CFP: ALA International Relations Round Table (IRRT) Preconference - Extended deadline: February 14, 2014
Training the Trainer: keeping up and staying ahead of new trends, standards, services and technologies
The American Library Association IRRT Preconference Committee invites proposals for presentations at the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas on June 27, 2014. The IRRT Preconference provides a forum for librarians interested in international librarianship to discuss the current and future state of librarianship.
The library profession is constantly adjusting to new technical developments, standards and innovative new services. Yet the current fiscal climate can make it difficult for librarians and libraries to invest in continuing training and professional development.
This year the IRRT Preconference is inviting presentation proposals that address professional development and continuing education initiatives and strategies conducted by librarians for their coworkers, organizations or the profession at large. Of particular interest for this year’s preconference are case studies of institutional/organizational support and/or staff buy-in, overcoming budgetary constraints, and other successes or educational failures. The following topics are suggested for presenters to consider, but other topics pertaining to the theme are also welcome:
This year the IRRT Preconference is inviting presentation proposals that address professional development and continuing education initiatives and strategies conducted by librarians for their coworkers, organizations or the profession at large. Of particular interest for this year’s preconference are case studies of institutional/organizational support and/or staff buy-in, overcoming budgetary constraints, and other successes or educational failures. The following topics are suggested for presenters to consider, but other topics pertaining to the theme are also welcome:
· RDA: training cataloging and technical service department
· E-book: workshops, support and training for Librarians
· Initiating mobile services (Roving reference, etc.)
· New Librarianship
· Open Access Initiatives/Digital Repository
· Education of future librarians/changes in library school programs
· Marketing
· Fund Raising
· Introducing new standards/services/programs
· International librarian exchanges programs
· Mentor programs
In the proposal, please provide:
1. Title of the presentation
2. Abstract of the presentation (no more than one page or 300 words)
3. Name, title of position, and affiliation of the presenter(s)
4. Contact information (e-mail address and phone number)
5. Brief biographical statement of the presenter(s)’ credentials
Please submit your proposal to and no later than February 14, 2014. All proponents will be notified by February 28, 2014.
The IRRT Preconference will be held on Friday, June 27, 2014 in conjunction with the ALA Annual Conference (June 27– July 2, 2013) in Las Vegas. It will be a half-day program from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Up to six presenters will be selected and grouped into panels. Each presenter is expected to give 15 minutes of presentation ; there will be a Q&A session at the end of each panel.. All presenters are encouraged to submit a copy of PowerPoint slides or full-length paper by May 1, 2014, to be included in the pre conference packets and published on the IRRT web site after the conference.
Stefanie Havelka
Assistant Professor
Electronic Resources – Web Services Librarian
Leonard Lief Library, Lehman College, CUNY