories we collect, catalog, and preserve, information studies theorists and practitioners are always engaged in the projects of making and being made.
We invite proposals to join and extend these conversations during a one-day colloquium to be held at the University of Toronto on October 18, 2014. Presentations will consist of individual papers organized around themes that emerge from the submissions.
Suggested topics include:
- Information studies and its engagements with cross-disciplinary theories of gender and sexuality
- Practice-based responses to critical theories of gender and sexuality in information
- Critical approaches to cataloging and classification
- Feminist and queer library pedagogies, both in information studies schools and at the K-12 and undergraduate levels
- Queer and feminist archival practices, both theoretical and material
- Sexed and gendered labor in information environments
- Intersections of gender and sexuality with race, class, and other axes of social organization
- Critical feminist and queer critiques of the technologies of information production, organization, and dissemination
Please submit abstracts of no more than 500 words to
Proposals due May 1, 2014. Notification June 1, 2014.
Thanks to the University of Toronto Faculty of Information for generously hosting this colloquium.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Call for Chapter Proposals: E-Learning Innovations in Academic Libraries
Call for Chapter Proposals: E-Learning Innovations in Academic Libraries
Librarians from Appalachian State University invite you to submit a proposal for a chapter in their upcoming book, E-Learning Innovations in Academic Libraries, to be published by McFarland Publishing. This practical book is intended to be a guide for academic librarians interested in the creation and uses of e-learning tools.
Examples of relevant topics include:
Virtual tours
Instructional games
Geo-spatial applications
Virtual reality applications
Classroom use of technology
For consideration, e-mail a 1-2 page proposal to either of the editors by April 25, 2014, clearly presenting your e-learning innovation and its significance. Proposals should include information about the audience and need for the e-learning tool, the technology used to create it, the length of time it has been used, assessment, and the transferability to other libraries. Final chapters will be 5-7000 words, excluding endnotes and bibliography. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals by May 12, 2014. Complete chapters will be due by August 30, 2014, as we anticipate publishing this book in Summer 2015.
Margaret Gregor, Ed.D., MALS
Associate Professor
Instructional Materials Center Coordinator
Appalachian State University
Scott Rice, M.A., M.S.
Associate Professor
Coordinator of Technology Services
Appalachian State University
Librarians from Appalachian State University invite you to submit a proposal for a chapter in their upcoming book, E-Learning Innovations in Academic Libraries, to be published by McFarland Publishing. This practical book is intended to be a guide for academic librarians interested in the creation and uses of e-learning tools.
Examples of relevant topics include:
Virtual tours
Instructional games
Geo-spatial applications
Virtual reality applications
Classroom use of technology
For consideration, e-mail a 1-2 page proposal to either of the editors by April 25, 2014, clearly presenting your e-learning innovation and its significance. Proposals should include information about the audience and need for the e-learning tool, the technology used to create it, the length of time it has been used, assessment, and the transferability to other libraries. Final chapters will be 5-7000 words, excluding endnotes and bibliography. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals by May 12, 2014. Complete chapters will be due by August 30, 2014, as we anticipate publishing this book in Summer 2015.
Margaret Gregor, Ed.D., MALS
Associate Professor
Instructional Materials Center Coordinator
Appalachian State University
Scott Rice, M.A., M.S.
Associate Professor
Coordinator of Technology Services
Appalachian State University
Thursday, March 20, 2014
CFP: Iowa Innovative Users Group Meeting (September 2014 in Des Moines, Iowa)
CFP: Iowa Innovative Users Group Meeting (September 2014 in Des Moines, Iowa)
Have you worked out a workflow process or done something innovative with your Innovative system? Why not share it with other Innovative users in the state of Iowa? The Iowa Innovative Users Group will be meeting September 19th 2014 in Des Moines. More location details forthcoming, so stay tuned for more information.
We would be interested in hearing success stories (or not-as-successful-as-we'd-like stories) at our conference. Share your experience with others! Presentations of 30-60 minutes, with some of the time set aside for questions, are planned. Ideas for forums or panel sessions to discuss a topic are also of interest. Topics can range from various Millennium/Sierra features and management to workflows - all ideas are welcome.
Contact Becky Yoose ( with any questions or your proposal (Name, contact information, and a brief abstract). Proposals are due June 30, 2014.
And don't forget to save the date of Friday September 19th, 2014 to attend IA-IUG in Des Moines!
Have you worked out a workflow process or done something innovative with your Innovative system? Why not share it with other Innovative users in the state of Iowa? The Iowa Innovative Users Group will be meeting September 19th 2014 in Des Moines. More location details forthcoming, so stay tuned for more information.
We would be interested in hearing success stories (or not-as-successful-as-we'd-like stories) at our conference. Share your experience with others! Presentations of 30-60 minutes, with some of the time set aside for questions, are planned. Ideas for forums or panel sessions to discuss a topic are also of interest. Topics can range from various Millennium/Sierra features and management to workflows - all ideas are welcome.
Contact Becky Yoose ( with any questions or your proposal (Name, contact information, and a brief abstract). Proposals are due June 30, 2014.
And don't forget to save the date of Friday September 19th, 2014 to attend IA-IUG in Des Moines!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
CFP: Academic Brass (Business Libraries)
Interested in seeing your name in print? Have something to share with other
business librarians?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Academic Brass wants you!
The Business Reference in Academic Libraries Committee of BRASS is seeking articles for the next issue of its online publication Academic BRASS. Academic BRASS is a newsletter--not a journal--that publishes issue-based articles and information for the general and educational interest of BRASS members and academic business librarians.
You may want to see previous editions of BRASS.
For the full text of these articles and access to past issues of Academic BRASS, see .
The typical length of an Academic BRASS article is 500-800 words, but past articles have been as long as 1,000 words or more. Authors should be guided by what they have to say rather than an arbitrary word length. All articles are subject to editing for length, style, and content. The newsletter follows the Modern Language Association Handbook, seventh edition for all matters of style and citation. Authors whose articles include references to print or internet
resources should observe the conventions set forth in the handbook or on the MLA web site (
Article proposals are due Friday, May 15, 2014. Please send them to Charles Allan, chair of the Committee, at
Completed articles will be due August 30, 2014.
Charles Allan Academic BRASS editor
Interested in seeing your name in print? Have something to share with other
business librarians?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Academic Brass wants you!
The Business Reference in Academic Libraries Committee of BRASS is seeking articles for the next issue of its online publication Academic BRASS. Academic BRASS is a newsletter--not a journal--that publishes issue-based articles and information for the general and educational interest of BRASS members and academic business librarians.
You may want to see previous editions of BRASS.
For the full text of these articles and access to past issues of Academic BRASS, see
The typical length of an Academic BRASS article is 500-800 words, but past articles have been as long as 1,000 words or more. Authors should be guided by what they have to say rather than an arbitrary word length. All articles are subject to editing for length, style, and content. The newsletter follows the Modern Language Association Handbook, seventh edition for all matters of style and citation. Authors whose articles include references to print or internet
resources should observe the conventions set forth in the handbook or on the MLA web site (
Article proposals are due Friday, May 15, 2014. Please send them to Charles Allan, chair of the Committee, at
Completed articles will be due August 30, 2014.
Charles Allan Academic BRASS editor
CFP: OpenEd 14: Achieving the Potential of Open (The 11th Annual Open Education Conference -November 19-21 in Washington, D.C.)
CFP: OpenEd 14: Achieving the Potential of Open (The 11th Annual Open Education Conference -November 19-21 in Washington, D.C.)
Are you an OER Librarian? Do you help faculty locate or create OER for their courses? Is the Library supporting open textbooks for students?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above – or if you or your library is actively promoting OER or thinking about doing this, you will want to attend OpenEd 14.
Academic librarians are expanding their role in the adoption of Open Education Resources (OER) at their institutions. They are also exploring methods to support students taking advantage of open education opportunities.
OpenEd 14 is the premier annual conference where OER experts gather to share their knowledge about massive, high quality open content infrastructure on top of which innovative people and organizations are building a new generation of educational models.
The organizers of OpenEd 14 are seeking to increase the representation of the academic library community at the conference. With the addition of a library track to the program, there will be greater opportunity for academic librarians to share information about their research or OER program through a formal presentation. This is an excellent opportunity for librarians engaged in OER and open education to connect with librarians, non-library faculty, researchers and academic administrators who share their interests. There will also be time for academic librarians to gather informally to share ideas and discuss challenges in the growing area of OER.
The conference will be held at the Hilton Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia on November 19 through 21, 2014. This year’s conference is sponsored by Lumen Learning in partnership with SPARC. The conference organizers seek proposals for 25 and 50-minute presentations by individuals or panels.
The deadline to submit a conference proposal is Friday, April 25. Decisions will be e-mailed to proposers onMonday, June 2.
Library track topics may include but are not limited to:
· Library-Press Collaboration for OER
· Helping instructors locate and create OER
· Leading Open Textbook Reform on Campus
· Promoting the Use of OER on campus
· Applying Lessons Learned in Open Access to OER
· Innovation in the development and use of OER
· OER Librarians – Emerging Position
Presenters will be expected to register for the conference.
More information about the conference and the CFP may be found at
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Are you a “library of the future”? Do you have a story about how you successfully reorganized to generate efficiencies in services or reallocation of staff to allow infrastructure changes that support the future? Or maybe you have a story about how a failure to create efficiencies or reallocation resulted in a different reorganization model that was successful? Either way, we need your stories!
The ACRL ULS Committee on the Future of University Libraries is planning an online discussion on the topic “reorganizing for the future.” As university libraries seek to create new services for the future within the current higher education environment, we will likely need to look to our existing resources in order to prepare the way for these new services. What efficiencies can we find in our operations? What tough decisions to modify or eliminate existing services should we consider? How can reorganization free up resources to help us move forward?
We are looking for stories about efficiency, priorities, opportunities, constraints, aspirations. Is your story inspiring? We are seeking panelists to share their reorganization stories and respond to audience questions in an
online panel to be offered some time in late spring or summer.
To be considered, please send your story (300 words or less) to John Blosser <> by March 31, 2014. Lisa Horowitz (for the ACRL ULS Committee on the Future of University
The ACRL ULS Committee on the Future of University Libraries is planning an online discussion on the topic “reorganizing for the future.” As university libraries seek to create new services for the future within the current higher education environment, we will likely need to look to our existing resources in order to prepare the way for these new services. What efficiencies can we find in our operations? What tough decisions to modify or eliminate existing services should we consider? How can reorganization free up resources to help us move forward?
We are looking for stories about efficiency, priorities, opportunities, constraints, aspirations. Is your story inspiring? We are seeking panelists to share their reorganization stories and respond to audience questions in an
online panel to be offered some time in late spring or summer.
To be considered, please send your story (300 words or less) to John Blosser <> by March 31, 2014. Lisa Horowitz (for the ACRL ULS Committee on the Future of University
Call for Speaker: ALCTS Technical Services Managers in Academic Libraries Interest Group and the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group (ALA Annual 2014)
NOTE: Deadline extended until April 21, 2014
The ALCTS Technical Services Managers in Academic Libraries Interest Group and the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group welcome proposals to be the featured speaker at the groups’ joint meeting during the 2014 ALA Annual Conference. This meeting, scheduled for 8:30-10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 28th, will focus on issues facing technical services librarians in academic libraries.
The ALCTS Technical Services Managers in Academic Libraries Interest Group and the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group welcome proposals to be the featured speaker at the groups’ joint meeting during the 2014 ALA Annual Conference. This meeting, scheduled for 8:30-10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 28th, will focus on issues facing technical services librarians in academic libraries.
The speaker will deliver a brief (15 minute) overview of those issues in the form of an extended lightning talk, then participate in roundtable discussions at which the attendees can follow up on those ideas. The proposed topics for the roundtables include: promotion and tenure (2 tables, one for those with faculty status and one for those without faculty status); research and publication; tips for supervising librarians who are seeking P&T and/or who are doing research; collaborative research and publication; the continuing issue of silos; service opportunities for TS librarians (geared toward younger/newer librarians); general issues facing new technical services librarians.
To be considered for this session, please email a proposal, in .doc or .docx format, of no more than 500 words to Amy Lana ( by April 21, 2014. Please be sure to include the following information with your proposal:
Contact information
Proposed title of the talk
Contact information
Proposed title of the talk
The chosen speaker will be notified by April 30, 2014.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Accepting proposals for edited books to be published in the 2016 copyright year (IGI Global)
I am pleased to announce that IGI Global is now accepting proposals for edited books to be published in the 2016 copyright year. Preference will be given to larger compilations including one or two-volume Handbooks of Research and Encyclopedias; however, single-volume edited book publications will also be considered.
Topics of interest include all areas of academic research including, but not limited to: medicine and healthcare, engineering, business and management, ethics and law, public policy and government, social science, information science and technology, environmental and earth science, media and communications, library and information science, and the life sciences.
Please follow this link for more details on publishing with IGI Global. We encourage you to submit a proposal on your preferred area of research by no later than April 15, 2014.
Please utilize this form which may be submitted online or e-mailed as an attachment to
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience at or (717) 533-8845 ext. 141.
This is a wonderful opportunity to further advance your research and expand your network of colleagues in your field.
Kind Regards,
Kayla Wolfe
Acquisitions Editor
Editorial Content Department
IGI Global
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Call for Juried Proposals: Library Research Seminar VI
Call for Juried Proposals: Library Research Seminar VI
The Engaged Librarian: Libraries Partnering with
Campus and Community
WHEN: October 7-9, 2014
WHERE: The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign iHotel and Conference Center.
WHO: Hosted jointly by the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, the University Library, and the Library Research Roundtable of the American Library Association.
WHY: 21st century librarianship has witnessed new forms of cooperation between librarians and the communities they serve. Academic libraries have adopted new roles that span the scholarly communication lifecycle and advance digital humanities, data stewardship, and eScience initiatives. Public libraries have become community focal points for programming that meets the learning needs of children and their families, encourages the creative use of new technologies, and reaches out to include new and diverse communities. Creative school librarians also work with others to examine issues related to the common core standards, the development of programs that promote and complement curricula, and the exploration of new learning and teaching models.
WHAT: This conference will bring together academics and practitioners, including faculty and graduate studentsfrom library schools and iSchools, and academic, public and school librarians. The conference will focus on howcollaboration and cross-disciplinary research can create new knowledge and chart a course for partnerships with deep and lasting impact. The LRS VI Program Planning Committee invites proposals for papers, panels, posters and workshops. We welcome creative contributions from individuals and groups in the following theme areas.
HOW: A lively discussion of paper, panel, poster, and workshop presentations and activities.
Example topics include, but are not limited to:
· Cutting-edge research that crosses boundaries within and beyond the field of library and information science· The process and products of collaboration: lessons learned and best practices that establish librarians as full research, teaching, and learning partners in academic or community settings
· Librarian-faculty partnerships, their impact on research, and the influence of their findings on the collaborative approach
· Identification of knowledge gaps and research agendas
· Intra-institutional, inter-institutional and trans-national collaborations
· Community engagement and community informatics projects--stories of success and possible scenarios for the future
· Examples of recruiting, training, and mentoring the next generation of librarians to be research, teaching, and learning partners in their campus and communities
Proposal Submission Guidelines & Formats
The deadline for submission of proposals is May 15, 2014. In addition to an abstract, each author or panelist must provide a separate biographical statement (maximum of 50 words).
· Paper proposals must include a title, author(s), format, and abstract (maximum of 500 words).· Paper proposals should be submitted individually, and they will be grouped with others on a common theme, typically for a 90-minute session comprised of three paper presentations. The abstract submitted should state the focus of the paper and the way(s) in which it contributes to the body of knowledge in the field. Presentation time for papers should be no more than 20 minutes.
· Poster proposals must include a title, author(s), format, and abstract (maximum of 500 words).· This formal graphic presentation of the topic, offers an excellent opportunity for reporting on evaluation results and gathering detailed feedback on one’s work. Posters should be no larger than 40" high and 44" wide. Graduate student submissions are encouraged.
· Panel proposals must include title, author(s), format, and abstract (maximum of 750 words).· The abstract should describe how three or more panelists will creatively present a cohesive theme and promote lively discussions between panelists and audience members. Proposals should provide a description of the issues to be discussed, and a list of panelists who have agreed to participate with their qualifications and contributions to the panel.
· Workshop proposals must include title, author(s), format, and abstract (maximum of 750 words).
· The abstract should outline how participants will engage an issue, learn a new skill, or develop an action plan or other activity where hands-on learning is integral. Submissions must include an example of an activity you plan to conduct. The learning experience should excite and encourage the participants to take risks, question assumptions, and fully engage in the learning process.
Evaluation Procedures:
The Conference Planning Committee will evaluate proposals based on:
· Relevance to the theme
· Significance of its contribution to LIS research or practice
· Clarity of expression
· Status of research: Are the results in hand? When appropriate, please include the timeline for completion of research.
For more information on the Library Research Seminar VI Conference, please visit or send your comments/questions to
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Published by the University of Łodź in Poland
Dorota Filipczak
No. 5
Special Themed Issue
Collecting, Archiving, Publishing North America
edited by Jadwiga Maszewska
Visit the website at
Jeremy Braddock, in his Collecting as Modernist Practice, argues that the material collection and the anthology both be considered as an “authored work” and, following Bourdieu, a “system of positions.” The history of collecting and publishing in the 20th century – from Peggy Guggenheim to the Harry Ransom Center in Austin, TX – illustrates a widespread development and framing of how literary and cultural materials are received. Publishers, editors, librarians, and curators have all played a fundamental role in authoring and shaping the reception, preservation, and influence of textual and cultural objects.
Text Matters invites contributions to its 5th issue that analyze the construction and management of North American literary and cultural artifacts within the frame of archival or textual studies, as well as reception theory. Preference will be given to articles that cover some aspect of the 20th century, but any relevant article will be considered. Please see the style sheet available from the journal’s website for details. The deadline for submissions is April 30th, 2014. They should be emailed to and Editors invite potential contributors to contact them about thematic proposals at and
Published by the University of Łodź in Poland
Dorota Filipczak
No. 5
Special Themed Issue
Collecting, Archiving, Publishing North America
edited by Jadwiga Maszewska
Visit the website at
Jeremy Braddock, in his Collecting as Modernist Practice, argues that the material collection and the anthology both be considered as an “authored work” and, following Bourdieu, a “system of positions.” The history of collecting and publishing in the 20th century – from Peggy Guggenheim to the Harry Ransom Center in Austin, TX – illustrates a widespread development and framing of how literary and cultural materials are received. Publishers, editors, librarians, and curators have all played a fundamental role in authoring and shaping the reception, preservation, and influence of textual and cultural objects.
Text Matters invites contributions to its 5th issue that analyze the construction and management of North American literary and cultural artifacts within the frame of archival or textual studies, as well as reception theory. Preference will be given to articles that cover some aspect of the 20th century, but any relevant article will be considered. Please see the style sheet available from the journal’s website for details. The deadline for submissions is April 30th, 2014. They should be emailed to and Editors invite potential contributors to contact them about thematic proposals at and
CFP edited volume: With Honors?: Challenges and Promises in the Future of Honors Education
CFP edited volume: With Honors?: Challenges and Promises in the Future of Honors Education
Call for Papers Date: 2014-03-31
Editors: Robert W. Glover, Ph.D. (CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Political Science, University of Maine) Katherine M. O’Flaherty, Ph.D., C.A.S. (Faculty Fellow at Barrett, The Honors College, Arizona State University).
The landscape of American higher education has changed in notable ways in recent decades. One essential and defining feature of contemporary higher education is the growth of honors education. Many colleges and universities now feature an honors program or a fully institutionalized honors college. The honors experience boasts small classes, individualized interaction with faculty, and a range of enriched educational opportunities not available to the student population at large. There are at least 600 such programs in the United States according to one recent report with 60% of those established since 1994. Yet amidst all this growth and change, what honors education ought to be in terms of content and structure remains a hotly debated topic. It is in this spirit, that this edited volume asks a provocative question: What should the Honors College of the future look like? This question forces us to engage with difficult issues in a variety of ways. Furthermore, it allows those involved in shaping honors education (faculty, administrators and students) a venue in which to think beyond the day-to-day dictates of their existing institutions and to consider ways in which institutions may grow or evolve in the future.
Such a forward-looking perspective invites consideration of a number of important questions which structure and inform the volume: How can Honors evolve in a way that it provides meaningful intellectual growth for students from a wide range of academic majors and specializations? What choices should drive the construction of curriculum in Honors? How do institutions structure Honors curricula in a coherent and meaningful way? What concrete and tangible skills should Honors education provide for students and how do we ensure that we are imparting them to our students? In an institutional environment increasingly characterized by assessment and demonstrable outcomes, how does Honors demonstrate its value to those making decisions about funding priorities? What models for funding outside of the existing structure can support Honors education in the future? What is the role of technology in the Honors classroom experience of the future? How does institutional type impact the Honors experience? What can different institutions learn from one another? What does/should the faculty of an Honors College look like? What should be the model for recruitment, advancement, promotion, and retention of faculty? What challenges and opportunities exist for Honors administrators? What future priorities should drive decision-making and how can those involved in the administration of Honors ensure the authenticity and value of the Honors experience for all involved? Any other directly or indirectly related questions that thoughtfully take up questions related to the future of honors education.
With these gaps and opportunities for scholarship in mind the editors of this volume invite proposals/abstracts. We are particularly interested in contributions (final chapters will be 5,000-7,000 words) that examine curricular innovation, provide examples of innovative pedagogical approaches to teaching, address the use of technology in enhancing learning, highlight innovative projects and other related ideas. We welcome submissions from faculty, administrators, staff, students and other stakeholders at public and private institutions in the U.S. and internationally. We support a methodologically pluralistic approach to scholarship and welcome innovative cross-disciplinary pieces.
Prospective contributors are invited to submit: 1) Initial proposal/abstract (500-750 words) 2) Brief curriculum vitae/resume (1 page)
Send to: Due: March 31, 2014 Please also direct inquiries to: Katherine M. O’Flaherty ( Notifications will follow and the invited essays (5,000-7,000 words) are to be tentatively submitted in early Fall 2014. The language of the proposed publication is English.
Call for Papers Date: 2014-03-31
Editors: Robert W. Glover, Ph.D. (CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Political Science, University of Maine) Katherine M. O’Flaherty, Ph.D., C.A.S. (Faculty Fellow at Barrett, The Honors College, Arizona State University).
The landscape of American higher education has changed in notable ways in recent decades. One essential and defining feature of contemporary higher education is the growth of honors education. Many colleges and universities now feature an honors program or a fully institutionalized honors college. The honors experience boasts small classes, individualized interaction with faculty, and a range of enriched educational opportunities not available to the student population at large. There are at least 600 such programs in the United States according to one recent report with 60% of those established since 1994. Yet amidst all this growth and change, what honors education ought to be in terms of content and structure remains a hotly debated topic. It is in this spirit, that this edited volume asks a provocative question: What should the Honors College of the future look like? This question forces us to engage with difficult issues in a variety of ways. Furthermore, it allows those involved in shaping honors education (faculty, administrators and students) a venue in which to think beyond the day-to-day dictates of their existing institutions and to consider ways in which institutions may grow or evolve in the future.
Such a forward-looking perspective invites consideration of a number of important questions which structure and inform the volume: How can Honors evolve in a way that it provides meaningful intellectual growth for students from a wide range of academic majors and specializations? What choices should drive the construction of curriculum in Honors? How do institutions structure Honors curricula in a coherent and meaningful way? What concrete and tangible skills should Honors education provide for students and how do we ensure that we are imparting them to our students? In an institutional environment increasingly characterized by assessment and demonstrable outcomes, how does Honors demonstrate its value to those making decisions about funding priorities? What models for funding outside of the existing structure can support Honors education in the future? What is the role of technology in the Honors classroom experience of the future? How does institutional type impact the Honors experience? What can different institutions learn from one another? What does/should the faculty of an Honors College look like? What should be the model for recruitment, advancement, promotion, and retention of faculty? What challenges and opportunities exist for Honors administrators? What future priorities should drive decision-making and how can those involved in the administration of Honors ensure the authenticity and value of the Honors experience for all involved? Any other directly or indirectly related questions that thoughtfully take up questions related to the future of honors education.
With these gaps and opportunities for scholarship in mind the editors of this volume invite proposals/abstracts. We are particularly interested in contributions (final chapters will be 5,000-7,000 words) that examine curricular innovation, provide examples of innovative pedagogical approaches to teaching, address the use of technology in enhancing learning, highlight innovative projects and other related ideas. We welcome submissions from faculty, administrators, staff, students and other stakeholders at public and private institutions in the U.S. and internationally. We support a methodologically pluralistic approach to scholarship and welcome innovative cross-disciplinary pieces.
Prospective contributors are invited to submit: 1) Initial proposal/abstract (500-750 words) 2) Brief curriculum vitae/resume (1 page)
Send to: Due: March 31, 2014 Please also direct inquiries to: Katherine M. O’Flaherty ( Notifications will follow and the invited essays (5,000-7,000 words) are to be tentatively submitted in early Fall 2014. The language of the proposed publication is English.
Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on Multimedia Integration and Interactivity in Electronic Books
Handbook of Research on Multimedia Integration and Interactivity in Electronic Books
Alexandra Saemmer (University Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France, Associate Professor), Nolwenn Tréhondart (University of Paris 8, France, Publishing Specialist and Research Engineer at Labex Arts-H2H), and Madjid Ihadjadene (University Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France, Full Professor)
Recommended Topics
Important Dates
April 15, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline
May 15, 2014: Notification of the accepted Proposals
August 15, 2014: Full Chapter Submission
October 15, 2014: Review Results to authors
November 30, 2014: Final Acceptance Notifications
December 30, 2014: Final Chapter Submission
Alexandra Saemmer (University Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France, Associate Professor), Nolwenn Tréhondart (University of Paris 8, France, Publishing Specialist and Research Engineer at Labex Arts-H2H), and Madjid Ihadjadene (University Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France, Full Professor)
Recommended Topics
- Overview on e-books and their history from different perspective countries (America, Europe, Africa, etc.)
- E-books publishing models and policies (business models, agile publishing, cultural issues, future trends in the market, selection and acquisition of e-books, marketing e-books, legal issues, archiving, curation, accessibility, digital libraries, digital libraries)
- Transformation of the traditional workflow
- Imaginations of publishers, authors, and readers related to e-books and enhanced e-books
- Designing and developing e-books (evolution of formats, page layout, navigation tools, interface design, content representation, search architecture, datamining, indexing, browsing)
- New tools, technology, and content management for publishing (authoring tools, platforms, software, standardization, interoperability, metadata, editorial and production workflow)
- Enhanced e-books (categorization, role of hypertext and interactivity, use of media in the reading context, writing, narration, storytelling, gamelike interactivity, augmented reality, gamified books, social medias)
- Scenario of use in various fields (children, adults, specific user communities, fiction and non fiction, academic, scientific, textbook, technical documentation, graphic novels, comics…) and contexts (library, private reading, university…)
- Empirical studies on digital reading (readers engagement, comprehension reading, user experience and usability, reader response theory)
- Integration of e-books in e-learning
- Future of digital publishing
- Digital literature and e-books: links, experimentations (digital born fiction, research and creation projects, new art forms exploring creative possibilities, innovation), close readings
Important Dates
April 15, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline
May 15, 2014: Notification of the accepted Proposals
August 15, 2014: Full Chapter Submission
October 15, 2014: Review Results to authors
November 30, 2014: Final Acceptance Notifications
December 30, 2014: Final Chapter Submission
Monday, March 10, 2014
Call for Contributors - Encyclopedia of Online Education Steven L. Danver, editor Sage Publications/Mesa Verde Publishing
Call for Contributors - Encyclopedia of Online Education Steven L. Danver, editor Sage Publications/Mesa Verde Publishing
We are pleased to announce the development of the Encyclopedia of Online Education, a first-of-its-kind comprehensive treatment of the world of online education. This three-volume project will produce a thorough, engaging reference work on the ever-expanding field of online education, which has many aspects that are not well understood. This work will serve to remedy this with authoritative materials for users at every position within the online educational structure, from students to administrators. More so than the technology itself, though, the use of such technology to facilitate effective learning by students will be the central focus. The perspective, much like the subject itself, will be interdisciplinary, and the content should prove useful to administrators, teaching faculty, and students alike.
We are currently assembling a team of qualified scholars to produce this important work. If you possess an earned doctorate and experience with online education, we would appreciate the opportunity to have you contribute to the project! Please sign up at , and we will be happy to send you further information about available entries, remuneration, and due dates. Thank you in advance for your interest, we look forward to working with you to produce an informative, academically rigorous, and useful volume.
About the Editor
Steven L. Danver (Ph.D., University of Utah) is Academic Coordinator and Core Faculty in Social Sciences in the College of Undergraduate Studies at Walden University and co-owner (with Lauren Danver) of Mesa Verde Publishing. He has been involved in online education for more than five years with three exclusively online institutions and two traditional institutions with online programs. He has written and edited extensively in fields such as history, politics, and ethnic studies.
We are pleased to announce the development of the Encyclopedia of Online Education, a first-of-its-kind comprehensive treatment of the world of online education. This three-volume project will produce a thorough, engaging reference work on the ever-expanding field of online education, which has many aspects that are not well understood. This work will serve to remedy this with authoritative materials for users at every position within the online educational structure, from students to administrators. More so than the technology itself, though, the use of such technology to facilitate effective learning by students will be the central focus. The perspective, much like the subject itself, will be interdisciplinary, and the content should prove useful to administrators, teaching faculty, and students alike.
We are currently assembling a team of qualified scholars to produce this important work. If you possess an earned doctorate and experience with online education, we would appreciate the opportunity to have you contribute to the project! Please sign up at http://www.
About the Editor
Steven L. Danver (Ph.D., University of Utah) is Academic Coordinator and Core Faculty in Social Sciences in the College of Undergraduate Studies at Walden University and co-owner (with Lauren Danver) of Mesa Verde Publishing. He has been involved in online education for more than five years with three exclusively online institutions and two traditional institutions with online programs. He has written and edited extensively in fields such as history, politics, and ethnic studies.
CFP: Special Issue of Journal of Library Metadata “RDA and New Frontiers in Library Metadata”
CFP: Special Issue of Journal of Library Metadata “RDA and New Frontiers in Library Metadata”
Guest Editor: Yuji Tosaka, Ph.D., M.L.I.S.
Cataloging/Metadata Librarian
The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
RDA: Resource Description & Access has arrived at a time when libraries are at a crossroads. New information technologies have created uncertainty about their role in a rapidly changing environment, while they also create opportunities to produce robust metadata to support vastly improved discovery services for library users and other
information seekers at large.
The goal of this special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata is to offer both LIS researchers and practitioners a much-needed primer exploring the possibilities of cataloging and information access under RDA. We invite articles that address current issues, trends, research, and purposeful experimentation relating to, but not limited to, the following topics:
• Evaluation of RDA as a practical application of the FRBR model
• Evaluation of RDA’s ability to provide a flexible and extensible framework for describing all types of content and media in the digital environment; RDA and special formats cataloging; the role of cataloger’s judgment under RDA
• RDA and user analysis; evaluation of RDA’s “responsiveness to user needs”
• RDA and “cost efficiency”; RDA’s impacts on cataloging production and operations
• Using RDA with other metadata standards; interoperability issues with different communities of practice; evaluation of RDA’s “flexibility” as a content standard that can be usable for other, non-library metadata
• Evaluation of new RDA elements, instructions, and vocabularies
• RDA and MARC standards; RDA in a post-MARC environment
• RDA and OPAC display issues; RDA and next-generation catalogs
• RDA implementation and training issues in different library sectors; catalogers’ transition from AACR2; practitioners’ views on the new cataloging code
• Internationalization of RDA; reception and implementation of RDA in an international context
• Development of new tools, resources, and services to manage and leverage RDA and legacy catalog data
• Evaluation of the standards development process for RDA, RDA’s openness as a technical standard
• Analysis of RDA in the historical context; comparison of AACR2 and RDA as cataloging codes; RDA’s continuities and discontinuities with cataloging traditions
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a proposal (approximately 500 words) including a problem statement, problem significance, objectives, methodology, and conclusions (or tentative conclusions for work in progress). The proposal should also include author’s name, professional affiliation, and e-mail address. Only
unpublished, original work will be considered. Proposals must be received by April 15, 2014. Full manuscripts (4000-7000 words) are expected to be submitted by July 20, 2014. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Please forward inquiries and proposal submissions electronically to the guest editor
The Journal of Library Metadata is the exclusive forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. This focused journal comprehensively discusses practical, applicable information that libraries can effectively use in their own information discovery environments. Specialized knowledge, the latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining specifically to evolving metadata use in libraries. More information
about the Journal of Library Metadata can be found online at
Guest Editor: Yuji Tosaka, Ph.D., M.L.I.S.
Cataloging/Metadata Librarian
The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
RDA: Resource Description & Access has arrived at a time when libraries are at a crossroads. New information technologies have created uncertainty about their role in a rapidly changing environment, while they also create opportunities to produce robust metadata to support vastly improved discovery services for library users and other
information seekers at large.
The goal of this special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata is to offer both LIS researchers and practitioners a much-needed primer exploring the possibilities of cataloging and information access under RDA. We invite articles that address current issues, trends, research, and purposeful experimentation relating to, but not limited to, the following topics:
• Evaluation of RDA as a practical application of the FRBR model
• Evaluation of RDA’s ability to provide a flexible and extensible framework for describing all types of content and media in the digital environment; RDA and special formats cataloging; the role of cataloger’s judgment under RDA
• RDA and user analysis; evaluation of RDA’s “responsiveness to user needs”
• RDA and “cost efficiency”; RDA’s impacts on cataloging production and operations
• Using RDA with other metadata standards; interoperability issues with different communities of practice; evaluation of RDA’s “flexibility” as a content standard that can be usable for other, non-library metadata
• Evaluation of new RDA elements, instructions, and vocabularies
• RDA and MARC standards; RDA in a post-MARC environment
• RDA and OPAC display issues; RDA and next-generation catalogs
• RDA implementation and training issues in different library sectors; catalogers’ transition from AACR2; practitioners’ views on the new cataloging code
• Internationalization of RDA; reception and implementation of RDA in an international context
• Development of new tools, resources, and services to manage and leverage RDA and legacy catalog data
• Evaluation of the standards development process for RDA, RDA’s openness as a technical standard
• Analysis of RDA in the historical context; comparison of AACR2 and RDA as cataloging codes; RDA’s continuities and discontinuities with cataloging traditions
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a proposal (approximately 500 words) including a problem statement, problem significance, objectives, methodology, and conclusions (or tentative conclusions for work in progress). The proposal should also include author’s name, professional affiliation, and e-mail address. Only
unpublished, original work will be considered. Proposals must be received by April 15, 2014. Full manuscripts (4000-7000 words) are expected to be submitted by July 20, 2014. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Please forward inquiries and proposal submissions electronically to the guest editor
The Journal of Library Metadata is the exclusive forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. This focused journal comprehensively discusses practical, applicable information that libraries can effectively use in their own information discovery environments. Specialized knowledge, the latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining specifically to evolving metadata use in libraries. More information
about the Journal of Library Metadata can be found online at
Friday, March 07, 2014
Michigan Innovative Users Group (MIUG) Call for Proposals (Lansing, MI)
The Michigan Innovative Users Group (MIUG) Steering Committee is now accepting proposals for the 2014 MIUG Conference, to be held at the Lansing Community College West Campus on July 25, 2014. We invite you to share your expertise in any of the modules of Sierra or Millennium. The Steering Committee are looking for presentations that will last about 50 minutes, with a portion of that time set aside for Q&A. We are also open to forum ideas where an expert, or panel of experts, discuss a topic with an audience. Ideas for poster sessions are also welcome. In addition, if you are presenting at the IUG Conference in May, please consider doing a repeat of your presentation at the MIUG.
You may submit your proposals using this Proposal Submission Form (, March 06, 2014
Netspeed 2014: Call for Speakers
Netspeed 2014: Call for Speakers
The Alberta Library invites you to be a part of Netspeed: The Human Side Of Technology. We are accepting session proposals for this year’s conference, to be held October 16 and 17, 2014 at the Edmonton Marriott at River Cree Resort in Edmonton, AB.
Netspeed is a leading library technology conference that connects librarians from public, academic, government, and special libraries from Western Canada and beyond. Technology is embedded in virtually every aspect of the library experience and the Netspeed conference addresses this convergence of people and technology.
We offer learning experiences that include lectures, discussion, technology demonstrations, resource and equipment vendors, forums for conversation, and more. Presenters have the opportunity to address a wide range of delegates, boost their professional profile, and participate in engaged knowledge sharing.
We are seeking 50 minute presentations that address the following areas of focus:
· Transforming library service through technology
· Emerging technology trends affecting the nature of library work
· The role libraries can play in the evolving connection economy
· Newly licensed resources, websites, apps, and collaboration tools
· Marketing, metrics, and methods for evaluating digital impact
· Innovative strategies to build digital and information literacy skills
Do you have a great idea for a topic not listed above? We welcome proposals for sessions outside of our recommended areas of focus. Formats such as demonstrations, hands-on workshops, panels, facilitated discussions and group strategy development are encouraged.
Presenter information
Accepted presentations will receive one complimentary conference registration per session. Proposals will be accepted through an online form and must be received by April 18, 2014.
For more information contact Lauren Sergy at or at 780-414-0805 ext. 230.
We look forward to your proposals and participation in Netspeed 2014!
CFP: e-journal, Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table.
The NMRT Endnotes Committee seeks contributors for the Spring 2014 issue of its annual e-journal, Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table.
Endnotes is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that addresses issues faced by new librarians and LIS students nearing completion of their graduate programs. Article submissions are accepted throughout the year. Articles should range from 2000 – 4000 words and present original research, practitioner-based research, and/or case studies. Those interested in discussing an article idea are encouraged to contact the Editor at to determine if the proposal fits the publication’s scope.
Article submissions are accepted throughout the year; however, articles received by April 1, 2014 will receive guaranteed consideration for the Spring 2014 issue.
We strongly encourage students in LIS programs to considering submitting articles for publication.
Authors must be NMRT members at the time of publication.
For more information about Endnotes, including complete submission guidelines, please visit .
Jodie Borgerding
NMRT Endnotes Committee
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
CFP: Say-it-in-Six Lightning Rounds: Case Studies on Using Data to Improve Library Services (ALA Annual)
CFP: Say-it-in-Six Lightning Rounds: Case Studies on Using Data to Improve Library Services (ALA Annual)
The LLAMA MAES Using Measurement Data for Library Planning, Assessment, and Communication committee is planning a program at the 2014 ALA Conference in Las Vegas on Monday, June 30th, at 8:30am. This fast-paced program will feature presenters from a variety of settings who will share the ways they have used data to assess, promote, or improve their library. Have you used data to make changes in your own library? If so, we need you!
We are looking for proposals on almost any topic in which the data mattered: library spaces, library services, programming & outreach, collections, student learning/retention, or internal training & workflows, or anything else that worked for you! Innovative methods and tools used to analyze data, as well as interesting outcomes resulting from the data analysis, are especially of interest.
Some specifics of how the lightning rounds will work:
• Each presenter will give a brief presentation (six minutes of presentation, followed by 4 minutes for Q&A) multiple times, rotating to small audiences sitting at informal banquet tables. All attendees will hear and ask questions of all speakers during the course of the program.
• The format for the six minutes of presentation is adapted from Ron Hoff’s book Say It in Six: How to Say Exactly What You Mean in Six Minutes or Less.
To submit your proposal (300 words or less), please include the following information:
• Type and size of your library
• Type of assessment method/how the data was collected (such as survey, observation)
• Sample size of the data
• Tools or methods used to analyze and present the data
• How the data was used (resulting changes/improvements/realizations)
• Name, position, and email address of the presenter.
Please e-mail proposals to by Friday, March 28th, at 5pm PST. Those submitting proposals will be notified of their status by mid-April.
The LLAMA MAES Using Measurement Data for Library Planning, Assessment, and Communication committee is planning a program at the 2014 ALA Conference in Las Vegas on Monday, June 30th, at 8:30am. This fast-paced program will feature presenters from a variety of settings who will share the ways they have used data to assess, promote, or improve their library. Have you used data to make changes in your own library? If so, we need you!
We are looking for proposals on almost any topic in which the data mattered: library spaces, library services, programming & outreach, collections, student learning/retention, or internal training & workflows, or anything else that worked for you! Innovative methods and tools used to analyze data, as well as interesting outcomes resulting from the data analysis, are especially of interest.
Some specifics of how the lightning rounds will work:
• Each presenter will give a brief presentation (six minutes of presentation, followed by 4 minutes for Q&A) multiple times, rotating to small audiences sitting at informal banquet tables. All attendees will hear and ask questions of all speakers during the course of the program.
• The format for the six minutes of presentation is adapted from Ron Hoff’s book Say It in Six: How to Say Exactly What You Mean in Six Minutes or Less.
To submit your proposal (300 words or less), please include the following information:
• Type and size of your library
• Type of assessment method/how the data was collected (such as survey, observation)
• Sample size of the data
• Tools or methods used to analyze and present the data
• How the data was used (resulting changes/improvements/
• Name, position, and email address of the presenter.
Please e-mail proposals to by Friday, March 28th, at 5pm PST. Those submitting proposals will be notified of their status by mid-April.
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