Call for speakers for the BRASS Forum at the ALA 2014 Conference.
2014 Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV: June 26-July 1, 2014
The theme for this year is business library instruction. Got an idea about what makes a business instruction session work? Share your experiences or research with one shot sessions, collaboration with faculty, course embeds, liaison, roving reference, or other innovative techniques. Special attention given to proposals that focus on assessment or other measurable results.
We are looking for 3-4 panelists. Each panelist will speak for approximately 20 minutes. We are looking for librarians from any type of library setting, including academic, public, or special (see the abstract below for more details on the forum topic). While we are not able to offer any type of financial compensation, this is a great addition to any librarian’s CV.
Please send nominations (self-nominations welcome) or proposals to Charles Allan,
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Monday, September 30, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
CFP: IUG 2014 Proposals Now Being Accepted (Detroit, Michigan May 6-9, 2014)
CFP: IUG 2014 Proposals Now Being Accepted (Detroit, Michigan May 6-9, 2014)
On behalf the IUG 2014 Program Committee, I would like to invite you to submit a proposal for the annual Innovative Users Group conference to be held in Detroit, Michigan on May 6-9, 2014. Whether you have a nifty new idea you implemented in your library or you would like to focus on the fundamentals of the system, think about sharing your ideas with your peers. It's a great way to give back to the IUG community, plus presenters receive a $50 discount on the registration fee (excluding Lightning Round presenters). We are now accepting proposals until Wednesday, November 6, 2013. If you're not sure about a topic, email a member of the Program Committee and we'll help you. Instructions for submissions are below.
To Begin
* To submit a proposal, go to Get Involved
* When prompted, login with your MyIUG Login.
* If you don't have a MyIUG Login, sign up for one here: (your library must be a current member).
Submitting a Program Idea
* Choose "Submit a Program Idea"
* You can select a IUG member by typing the name in the Member box. After you select the name, the name and address should be filled in under the Coordinators and Presenters section. Double check to make sure all the information is filled in correctly.
* You can use the Add Another Presenter button to add presenters. Once you start typing the name, the form will start searching in the database. You just have to select the name and it will fill in the information we have on file for that person.
* Fill out information about your program in the Program Information section. If you don't see the fields, click on Program Information and follow the prompts.
* Enter the program title and description in the Title and Description section. If you don't see the fields, click on Titles and Descriptions to follow the prompts.
* Program materials can be uploaded at a later date in the Program Materials section.
* When you are finished, click on the Add Submission button.
* You will receive an email confirmation to confirm your submission.
Are you a little nervous to present alone? Propose a panel discussion so you and others you've worked with can each share your experiences. You can even ask for an Innovative staff to co-present with you. The Program Committee can also work with you to help identify potential co-presenters.
You might also want to consider a Lightning Round session. A 5-minute session is a great way to get your feet wet presenting something if you don't think you have enough material for an hour.
We are also accepting poster and forum submissions at this time. Forum and poster session coordinators also receive the $50 discount on registration.
There are a large number of regional user group meetings taking place this fall that offer an excellent variety of programs. If you are presenting at one of these regional conferences, please consider repeating your program at the annual meeting, so many more colleagues can learn from your experiences.
Remember the deadline for submitting program proposals is November 6, 2013
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. We are looking forward to seeing all of your fantastic proposals!
Kristen Costello and your IUG 2014 Program Committee
Kristen Costello, IUG Vice-Chair and Program Committee Chair
Rice Majors, IUG Chair (
Nicole Belbin (
Astrid Emel (
Rice Majors (
Stephanie Rodriguez (
Mark Strang (
Terry Toy (
Kristen Costello
Systems Librarian
On behalf the IUG 2014 Program Committee, I would like to invite you to submit a proposal for the annual Innovative Users Group conference to be held in Detroit, Michigan on May 6-9, 2014. Whether you have a nifty new idea you implemented in your library or you would like to focus on the fundamentals of the system, think about sharing your ideas with your peers. It's a great way to give back to the IUG community, plus presenters receive a $50 discount on the registration fee (excluding Lightning Round presenters). We are now accepting proposals until Wednesday, November 6, 2013. If you're not sure about a topic, email a member of the Program Committee and we'll help you. Instructions for submissions are below.
To Begin
* To submit a proposal, go to Get Involved
* When prompted, login with your MyIUG Login.
* If you don't have a MyIUG Login, sign up for one here:
Submitting a Program Idea
* Choose "Submit a Program Idea"
* You can select a IUG member by typing the name in the Member box. After you select the name, the name and address should be filled in under the Coordinators and Presenters section. Double check to make sure all the information is filled in correctly.
* You can use the Add Another Presenter button to add presenters. Once you start typing the name, the form will start searching in the database. You just have to select the name and it will fill in the information we have on file for that person.
* Fill out information about your program in the Program Information section. If you don't see the fields, click on Program Information and follow the prompts.
* Enter the program title and description in the Title and Description section. If you don't see the fields, click on Titles and Descriptions to follow the prompts.
* Program materials can be uploaded at a later date in the Program Materials section.
* When you are finished, click on the Add Submission button.
* You will receive an email confirmation to confirm your submission.
Are you a little nervous to present alone? Propose a panel discussion so you and others you've worked with can each share your experiences. You can even ask for an Innovative staff to co-present with you. The Program Committee can also work with you to help identify potential co-presenters.
You might also want to consider a Lightning Round session. A 5-minute session is a great way to get your feet wet presenting something if you don't think you have enough material for an hour.
We are also accepting poster and forum submissions at this time. Forum and poster session coordinators also receive the $50 discount on registration.
There are a large number of regional user group meetings taking place this fall that offer an excellent variety of programs. If you are presenting at one of these regional conferences, please consider repeating your program at the annual meeting, so many more colleagues can learn from your experiences.
Remember the deadline for submitting program proposals is November 6, 2013
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. We are looking forward to seeing all of your fantastic proposals!
Kristen Costello and your IUG 2014 Program Committee
Kristen Costello, IUG Vice-Chair and Program Committee Chair
Rice Majors, IUG Chair (
Nicole Belbin (
Astrid Emel (
Rice Majors (
Stephanie Rodriguez (
Mark Strang (
Terry Toy (
Kristen Costello
Systems Librarian
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
CFP: Journal of Access Services - Special Issue on the Role of Assessment and Evaluation in ~ Improving Access Services
CFP: Journal of Access Services - Special Issue on the Role of Assessment and Evaluation in ~ Improving Access Services
The Journal of Access Services is currently seeking manuscripts for an upcoming special issue. The purpose of this special issue is to explore and describe assessment and evaluation activities employed by Access Services departments to measure productivity; improve services, spaces, staff training, or technologies; develop benchmarks for meeting mission statements or goals; or apply findings towards planning initiatives. Case studies at multiple libraries at different types of institutions will comprise the bulk of the issue’s content and will represent diverse functions of Access Services.
Case studies may focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
Manuscripts are due by December 1, 2013 and should be sent electronically to the journal's editor at:
For more information, please visit:
The Journal of Access Services is currently seeking manuscripts for an upcoming special issue. The purpose of this special issue is to explore and describe assessment and evaluation activities employed by Access Services departments to measure productivity; improve services, spaces, staff training, or technologies; develop benchmarks for meeting mission statements or goals; or apply findings towards planning initiatives. Case studies at multiple libraries at different types of institutions will comprise the bulk of the issue’s content and will represent diverse functions of Access Services.
Case studies may focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Customer Service Assessments (circulation, ILL, reserves, media services, etc.)
- Evaluating Data to modify policies or procedures (assessments of loan periods, renewals, proportions of items not returned, opening and closing times, etc.)
- Shelving and stacks maintenance (re-shelving turnaround time, shelving accuracy, etc.)
- Ethnographic studies of students’ use of library spaces
- Collection maintenance studies (sampling for missing books, incorrect catalog information, etc.)
- Evaluation of technologies, such as self-check kiosks, and technology lending programs, such as iPad and mobile device lending
- Assessment of interlibrary loan services, such as studies on fill rates, costs, turn-around times, legibility of documents, usability of patron interfaces, etc.
Manuscripts are due by December 1, 2013 and should be sent electronically to the journal's editor at:
For more information, please visit:
Online Northwest Call for Proposals Now Open!
Online Northwest Call for Proposals Now Open!
Online Northwest seeks proposals for 45-minute presentations, panel sessions, or hands-on workshops, as well as 5-minute lightning talks (panels and workshops are new presentation formats for Online Northwest – see details below).
Proposals on all topics relating to technology and libraries are considered, such as:
Information discovery
Mobile computing
Shared ILS and consortial resources
Linked data and the Semantic Web
Cloud computing
Virtual research environments
User Experience Design
Technology competencies
MOOCs and open education
Digital publishing and institutional repositories
Other topics related to technology in libraries are welcome!
The 2014 conference will be held Friday, February 7, 2014 at CH2M Hill Alumni Center, Corvallis, Oregon (on the Oregon State University campus). 2014 Call for Proposals ends October 14th , 2013.
For more information and to submit a proposal, please visit the NEW Online Northwest website at
Proposal Options
Presentations: 45 minute time slot for solo or co-presenters. Please remember to allow time for questions from the audience.
Workshops: A new session type for Online Northwest. This is a chance to discuss and accomplish a hands-on task, most likely with your audience participating using a laptop, tablet, or Smartphone. Consider the limitations: 45 minutes, a presentation computer, and wifi (with potentially limited bandwidth) for the audience. Please note what preparations or devices the audience should have with them in the notes field of the proposal form
Panel session: Invite professional colleagues to discuss a topic as a panel. To keep the conversation engaging and informative, consider inviting panelists with different perspectives on the topic. As the moderator, allow time for audience questions.
Lightning talks: An audience favorite! 5 minutes to blaze through a topic. Presentation slides are usually timed, but we are flexible as long as your talk ends within 5 minutes and is informative and engaging.
Online Northwest seeks proposals for 45-minute presentations, panel sessions, or hands-on workshops, as well as 5-minute lightning talks (panels and workshops are new presentation formats for Online Northwest – see details below).
Proposals on all topics relating to technology and libraries are considered, such as:
Information discovery
Mobile computing
Shared ILS and consortial resources
Linked data and the Semantic Web
Cloud computing
Virtual research environments
User Experience Design
Technology competencies
MOOCs and open education
Digital publishing and institutional repositories
Other topics related to technology in libraries are welcome!
The 2014 conference will be held Friday, February 7, 2014 at CH2M Hill Alumni Center, Corvallis, Oregon (on the Oregon State University campus). 2014 Call for Proposals ends October 14th , 2013.
For more information and to submit a proposal, please visit the NEW Online Northwest website at
Proposal Options
Presentations: 45 minute time slot for solo or co-presenters. Please remember to allow time for questions from the audience.
Workshops: A new session type for Online Northwest. This is a chance to discuss and accomplish a hands-on task, most likely with your audience participating using a laptop, tablet, or Smartphone. Consider the limitations: 45 minutes, a presentation computer, and wifi (with potentially limited bandwidth) for the audience. Please note what preparations or devices the audience should have with them in the notes field of the proposal form
Panel session: Invite professional colleagues to discuss a topic as a panel. To keep the conversation engaging and informative, consider inviting panelists with different perspectives on the topic. As the moderator, allow time for audience questions.
Lightning talks: An audience favorite! 5 minutes to blaze through a topic. Presentation slides are usually timed, but we are flexible as long as your talk ends within 5 minutes and is informative and engaging.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
CFP: Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians 2014 Conference
CFP: Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians 2014 Conference
Theme: Local Talent, Global Impact
Place: Ohio University Inn, Athens, Ohio
Dates: May 28-30, 2014
Library technical services staff will impact the 21st century. Staff are called upon to be resourceful, innovative, and transformative. Positive efforts at the local level make a definitive difference.
The OVGTSL 2014 Conference will showcase the local talent at academic, public, special libraries, and archives and provide a forum for thought-provoking discussion.
What impacts have you been making in library technical services? The Conference Program Committee invites presentation submissions in all areas related to library technical services including acquisitions, cataloging, electronic resources, digital initiatives, archives, and preservation.
Proposals on recent research, emerging trends, or those that showcase new tools, services and projects are encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Emerging roles for technical services departments and staff
* Staff management, training, and transformation
* Metadata creation, reuse and interoperability
* Digital libraries, projects and repositories
* Cataloging projects, practices and innovations
* Acquisitions projects, practices and innovations
* Archival and special collections metadata and preservation
* Collection management and collection sharing
* Discovery and access
* Linked data publishing and applications
Standard sessions will be 50 minutes in length, including time for questions. Proposals for presentations, workshops and panel sessions will be considered in addition to specific proposals to lead sessions in non-traditional formats such as lightning rounds and unconferences.
Please use the online form at to submit proposals by November 4, 2013. Presenters will be notified of proposal acceptance by the end of January 2014. Inquiries may be sent to
We hope to see you in May 2014 as a presenter at OVGTSL!
--The OVGTSL 2014 Conference Planning Committee
The Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians (OVGTSL) was founded in 1924 and draws its members primarily from the states of Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. The annual conference rotates among these three states on a regular basis. Membership, conference attendance and presentation opportunities are open to anyone interested in library technical services.
Theme: Local Talent, Global Impact
Place: Ohio University Inn, Athens, Ohio
Dates: May 28-30, 2014
Library technical services staff will impact the 21st century. Staff are called upon to be resourceful, innovative, and transformative. Positive efforts at the local level make a definitive difference.
The OVGTSL 2014 Conference will showcase the local talent at academic, public, special libraries, and archives and provide a forum for thought-provoking discussion.
What impacts have you been making in library technical services? The Conference Program Committee invites presentation submissions in all areas related to library technical services including acquisitions, cataloging, electronic resources, digital initiatives, archives, and preservation.
Proposals on recent research, emerging trends, or those that showcase new tools, services and projects are encouraged. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Emerging roles for technical services departments and staff
* Staff management, training, and transformation
* Metadata creation, reuse and interoperability
* Digital libraries, projects and repositories
* Cataloging projects, practices and innovations
* Acquisitions projects, practices and innovations
* Archival and special collections metadata and preservation
* Collection management and collection sharing
* Discovery and access
* Linked data publishing and applications
Standard sessions will be 50 minutes in length, including time for questions. Proposals for presentations, workshops and panel sessions will be considered in addition to specific proposals to lead sessions in non-traditional formats such as lightning rounds and unconferences.
Please use the online form at to submit proposals by November 4, 2013. Presenters will be notified of proposal acceptance by the end of January 2014. Inquiries may be sent to
We hope to see you in May 2014 as a presenter at OVGTSL!
--The OVGTSL 2014 Conference Planning Committee
The Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians (OVGTSL) was founded in 1924 and draws its members primarily from the states of Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. The annual conference rotates among these three states on a regular basis. Membership, conference attendance and presentation opportunities are open to anyone interested in library technical services.
IGI Global Accepting Book Proposals for the 2015 Copyright Year
IGI Global Accepting Book Proposals for the 2015 Copyright Year
IGI Global is pleased to announce a second opportunity to submit an authored or edited book proposal for consideration in the 2015 copyright year. Proposals for books in all areas of academic research will be considered for publication. These areas include, but are not limited to: Business, Education, Healthcare, Public Policy and Administration, Engineering, Earth Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Library and Information Science, as well as the Social Sciences and Humanities.
Please visit for more detailed information on publishing with IGI Global. We encourage you to submit a proposal on your preferred area of research by no later than October 15, 2013.
Please utilize this form, which may be submitted online or e-mailed as an attachment
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience at or (717) 533-8845 ext. 141.
This is a wonderful opportunity to further advance your research in the field. If you have already submitted a proposal for consideration, we thank you for choosing IGI Global as the publisher of your research and ask that you kindly disregard this message.
Kind Regards,
Kayla Wolfe
Acquisitions Editor
Editorial Content Department
IGI Global
701 E. Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033-1240, USA
Tel: 717-533-8845 x. 141; Fax: 717-533-8661
Acquisitions Editor
Editorial Content Department
IGI Global
701 E. Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033-1240, USA
Tel: 717-533-8845 x. 141; Fax: 717-533-8661
College & Undergraduate Libraries, a Taylor & Francis peer-reviewed publication, invites proposals for articles to be published in a special issue addressing how smaller academic libraries are involved in the scholarly communication process.
The issue will be co-edited by Kevin Gunn ( at The Catholic University of America and John Spencer ( at Gonzaga University.
In their articles, authors should focus on writing about the concerns, challenges, and successes of the role of the college library in the scholarly communication process:
• Digital repositories
• Digital literacy
• New roles for librarians
• Faculty forums
• E-portfolios
• Altmetrics
• Open access, open data, open courses (MOOCs)
• Digital humanities
• Big data
Authors are invited to submit articles/proposals for articles that deal with:
1. Theoretical, philosophical, or ideological discussions
2. Case studies of library projects and initiatives
3. Research studies on assessment results and libraries’ uses of those results
4. Opinion or position papers on the impact of scholarly communication on libraries and their users (e.g. responding to the ACRL white paper, Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy: Creating Strategic Collaborations for a Changing Academic Environment)
We welcome proposals from librarians and faculty or other partners both individually and as teams. The proposal should consist of an abstract of 500 words and up to six keywords describing the article together with all author contact information. Articles should run at least 20 double-spaced pages in length. Please consult the following link that contains instructions for authors:
Kevin Gunn, The Catholic University of America and John Spencer, Gonzaga University
September 2013
seeking proposals for the 2013 ALFMO Conference (Annual Conference of The Association of Library Financial Management Officers)
seeking proposals for the 2013 ALFMO Conference (Annual Conference of The Association of Library Financial Management Officers)
Workshop proposals are now being accepted for the 2013 Annual Conference of The Association of Library Financial Management Officers (ALFMO). The Association is devoted to honoring the work performed by library financial managers from all types of libraries and is dedicated to providing an exclusive platform for these professionals to meet on an annual basis to share ideas and new innovations. Membership is free.
The 2013 Conference is scheduled to take place in Philadelphia on Sunday November 10th and Monday November 11th, 2013
The Conference will focus on current issues in managing the budgets and financial affairs of libraries and is open to professionals from throughout North America.
We invite proposals from members of your library financial management team who are interested in presenting a 75 minute session on any topic related to library financial management and stewardship including the following areas:
· budget development
· budget management
· internal accounting controls
· auditing and working with auditors
· controlling costs
· developing new revenue
· managing expenses
· stewardship
· negotiation of vendor contracts
· investment management
· cost accounting strategies
· risk management
· financial record management
· forecasting
· asset management
The deadline to submit a proposal for consideration is Thursday October 10th at 3:00 pm ET. The proposal should include the name of the presenter(s), the title of the workshop, a brief description of the workshop, and a short bio of the presenter(s). All workshop presenters attend the conference at a special registration fee of $65.00.
Workshop presenters are responsible for their own transportation and lodging. However, ALFMO can provide courtesy ground transportation from the airport and Amtrak station in Philadelphia.
A complete brochure on the entire conference with registration information will be forthcoming in late October. All proposals and any questions should be sent to
Sunday, September 22, 2013
CFP: 2014 Annual Joint Conference of the Popular Culture and American Culture Associations: Biographies Area
CFP: 2014 Annual Joint Conference of the Popular Culture and American Culture Associations: Biographies Area
2014 Conference – April 16-19, Chicago, IL
The Biographies Area of the PCA/ACA invites paper submissions on any topic involving biographies for the2014 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, to be held April 16-19 at the Marriott Chicago Downtown Miracle Mile.
The Biography and Popular Culture Area will examine the connections betweenbiography and popular culture. Papers and full panel presentations regarding any aspect of popular culture and biography are encouraged.
Potential topic might include:
- Biography and entertainment, art, music, theater
- Biography and film
- Biography and criminal justice
- Television programs about biography
- Biography and urban legends
- Biography and folklore
- Biography and literature
- Scholarly Biography
- Controversial Biography
- Psychoanalysis and Biography
- Historical Biography
- Political Biography
- Autobiography
The Biography and Popular Cult
Potential topic might include:
- Biography and entertainment, art, music, theater
- Biography and film
- Biography and criminal justice
- Television programs about biography
- Biography and urban legends
- Biography and folklore
- Biography and literature
- Scholarly Biography
- Controversial Biography
- Psychoanalysis and Biography
- Historical Biography
- Political Biography
- Autobiography
All proposals should be submitted online via the PCA/ACA website. Please
point your web browser to:
and follow the instructions there to submit your 100-250-word abstract.
For more information on the PCA/ACA Conference, please visit the official
point your web browser to:
and follow the instructions there to submit your 100-250-word abstract.
For more information on the PCA/ACA Conference, please visit the official
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by November 30, 2013.
Thank you in advance for your interest in this opportunity. If you have
questions or need more information, please feel free to contact:
Susie Skarl, PCA/ACA Biographies Area Chair
Associate Professor/Urban Affairs Librarian
UNLV Libraries702-895-2141
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by November 30, 2013.
Thank you in advance for your interest in this opportunity. If you have
questions or need more information, please feel free to contact:
Susie Skarl, PCA/ACA Biographies Area Chair
Associate Professor/Urban Affairs Librarian
UNLV Libraries702-895-2141
Friday, September 20, 2013
CFP: Call for Papers for the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians' (CAPAL) inaugural conference(May 2014)
CFP: Call for Papers for the Canadian
Association of Professional Academic Librarians' (CAPAL) inaugural
conference(May 2014)
We are pleased to announce the CFP: Call for Papers for the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians' (CAPAL) inaugural conference to be held at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Brock University from May 25-26, 2014. CAPAL will joining over 70 scholarly associations to share ideas, knowledge, research and experience under the umbrella theme of "Borders Without Boundaries." The specific theme for CAPAL's conference, "Shifting Landscapes: Exploring the Boundaries of Academic Librarianship," speaks to a desire to bring together challenging perspectives relating to academic librarians while acknowledging the core values of academic librarianship.
We welcome proposals from all sectors of academic librarianship and look forward to seeing you at Congress in 2014.
Mary Kandiuk,
On behalf of the Programme Planning Committee
The conference theme “Shifting Landscapes: Exploring the Boundaries of Academic Librarianship” speaks to a desire to bring together challenging perspectives relating to academic librarians while acknowledging the core values of academic librarianship. The Programme Committee invites papers in English or French on any aspect of academic librarianship which address the Conference theme. Potential topics for exploration around which participants might share ideas, knowledge, experience and research include (but need not be limited to) the following:
The Programme Committee invites proposals for individual papers as well as proposals for panel submissions of three papers. Papers should be approximately 20 minutes in length. We also welcome proposals for other session formats. For individual papers, please submit a 250-word abstract, a brief biographical statement, and your contact information. For complete panels, please submit a 250-word panel abstract as well as a list of all participants including brief biographical statements, and a separate 250-word abstract for each presenter. Please identify and provide participants’ contact information for the panel organizer. Please feel free to contact the Programme Committee to discuss a topic for a paper, panel or other session format. Proposals and questions should be directed to Mary Kandiuk, Programme Chair, at:
Deadline for proposals: November 22, 2013
We are pleased to announce the CFP: Call for Papers for the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians' (CAPAL) inaugural conference to be held at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Brock University from May 25-26, 2014. CAPAL will joining over 70 scholarly associations to share ideas, knowledge, research and experience under the umbrella theme of "Borders Without Boundaries." The specific theme for CAPAL's conference, "Shifting Landscapes: Exploring the Boundaries of Academic Librarianship," speaks to a desire to bring together challenging perspectives relating to academic librarians while acknowledging the core values of academic librarianship.
We welcome proposals from all sectors of academic librarianship and look forward to seeing you at Congress in 2014.
Mary Kandiuk,
On behalf of the Programme Planning Committee
CFP: Call for Papers
Annual Meeting – May 25-26, 2014
Without Boundaries, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
2014, Brock University
Shifting Landscapes:
Exploring the Boundaries of Academic Librarianship
The boundaries of
academic librarianship are shifting. At its inaugural conference
the Programme Committee of the Canadian Association of
Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL)/ L’Association
canadienne des bibliothécaires académiques professionnels (ACBAP) is seeking to engage the community
around key issues. We aim to create a program that will
challenge current thinking about professional issues, promote the
exchange of ideas and enhance communication among our members, and
forge new relationships with other organizations that share our
goals and values. We also aim to provide a venue to present
research and scholarship.
The conference theme “Shifting Landscapes: Exploring the Boundaries of Academic Librarianship” speaks to a desire to bring together challenging perspectives relating to academic librarians while acknowledging the core values of academic librarianship. The Programme Committee invites papers in English or French on any aspect of academic librarianship which address the Conference theme. Potential topics for exploration around which participants might share ideas, knowledge, experience and research include (but need not be limited to) the following:
- Academic Freedom in a Litigious Age
- Emerging Areas of Research and Scholarship
- Advocacy and Mobilization
- Promoting Diversity, Equity and Social Justice
- Evolving Roles and Professional Identity
The Programme Committee invites proposals for individual papers as well as proposals for panel submissions of three papers. Papers should be approximately 20 minutes in length. We also welcome proposals for other session formats. For individual papers, please submit a 250-word abstract, a brief biographical statement, and your contact information. For complete panels, please submit a 250-word panel abstract as well as a list of all participants including brief biographical statements, and a separate 250-word abstract for each presenter. Please identify and provide participants’ contact information for the panel organizer. Please feel free to contact the Programme Committee to discuss a topic for a paper, panel or other session format. Proposals and questions should be directed to Mary Kandiuk, Programme Chair, at:
Deadline for proposals: November 22, 2013
Appel à communications
annuelle de CAPAL/ACBAP - 25-26 mai, 2014
sans Limites, Congres des science humaines 2014, Université Brock
environnements en constante transformation: exploration des
limites de la bibliothéconomie académique
Les limites de la bibliothéconomie sont en
constante transformation. Pour sa première conférence, le Comite de programme
de l’Association canadienne des bibliothécaires académiques
professionnels (CAPAL/ACBAP) cherche à mobiliser la communauté
autour des questions clés. Nous visons à créer un programme qui
remettra en question des idées actuelles sur les sujets
professionnelles, promouvra l’échange des idées et améliora la
communication entre nos membres tout en forgeant de nouvelles
relations avec d’autres organisations qui partagent nos
objectifs et nos valeurs. Nous souhaitons également à offrir un
endroit pour de présenter les travaux de recherche et
Thème et sujets
Le thème de la conférence « Des environnements en
constante transformation: exploration des limites de la
bibliothéconomie académique» s’adresse à la volonté de
rassembler les perspectives différentes liées aux
bibliothécaires académiques tout en reconnaissant les valeurs
fondamentales de la bibliothéconomie académique. Le
Comité du programme recherche des communications en anglais ou en
français sur tout aspect de bibliothéconomie académique qui aborde
le thème de la conférence. Les sujets possibles pour l'exploration des idées
et des connaissances, pour le partage de l'expérience et pour
les sujets de recherche incluent les sujets suivants (liste
- La liberté académique dans une époque litigieuse
- Nouveaux domaines de recherche et d’érudition
- Plaidoyer et mobilisation
- Promotion de la diversité, l'équité et la justice sociale
- Evolution des rôles etde l’identité professionnelle
Le Comité du programme invite les communications
individuelles ainsi que des contributions pour un atelier de
discussion. Le Comité du programme souhaite que les
communications individuelles/soumissions pour l’atelier de
discussion soient animés par un maximum de 3 conférenciers et
d’une durée d'environ 20 minutes. Nous sommes également à
l’écoute de propositions pour mettre en place des sessions au
format différent. Pour les communications individuelles,
veuillez soumettre un résumé de 250 mots, une courte notice
biographique ainsi que vos coordonnées. Pour les ateliers de
discussion, veuillez soumettre un résumé de 250 mots ainsi
qu'une liste de tous les participants, y compris de courtes
notices biographiques et un résumé de 250 mots pour chaque
présentateur. Veuillez identifier et fournir les coordonnées des
participants pour l'organisateur de l’atelier de discussion.
N'hésitez pas à contacter le Comité du programme pour discuter
d'un sujet pour une session individuelle, propositions pour un
atelier de discussion ou autre format de session. Propositions
et questions doivent être adressées à Mary Kandiuk, Chaire du
Programme à
Date limite de
soumission: le 22 novembre 2013.
CFP: Library Instruction West 2014: Open, Sustainable Instruction
CFP: Library Instruction West 2014: Open, Sustainable Instruction
The Library Instruction West 2014 Program Committee invites you to submit a proposal for a presentation at our conference, to be held on the campus of Portland State University (PSU) in Portland, Oregon from July 23-25, 2014.
Library Instruction West is the new name for the popular LOEX of the West conference. The new name reflects the mission of the conference and reflects our regional spirit; it also distinguishes this conference from the national LOEX organization and conference (with which we were never affiliated).
The Library Instruction West 2014 theme is “Open, Sustainable Instruction.” We are excited to highlight Portland’s reputation for green living and PSU’s emphasis on sustainability as a core value and research focus. At the same time, we have much to learn from each other about creating effective, long-lasting library instruction programs that are truly sustainable. Ideas for possible sessions include:
- Scalability: How can a program grow when resources don’t?
- Lo-fi: Sharing ideas about engaging students without fancy gadgets
- Care & feeding of your inner teacher: Pedagogical approaches that keep us excited
- Collaboration: Partnerships that grow beyond individual relationships and individual campuses
- Online presence: Balancing potential with planning
- Renewable resource: Diversity in the library ecosystem
- Sustaining and renewing programs in changing academic environments
Please visit the conference website for more information:
Session Formats
Our session formats are simple and, we hope, allow for creativity. There are two options for session length, 15 minutes and 45 minutes. The 15 minute sessions will be like a longer lightning talk, with roughly 10 minutes of presenting and 5 minutes for questions. Bring your energy! The format is flexible for the 45 minute sessions, and you are welcome to experiment with format or go with something more traditional like a panel, workshop, or presentation. All proposals will be blind reviewed.
Proposal Submissions
The deadline for submitting your session proposal is 5:00 pm PST, Friday, November 15, 2013.
For your proposal, please submit two session descriptions:
1. A short abstract of 150 words or less. If your proposal is accepted, we will use this abstract for the conference program. The review committee will not see these abstracts, so they can include identifying information.
2. A longer session description of 500 words or less. The Program Committee will review this description for selection purposes. This description must not include any identifying information about the institution or presenters to ensure a blind review.
Session proposals will be scored on these criteria:
- Clarity of goals or objectives for session
- Originality, creativity, or innovation in content and/or presentation
- Timeliness/relevance of content
- Connection to conference theme, “Open, Sustainable Instruction”
November 15, 2013: Deadline for proposal submission
January 20, 2014: Acceptance notifications sent via email
February 21, 2014: Session confirmations due
July 23 - 25, 2014: Library Instruction West in Portland, Oregon
We are pleased to continue a successful relationship with Reference Services Review. Presenters are encouraged to submit a paper based on their presentation for inclusion in a special issue of RSR. Selected papers will be published, subject to double blind peer review, in 2015. Information about the journal is available on their website:
Contact information for questions:
Questions about submitting a proposal?
Sara Thompson, Chair, Program Committee
Oregon State University - Cascades
General questions about the conference?
Joan Petit, Conference Chair
Portland State University
Twitter hashtag: #liwest14
CFP: LOEX 2014 Creative Visualization: The Art of Information Literacy (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
CFP: LOEX 2014 Creative Visualization: The Art of Information Literacy (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
42nd Annual LOEX Conference
May 8 - 10, 2014
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Proposals due: Friday, November 22, 2013
We invite you to submit breakout session proposals to be considered for presentation at the LOEX 2014 Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Proposals should showcase effective and innovative library instruction & information literacy practices, provide useful information that participants can utilize at their libraries, support collaboration, and be as applicable as possible to a wide range of academic institution types.
Successful proposals should reflect elements of one of seven tracks:
* Priming the Canvas -- Leadership and Professional Development
* In the Studio -- Teaching and Learning Spaces
* Impressions/Expressions -- Evaluation and Assessment
* Brushes, Paints & Palettes -- Technologies and Innovation
* Inside the Frame -- Visual Literacy
* Mixed Media Magic -- Collaborative Relationships
* Theory & Technique -- Instructional Design and Performance
Breakout Session Formats
Two types of proposals will be accepted:
* Presentation: A 50-minute session that includes time for a 40-45 minute presentation and 5-10 minutes of question and answer. Most feature a successful program, practice or key issue related to instruction or information literacy. Presentations are intended for an audience typically of 30-70 people. Presenters should include in the proposal description the topic and an outline of the presentation.
* Interactive Workshop: A 50-minute session where the presenter facilitates a learning experience in which attendees develop or explore teaching and/or research techniques. Presenters are expected to facilitate a well-planned and interactive session. Workshops are intended for an audience typically of 30-50 people. Proposals should include a description of the topic and details on how the presenter will make this session a “hands-on” experience for attendees.
In addition to breakout sessions:
1. Students currently enrolled in a Master's program in library and information sciences, along with librarians in resident or intern programs, will be invited to propose poster sessions. Details about poster sessions will be issued in a separate call for proposals.
2. Lightning Talks—short (seven minutes or less) presentations given during a single Saturday session by different presenters. There will only be a handful (~ five) lightning talk presentations, as they are intended to be an energizing, but small, part of the conference. Proposals will be due in late January. More details about Lightning Talks will be issued in a November call for proposals.
Submission Information
Proposals can be submitted only through the online submission form and must be received by Friday, November 22, 2013. The primary contact for the proposal will receive a message indicating receipt of the proposal when it is submitted and will be notified if the proposal has been accepted for presentation by Friday, January 10, 2014.
If your proposal is accepted, then up to three presenters will be automatically registered for the conference and required to pay registration in full by Monday, March 31, 2014.
More information, including the proposal submission form, can be found at:
If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, contact Christina Radisauskas at
Learn more about the LOEX 2014 Conference at
Learn more about LOEX at
42nd Annual LOEX Conference
May 8 - 10, 2014
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Proposals due: Friday, November 22, 2013
We invite you to submit breakout session proposals to be considered for presentation at the LOEX 2014 Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Proposals should showcase effective and innovative library instruction & information literacy practices, provide useful information that participants can utilize at their libraries, support collaboration, and be as applicable as possible to a wide range of academic institution types.
Successful proposals should reflect elements of one of seven tracks:
* Priming the Canvas -- Leadership and Professional Development
* In the Studio -- Teaching and Learning Spaces
* Impressions/Expressions -- Evaluation and Assessment
* Brushes, Paints & Palettes -- Technologies and Innovation
* Inside the Frame -- Visual Literacy
* Mixed Media Magic -- Collaborative Relationships
* Theory & Technique -- Instructional Design and Performance
Breakout Session Formats
Two types of proposals will be accepted:
* Presentation: A 50-minute session that includes time for a 40-45 minute presentation and 5-10 minutes of question and answer. Most feature a successful program, practice or key issue related to instruction or information literacy. Presentations are intended for an audience typically of 30-70 people. Presenters should include in the proposal description the topic and an outline of the presentation.
* Interactive Workshop: A 50-minute session where the presenter facilitates a learning experience in which attendees develop or explore teaching and/or research techniques. Presenters are expected to facilitate a well-planned and interactive session. Workshops are intended for an audience typically of 30-50 people. Proposals should include a description of the topic and details on how the presenter will make this session a “hands-on” experience for attendees.
In addition to breakout sessions:
1. Students currently enrolled in a Master's program in library and information sciences, along with librarians in resident or intern programs, will be invited to propose poster sessions. Details about poster sessions will be issued in a separate call for proposals.
2. Lightning Talks—short (seven minutes or less) presentations given during a single Saturday session by different presenters. There will only be a handful (~ five) lightning talk presentations, as they are intended to be an energizing, but small, part of the conference. Proposals will be due in late January. More details about Lightning Talks will be issued in a November call for proposals.
Submission Information
Proposals can be submitted only through the online submission form and must be received by Friday, November 22, 2013. The primary contact for the proposal will receive a message indicating receipt of the proposal when it is submitted and will be notified if the proposal has been accepted for presentation by Friday, January 10, 2014.
If your proposal is accepted, then up to three presenters will be automatically registered for the conference and required to pay registration in full by Monday, March 31, 2014.
More information, including the proposal submission form, can be found at:
If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, contact Christina Radisauskas at sessions2014@loexconference.
Learn more about the LOEX 2014 Conference at
Learn more about LOEX at
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
CFP: Reference Reviews
CFP: Reference Reviews
Reference Reviews (an Emerald journal) is seeking articles for publication in 2013-2014. These articles should focus on reference sources (as opposed to reference processes). Topic examples include, but are not limited to:
1. An overview or annotated bibliography of a particular type of reference source (eg, bibliographies) or resources within a particular subject field
2. A comparative review of two or more sources in a particular subject area
3. A viewpoint article about a range of resources or type of resource
4. Any other type of article which has as its focus a discussion of reference sources
2. A comparative review of two or more sources in a particular subject area
3. A viewpoint article about a range of resources or type of resource
4. Any other type of article which has as its focus a discussion of reference sources
Articles which are international in scope are particularly desirable. The word count is 1500 minimum, 2500 average, but can be significantly longer if necessary for topic coverage.
If you're interested in writing one of these articles, have questions about a possible topic, or would like further information, please contact me at
More information about the journal can be found here:
Internet Editor, Reference Reviews
Internet Editor, Reference Reviews
Electronic Resources/Documents Librarian at Jacksonville State University
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