Call for Program Proposals - Nevada Library Association Conference - Deadline extended
If you haven’t submitted your proposal yet, there’s still time! The Nevada Library Association continues to look for fantastic programs to be presented at NLA 2013: Lighting the Way, to be held in Reno, Nevada, October 17 & 18, 2013. The Nevada Library Association provides support to the hundreds of public, school, academic, and special libraries throughout the state, as well as library workers across Nevada. ALA past President Maureen Sullivan and Douglas County Library Director Jamie LaRue will be keynoting this year’s conference.
Reno, the world’s “Biggest Little City,” sits at the base of the Sierra Nevada range in beautiful Northern Nevada. Alongside the natural wonders of the Truckee River, Reno offers a vibrant arts community, fun casinos, and a fascinating history. Nearby attractions include Lake Tahoe, Virginia City, Pyramid Lake, and unspoiled National Forest land.
Proposals will be accepted through Saturday, September 14. You will find additional information and the proposal submission form on the NLA website at
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Thursday, August 29, 2013
2013 ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium: Call for Participants
2013 ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium: Call for Participants
Theme: Information Behavior on the Move: Information Needs, Seeking, and Use in the Era of Mobile Technologies
Date: November 2, 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 1:30 to 6:30 pm
Location: Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Caroline Haythornthwaite, Director and Professor of the School of Library, Archival & Information Studies, University of British Columbia
We live in a time when mobile technologies are becoming more ubiquitous within people’s everyday lives, facilitating new forms of information seeking, sharing, creation, and re-use of information and data. Personal computer ownership has been far surpassed by mobile phone ownership and nearly equaled by smartphone ownership. In many developing countries, mobile computing has leapfrogged over personal computing in order to provide online access where none existed. Such prevalent use of cellphone and mobile technologies to access information has a significant impact on the study of information needs, seeking and use. These dramatic changes in technology preferences and use can be seen as altering the very ecology for the study of information behavior, and indeed, blur the contexts of systems and users. It can be argued that even those interactions that do not involve mobile technologies are influenced by the increasing mobility of information use.
The 13th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) will explore the ways in which information “on the move” is transforming or changing the nature of people’s information behaviors and the ways in which people’s information behaviors are, in turn, shaping technologies, services, work and leisure. We will also consider the impact of this transformation on the general assumptions and premises informing the research domain of information behavior. In this Symposium, we will explore the above themes through a keynote speech, short presentations, and small and large-group discussions.
For the short presentations, we invite researchers, graduate students, and practitioners to submit a ONE page proposal (no more than 500 words) in which they outline the topic and themes they would like to address during their Ignite talk. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to deliver his/her Ignite talk - 15 seconds to address each of the 20 slides they will have prepared for their talk, and will have an additional 3 minutes to take any questions that SIG-USE attendees may have. For an example of an Ignite talk, see:
Proposed themes for submissions include:
* Theoretical perspectives/frameworks that constitute the social, cultural and technological underpinnings of information behavior “on the move”;
* The extent to which new information and communication technologies (e.g., social media, mobile technologies) are revolutionary vs. evolutionary within various information behavior contexts;
* How environments in which information is literally “on the move” are providing a technological platform that facilitates the kinds of informal, social information sharing practices desired by users;
* How a better understanding of people’s changing information behaviors might be used to inform the future development of information and communication technologies, services, practices, management and education;
* What innovative strategies of inquiry and methods of data collection might be used to systematically investigate and fully capture and map “information behavior on the move”?;
* Any other themes that relate to the Symposium topic of “information behavior on the move”
Submission guidelines for Ignite talk proposals:
- Include your name, title, and institutional affiliation at the top of your proposal
- Proposal text must not exceed 1 page (max. 500 words)
- Submit proposal in pdf format
- Name your file according to the following convention: ‘2013_SIGUSESymposium_Lastname.pdf’
- E-mail your proposal to Beth St. Jean ( by midnight EST on September 13, 2013. Please use “SIGUSE Ignite Talk Proposal” as the subject line of your e-mail.
- When you e-mail your submission, please be sure to indicate in the text of your e-mail whether or not we may post your proposal to the public SIG-USE website both before and after the Symposium is conducted.
September 13, 2013: Ignite talk proposals are due
October 4, 2013: Notification of acceptance of Ignite talk proposals
October 25, 2013: E-mail your slides for your Ignite talk for uploading
REGISTRATION FEES (Early bird/Regular):
* SIG-USE Members: $110/$125
* ASIS&T (but not SIG-USE) Members: $120/$135
* Non-Members: $135/$150
The registration fee will cover workshop costs, wireless Internet access, and coffee breaks.
Please forward any questions that you have to Mega Subramaniam ( or Beth St. Jean (
Theme: Information Behavior on the Move: Information Needs, Seeking, and Use in the Era of Mobile Technologies
Date: November 2, 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 1:30 to 6:30 pm
Location: Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Caroline Haythornthwaite, Director and Professor of the School of Library, Archival & Information Studies, University of British Columbia
We live in a time when mobile technologies are becoming more ubiquitous within people’s everyday lives, facilitating new forms of information seeking, sharing, creation, and re-use of information and data. Personal computer ownership has been far surpassed by mobile phone ownership and nearly equaled by smartphone ownership. In many developing countries, mobile computing has leapfrogged over personal computing in order to provide online access where none existed. Such prevalent use of cellphone and mobile technologies to access information has a significant impact on the study of information needs, seeking and use. These dramatic changes in technology preferences and use can be seen as altering the very ecology for the study of information behavior, and indeed, blur the contexts of systems and users. It can be argued that even those interactions that do not involve mobile technologies are influenced by the increasing mobility of information use.
The 13th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) will explore the ways in which information “on the move” is transforming or changing the nature of people’s information behaviors and the ways in which people’s information behaviors are, in turn, shaping technologies, services, work and leisure. We will also consider the impact of this transformation on the general assumptions and premises informing the research domain of information behavior. In this Symposium, we will explore the above themes through a keynote speech, short presentations, and small and large-group discussions.
For the short presentations, we invite researchers, graduate students, and practitioners to submit a ONE page proposal (no more than 500 words) in which they outline the topic and themes they would like to address during their Ignite talk. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to deliver his/her Ignite talk - 15 seconds to address each of the 20 slides they will have prepared for their talk, and will have an additional 3 minutes to take any questions that SIG-USE attendees may have. For an example of an Ignite talk, see:
Proposed themes for submissions include:
* Theoretical perspectives/frameworks that constitute the social, cultural and technological underpinnings of information behavior “on the move”;
* The extent to which new information and communication technologies (e.g., social media, mobile technologies) are revolutionary vs. evolutionary within various information behavior contexts;
* How environments in which information is literally “on the move” are providing a technological platform that facilitates the kinds of informal, social information sharing practices desired by users;
* How a better understanding of people’s changing information behaviors might be used to inform the future development of information and communication technologies, services, practices, management and education;
* What innovative strategies of inquiry and methods of data collection might be used to systematically investigate and fully capture and map “information behavior on the move”?;
* Any other themes that relate to the Symposium topic of “information behavior on the move”
Submission guidelines for Ignite talk proposals:
- Include your name, title, and institutional affiliation at the top of your proposal
- Proposal text must not exceed 1 page (max. 500 words)
- Submit proposal in pdf format
- Name your file according to the following convention: ‘2013_SIGUSESymposium_Lastname.pdf’
- E-mail your proposal to Beth St. Jean ( by midnight EST on September 13, 2013. Please use “SIGUSE Ignite Talk Proposal” as the subject line of your e-mail.
- When you e-mail your submission, please be sure to indicate in the text of your e-mail whether or not we may post your proposal to the public SIG-USE website both before and after the Symposium is conducted.
September 13, 2013: Ignite talk proposals are due
October 4, 2013: Notification of acceptance of Ignite talk proposals
October 25, 2013: E-mail your slides for your Ignite talk for uploading
REGISTRATION FEES (Early bird/Regular):
* SIG-USE Members: $110/$125
* ASIS&T (but not SIG-USE) Members: $120/$135
* Non-Members: $135/$150
The registration fee will cover workshop costs, wireless Internet access, and coffee breaks.
Please forward any questions that you have to Mega Subramaniam ( or Beth St. Jean (
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
CFP: Online Conference on MOOCs, Mobile Technologies - Their Impact on Reference Service (Amigos)
CFP: Online Conference on MOOCs, Mobile Technologies - Their Impact on Reference Service (Amigos)
Amigos is looking for speakers for our November 7 online conference MOOCs, Mobile Technologies - Their Impact on Reference Service. Already scheduled to speak is Joe Murphy, international keynote speaker and author. Check out his website for more information.
Are you are a reference librarian working on new reference solutions for your library? If so, we want you to share those experiences with your peers.
Topics can cover any area of Reference, MOOCs, or Mobile Technology in the Library. Sample topics include:
- Reference mobile technology
- MOOCs and the role of librarians
- Digital solutions for Reference
- Embedded librarianship
- Best practices
- Lessons learned
- Future Reference technology planning
Online events eliminate travel time by allowing you to present from the comfort of your office. Also, don’t worry if you’ve never presented online; it’s easy and we can train you.
If you can speak on one of the topics above or have another idea in mind, submit your proposal by clicking here. Deadline for proposals isSeptember
Artemida Kabashi, M.A; M.S; A.B.D.
Amigos Library Services
14400 Midway Rd.
Dallas, TX. 75244
(972) 340-2857 (direct)
(972) 991-6061 (fax)
Interested in Issues Related to Reference? Submit a discussion forum proposal for Midwinter 2014. (Due 9/13)
Interested in Issues Related to Reference? Submit a discussion forum proposal for Midwinter 2014. (Due 9/13)
Lead a discussion, see your name in print and find your way to stardom! Submit a discussion forum proposal to the RUSA/RSS Discussion Forums Coordinating Committee. Details are below.
Description: The RUSA/RSS Discussion Forums Coordinating Committee is soliciting topic proposals for discussion at ALA’s 2013 Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, January 24-28, 2014. The purpose of the discussion forum is to provide a venue for reference practitioners to discuss reference related topics of current importance and to exchange ideas. You know you love to talk about reference. Here’s your chance to network with other reference fanatics!
What to Include in Your Proposal:
The following elements need to be addressed in your proposal:
- A clear, concise description of the discussion topic's issues
- Importance of the topic to reference librarians
- At least three topic-related sample discussion questions that may be used to facilitate group discussion
- Strategies and structure that will facilitate a lively discussion (In other words, describe your discussion forum format). Note that the session is meant to be a discussion, not a presentation. As such, no A/V equipment will be provided. The requested room setup is Hollow Square, but could be anything, so flexibility is important.
Scope of Discussion Topics: Proposed topics should have broad appeal. Try not to limit your proposal to a specific type of library. Topical categories can include, but are not limited to:
- Frontline reference issues
- Reference methods
- Reference and information technologies
- Assessment of reference
- Management of reference
- Research in reference
Your topic should be focused enough to be covered reasonably well within the allotted time (90 minutes).
Expectations for Discussion Forum Facilitators:
If your proposal is selected, you, or your designee, will serve as the discussion facilitator, leading the discussion and keeping things on track. As the discussion facilitator, you must:
- Be up-to-date and familiar with your discussion topic.
- Choose a discussion format that allows for maximum discussion. See our Tips for Discussion Forums(
152608 ) for examples of possible formats. - Create a handout that provides a brief summary of the issue along with a few key references. (optional)
- Maintain communication with the Discussion Forums Coordinating Committee throughout the planning, program, and follow-up processes.
Process: The Discussion Forums Coordinating Committee will select 2 proposals for the 2013 Annual Conference. Proposal topics will be evaluated on: impact, timeliness, relevancy, practicality (that the topic lends itself to a discussion), innovation, evidence of applicant's knowledge, and clear focus. Proposals must be submitted by September 13, 2013 for ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia, PA. Proposal writers will be notified within 2 weeks as to whether or not their proposal was accepted. Facilitators are responsible for their own conference registration and travel expenses.
Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals are welcome from any ALA member.
How to Submit: Please read Tips for Discussion Forums ( ) before submitting your proposal. Complete the proposal form located here:
Deadline for submission is September 13, 2013.
Contact Crystal Lentz ( with questions.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
CFP: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve
CFP: Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve
The peer-reviewed Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve provides a forum for the presentation of pure and applied research results, discussion of best practices and review of literature regarding all aspects of library resource sharing, document delivery and reserves services. In addition to traditional resource sharing topics of interlibrary loan and electronic reserves, the journal encourages submission of scholarly papers regarding:
• New models and emerging technologies for resource sharing
• Cooperative training ventures
• Shared storage facilities
• Cooperative collection development
• Document delivery
• Shared virtual library services and digitization projects
• Networks and cooperatives
• Copyright and permissions issues in Interlibrary loan and electronic reserves
• ILL of specialized library materials such as music and media
• Consortial training and continuing education
• Other multi-library collaborative efforts
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before October 12, 2013 for the Winter 2013 publication and December 12, 2013 for the Spring 2013 publication. Please visit the journal's webpage for more information and complete submission guidelines at:
Electronic submissions should be sent to the journal’s ScholarOne website at:
Any questions or concerns can be sent directly to the journal’s editor at:
The peer-reviewed Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve provides a forum for the presentation of pure and applied research results, discussion of best practices and review of literature regarding all aspects of library resource sharing, document delivery and reserves services. In addition to traditional resource sharing topics of interlibrary loan and electronic reserves, the journal encourages submission of scholarly papers regarding:
• New models and emerging technologies for resource sharing
• Cooperative training ventures
• Shared storage facilities
• Cooperative collection development
• Document delivery
• Shared virtual library services and digitization projects
• Networks and cooperatives
• Copyright and permissions issues in Interlibrary loan and electronic reserves
• ILL of specialized library materials such as music and media
• Consortial training and continuing education
• Other multi-library collaborative efforts
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before October 12, 2013 for the Winter 2013 publication and December 12, 2013 for the Spring 2013 publication. Please visit the journal's webpage for more information and complete submission guidelines at:
Electronic submissions should be sent to the journal’s ScholarOne website at:
Any questions or concerns can be sent directly to the journal’s editor at:
CFP: Workshop on Digital Surfaces in Libraries (DSL) - October 2013 St Andrews UK
CFP: Workshop on Digital Surfaces in Libraries (DSL) - October 2013 St Andrews UK
We invite you to join DSL a venue for collaboration and discussion on the successes and pitfalls encountered in working in with interactive surfaces in library spaces by bringing together researchers, designers, practitioners, and librarians. This full day workshop is held in conjunction with Interactive Tables and Surfaces (ITS) 2013 in St Andrews, UK on October 6, 2013.
Workshop Aims
Libraries have embraced the recent explosion of digital content and no longer are simply warehouses of physical books. Today's libraries are gathering places that are challenged with enabling collaboration, accessing and exposing physical and digital collections, and supporting the creation and integration of new forms of knowledge.
Libraries have embraced the recent explosion of digital content and no longer are simply warehouses of physical books. Today's libraries are gathering places that are challenged with enabling collaboration, accessing and exposing physical and digital collections, and supporting the creation and integration of new forms of knowledge.
Interactive surfaces in libraries support moving away from text-dominated search interfaces; the nature of direct interaction encourages the integration of graphics, spatial interaction with information, and the possibility adding input to the system. Additionally, surface technology enables the interactive presentation of information to individuals or groups.
The goal of DSL is to cross-fertilize insights from different disciplines, to establish a more general understanding of interactive displays in library contexts, and to develop an agenda for future research directions in this area. Rather than focusing on paper presentations, this workshop aims to trigger active and dynamic group discussions as well as future collaboration.
Submission Instructions
We accept 2 page work in progress or position papers that provides an overview of your current research or research interests in the area of interactive surfaces in library spaces.
We accept 2 page work in progress or position papers that provides an overview of your current research or research interests in the area of interactive surfaces in library spaces.
The papers should be prepared in the SIGCHI extended abstract format. You can download Word and LaTeX templates from the SIGCHI website: .
Papers must be submitted by e-mail to A receipt will be sent upon successful submission. They will be published on the workshop web site prior to the event.
Potential topics for discussion include but are not limited to the following questions:
Potential topics for discussion include but are not limited to the following questions:
* What is the potential of interactive surfaces in library spaces?
* What are potentially useful and attractive application areas, even beyond information exploration?
* How can we design large surface interfaces to help the exploration and analysis of library collections?
* How can interactive surface technology promote collaborative scenarios in library environments?
* What tools are available to support social experiences and collaboration?
* Stories of failure: What are the pitfalls of interactive surfaces in library spaces and what can we learn from them?
* What might be guidelines and best practices for deployment and uses of interactive surfaces?
* How can partnerships between researchers and libraries & archives be established to achieve successful collaborations for all parties?
* What is the future of interactive surfaces in library spaces and how can they be combined with other (novel) technologies and existing exploration practices?
* What are potentially useful and attractive application areas, even beyond information exploration?
* How can we design large surface interfaces to help the exploration and analysis of library collections?
* How can interactive surface technology promote collaborative scenarios in library environments?
* What tools are available to support social experiences and collaboration?
* Stories of failure: What are the pitfalls of interactive surfaces in library spaces and what can we learn from them?
* What might be guidelines and best practices for deployment and uses of interactive surfaces?
* How can partnerships between researchers and libraries & archives be established to achieve successful collaborations for all parties?
* What is the future of interactive surfaces in library spaces and how can they be combined with other (novel) technologies and existing exploration practices?
Important Dates
Submission deadline: August 26, 2013
Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2013
ITS early registration deadline: September 6, 2013
Workshop date: October 6, 2013
Submission deadline: August 26, 2013
Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2013
ITS early registration deadline: September 6, 2013
Workshop date: October 6, 2013
Workshop Organizers
John Brosz – University of Calgary, Canada
Uta Hinrichs – University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
Renee Reaume – University of Calgary, Canada
John Brosz – University of Calgary, Canada
Uta Hinrichs – University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
Renee Reaume – University of Calgary, Canada
For any questions regarding the workshop, contact
For any questions regarding the workshop, contact
CFP: International Journal of Digital Libraries: Special Issue on Digital Scholarship
CFP: International Journal of Digital Libraries: Special Issue on Digital Scholarship
Digital scholarship, or “cyberscholarship” – that based on data and computation – is radically reshaping knowledge discovery, creation, analysis, presentation and dissemination in many topical areas. Scientists are using vast amounts of data to explore galaxies, measure stresses on earth systems, create genetic profiles of living things and study the changing behaviors and mores of societies and individuals in a an increasing populated and fragile physical world steeped in networked digital technologies. Similarly, humanists are using new types of information objects, methodologies and tools to transform and expand their scholarly endeavors. Examples include the creation and use of digital representations of material culture by historians, introducing spatial and temporal indexed data into the study of literature and information visualizations to communicate the outcomes of traditional humanistic inquiry.
The enabling environment for digital scholarship is a rapidly expanding global digital ecology composed of large and diverse datasets; richly annotated, globally linked and accessible to all using open source tools. Accompanying technology changes have been trends within scholarly communities toward rich informal dialogues, cross-disciplinary collaborations and equable sharing of research findings.
Data-centered approaches to inquiry have now become a staple of research and scholarship in almost every disciplinary domain. Accompanying this have been cultural shifts in the scholarly community that challenge long-standing assumptions that underpin the structure of academic institutions and beg new models of scholarly communication. Network-centric models of scientific communication that capture a comprehensive record of scholarly workflows are now seen by many as a necessary condition for accurate and complete reporting of scholarly work.
Much of the seminal work in developing the information environments and resources that support digital scholarship can be linked directly to digital libraries research – past and present. Pioneering digital libraries research illuminated essential core information architectures and environments and inspired a generation of researchers to look beyond the confines of their own discipline and often partner with others to pursue interdisciplinary projects – many of which captured national attention and captivated the general public with their brilliance.
This special issue will solicit high quality papers that demonstrate exceptional achievements in digital scholarship, including but not limited to:
- Scholarly work that demonstrates innovation in the creation and use of complex information objects and tools to advance domain scholarship.
- Domain research that exemplifies creative and innovative data-intensive research in the formal, natural, social sciences and the humanities and arts.
- New applications, tools and services that expand the scope and means for interdisciplinary digital scholarship.
- Data repositories and infrastructure projects of exceptional quality and value that illustrate how community-based efforts can serve global constituencies.
- Models for leveraging and expanding web-based infrastructure for scholars.
- Document models that support multiple information types, update, annotation, executable objects, linkages, rapid integration and staged release of document components.
- Scholarly communication environments that capture a comprehensive record of scholarly workflows and artifacts and provide new means of presentation, dissemination and reuse of digital assets.
Important Dates
- November 30, 2013 – Paper Submission deadline
- March 1, 2014 – First notification
- May 1, 2014 – Revision submission
- July 1, 2014 – Second notification
- September 1, 2014 – Final version submission
Guest Editors
- Stephen M. Griffin, University of Pittsburgh (contact person)
- Stefan Gradmann, University of Leuven
Editorial Board
- Michael Lesk, Rutgers University
- Elizabeth Lyon, University of Bath, UKOLN
- William Arms, Cornell
- Christine Borgman, University of California, Los Angeles (tentative yes)
- Tom Moritz, Consultant
- Michael Buckland, University of California, Berkeley
Paper Submission
Papers submitted to this special issue for possible publication must be original and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or conference. Previously published or accepted conference papers must contain at least 30% new material to be considered for the special issue. All papers are to be submitted by referring to Please select “Special Issue” underManuscript Category of your submission. All manuscripts must be prepared according to the journal publication guidelines which can also be found on its website provided above. Papers will be reviewed following the journal standard review process.
Please address inquiries to
Monday, August 19, 2013
LITA call for proposals - ALA Annual 2014
LITA call for proposals - ALA Annual 2014
The LITA Program Planning Committee (PPC) is now accepting innovative and creative proposals for the 2014 Annual American Library Association Conference. We're looking for full day pre-conference ideas as well as 90 minute conference presentations. The focus should be on technology in libraries, whether that's use of, new ideas for, trends in, or interesting/innovative projects being explored - it’s all for you to propose. In 2013, we received roughly 40 proposals, resulting in 20 great LITA programs at the 2013 Annual Conference, all of which came from contributions like yours. We look forward to hearing the great ideas you will share with us this year.
New ALA Conference Guidelines [June 2012]
● All divisions are limited to accepting 20 programs each.
● All programs will be 90 minutes, located in the convention center, and will be recorded.
● All proposal submissions will need to choose a Conference Track. Please see Appendix A in the Roadmap here ( for more details.
● Vendors wishing to submit a proposal should partner with a library representative who is using the product. The library/librarian should submit the proposal.
*When/Where is the Conference?*
2014 Annual ALA Conference, Las Vegas, NV: June 26-July 1, 2014
*What kind of topics are we looking for? *
We’re looking for programs that can scale to all library types, inspire technological change and adoption, or/and generally go above and beyond the everyday.
Some successful topics in the 2013 included Gamifying Your Library; Makerspaces; MOOCs. Some topics we are interested in are: Data Management & Curation; Responsive Web Design; Homegrown Technology Tools.
*When are proposals due? *
August 25, 2013
*How I do submit a proposal? *
Fill out this form
**Program descriptions should be 75 words or less.
*When will I have an answer? *
The committee will be reviewing proposals after August 25; final decisions will be made in September.
*Do I have to be a member of ALA/LITA/an IG/a committee?*
No! We welcome proposals from anyone who feels they have something to offer regarding library technology. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide financial support for speakers. Because of the limited number of programs, LITA IGs and Committees will receive preference where two equally well written programs are submitted. Presenters may be asked to combine programs or work with an IG/Committee where similar topics have been proposed.
*Got another question?*
Please feel free to email me, PPC chair, Debra Shapiro ( and the group will figure it out.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
CFP: 2014 Indiana Library Federation's Library Information Technology Conference
CFP: 2014 Indiana Library Federation's Library Information Technology Conference
2014 ILF LITD Conference Presentation Proposal Submission
Indiana Library Federation’s Library Information Technology Division will be holding a conference on February 28, 2014 at the Plainfield-Guilford Township Library. We are asking for Conference Session Proposals to be submitted by September 1, 2013. This is a juried conference review process.
To submit click here.
If link will not open, copy and paste the following URL:
Areas of possible presentations (we are looking for both very technical and introductory level presentations):
· Basic Web Development & Design, CMS
· Something with ILSs
· Discovery Tools & Discovery Layers
· Future Tech & Emerging Technologies
· LibGuides & Range of Services
· Web Analytics Tools
· Google Drive & other collaboration tools
· Cloud Computing
· Online Privacy for personal and professional uses
· Basic Information Security
· Outsourcing vs. Insourcing IT operations
· Technology and the Law
· Data Management Strategies
· Generational approaches to technology
· Mobile Technologies
· Funding Info Tech Strategically
· Open Source Software in Libraries
Friday, August 16, 2013
Call for Chapters: Making Libraries Integral in the Lives of Baby Boomers
Call for Chapters: Making Libraries Integral in the Lives of Baby Boomers
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Editor: Carol Smallwood, Bringing Arts into the Library, ed., (ALA Editions, 2013); Library Services for Multicultural Patrons to Encourage Library Use co-ed., (Scarecrow Press, 2013)
Chapters sought for an anthology by practicing public librarians and LIS faculty in the United States and Canada: creative, practical how-to chapters on strengthening and expanding services to the age group called baby boomers. Possible topics: fostering positive staff attitudes; encouraging endowments and advocacy; programming and workshops; maximizing their experience as volunteers; instruction in technology; needs assessment surveys; genealogy and oral histories; grants.
Concise, how-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues totaling 3,000-4,000 words, or two chapters that come to 3,000-4,000 words. No previously published or simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; if two chapters they are to be by the same author(s). Compensation: one complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word accepted submission, discount on more copies.
Please e-mail titles of 2-4 topics each described in 2 sentences by September 30, 2013 with brief biography sketch(s); place BOOMERS and Last Name on the subject line to:
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Editor: Carol Smallwood, Bringing Arts into the Library, ed., (ALA Editions, 2013); Library Services for Multicultural Patrons to Encourage Library Use co-ed., (Scarecrow Press, 2013)
Chapters sought for an anthology by practicing public librarians and LIS faculty in the United States and Canada: creative, practical how-to chapters on strengthening and expanding services to the age group called baby boomers. Possible topics: fostering positive staff attitudes; encouraging endowments and advocacy; programming and workshops; maximizing their experience as volunteers; instruction in technology; needs assessment surveys; genealogy and oral histories; grants.
Concise, how-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues totaling 3,000-4,000 words, or two chapters that come to 3,000-4,000 words. No previously published or simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; if two chapters they are to be by the same author(s). Compensation: one complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word accepted submission, discount on more copies.
Please e-mail titles of 2-4 topics each described in 2 sentences by September 30, 2013 with brief biography sketch(s); place BOOMERS and Last Name on the subject line to:
Call for Chapters: Women, Work, and the Web: How the Web Creates Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Call for Chapters: Women, Work, and the Web: How the Web Creates Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Editor: Carol Smallwood, Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising, Publishing and Teaching (McFarland, 2012) on Poets & Writers Magazine "List of Best Books for Writers." Writing After Retirement: Tips by Successful Retired Writers forthcoming from Scarecrow Press.
Seeking chapters of unpublished work from writers in the U.S. and Canada for an anthology. Interested in such topics as: Women Founding Online Companies; Women Working on the Web With Young Children or Physical Disabilities; Woman's Studies Resources and Curriculum; Surveys/Interviews of Innovative Women on the
Chapters of 3,000-4,000 words or two chapters coming to that word count (up to 3 co-authors) on how the Internet has opened doors, leveled the playing field and provided new opportunities for women, are all welcome. Practical, how-to-do-it, anecdotal and innovative writing based on experience how women make money on the Web, further careers. One complimentary copy per chapter, discount on additional copies.
Please e-mail 2-4 chapter topics each described in two sentences by September 30, 2013, along with a brief bio to Please place INTERNET/Last Name on the subject line; if co-authored, paste bio sketches for each author.
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Editor: Carol Smallwood, Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising, Publishing and Teaching (McFarland, 2012) on Poets & Writers Magazine "List of Best Books for Writers." Writing After Retirement: Tips by Successful Retired Writers forthcoming from Scarecrow Press.
Seeking chapters of unpublished work from writers in the U.S. and Canada for an anthology. Interested in such topics as: Women Founding Online Companies; Women Working on the Web With Young Children or Physical Disabilities; Woman's Studies Resources and Curriculum; Surveys/Interviews of Innovative Women on the
Chapters of 3,000-4,000 words or two chapters coming to that word count (up to 3 co-authors) on how the Internet has opened doors, leveled the playing field and provided new opportunities for women, are all welcome. Practical, how-to-do-it, anecdotal and innovative writing based on experience how women make money on the Web, further careers. One complimentary copy per chapter, discount on additional copies.
Please e-mail 2-4 chapter topics each described in two sentences by September 30, 2013, along with a brief bio to Please place INTERNET/Last Name on the subject line; if co-authored, paste bio sketches for each author.
Call for Chapters: Creative Management of Small Public Libraries in the 21st Century
Call for Chapters: Creative Management of Small Public Libraries in the 21st Century
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Co-editor: Carol Smallwood, public libraries consultant; Library Management Tips That Work, ed., (ALA Editions, 2011); Library Services for Multicultural Patrons to Encourage Library Use co-ed., (Scarecrow Press, 2013)
Chapters sought for an anthology by practicing public librarians and LIS faculty in the United States and Canada: creative, practical how-to chapters for a handbook on strengthening small and rural public libraries as centers of
communities serving populations under 25,000. Possible topics: fostering positive staff attitudes; making an inviting atmosphere; successful living endowments; programming; handling patrons, volunteers, meetings; using
technology; effective networking; staff evaluations; professional development; needs assessment surveys.
Concise, how-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues totaling 3,000-4,000 words, or two chapters that come to 3,000-4,000 words. No previously published or simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; if two chapters they are to be by the same author(s). A complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word accepted submission as compensation, discount on more.
Please e-mail titles of 2-3 topics each described in 2 sentences by September 30, 2013 with brief biography sketch(s); place SMALL and Last Name on the subject line to:
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Co-editor: Carol Smallwood, public libraries consultant; Library Management Tips That Work, ed., (ALA Editions, 2011); Library Services for Multicultural Patrons to Encourage Library Use co-ed., (Scarecrow Press, 2013)
Chapters sought for an anthology by practicing public librarians and LIS faculty in the United States and Canada: creative, practical how-to chapters for a handbook on strengthening small and rural public libraries as centers of
communities serving populations under 25,000. Possible topics: fostering positive staff attitudes; making an inviting atmosphere; successful living endowments; programming; handling patrons, volunteers, meetings; using
technology; effective networking; staff evaluations; professional development; needs assessment surveys.
Concise, how-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues totaling 3,000-4,000 words, or two chapters that come to 3,000-4,000 words. No previously published or simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; if two chapters they are to be by the same author(s). A complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word accepted submission as compensation, discount on more.
Please e-mail titles of 2-3 topics each described in 2 sentences by September 30, 2013 with brief biography sketch(s); place SMALL and Last Name on the subject line to:
Call for Chapters: Writing After Retirement: Tips by Successful Retired Writers
Call for Chapters: Writing After Retirement: Tips by Successful Retired Writers
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Co-editor: Carol Smallwood co-edited Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising, Publishing and Teaching (McFarland, 2012), on Poets & Writers Magazine's "List of Best Books for Writers"; edited Pre- & Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians (American Library Association, 2012).
Co-editor: Dr. Christine Redman-Waldeyer, Assistant Professor, Coordinator of the Journalism Option Program, Passaic County Community College, Paterson, New Jersey; Editor/Founder, Adanna Literary Journal; Author, Eve Asks (Muse-Pie Press, 2011).
An anthology of unpublished 3,000-4,000 word chapters or two chapters coming to that word count by successful, men and women retired writers from the U.S. and Canada (up to 3 co-authors) previously following other careers than writing. Fiction, poetry, memoir, nonfiction, journalism, and other writers welcome. Looking for topics as: Business Aspects of Writing, Writing as a New Career, Networking, Using Life Experience, Finding Your Niche, Privacy and Legal Issues, Using Technology. With living longer, early retirement, popularity of
memoir writing, this is a how-to for baby boomers who now have time to write. Compensation: one complimentary copy per chapter, discount on additional copies.
Please e-mail two chapter topics each described in two sentences by September 30, 2013 with brief pasted bio to placing RETIREMENT/Last Name on the subject line. If co-authored, pasted bios for each.
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Co-editor: Carol Smallwood co-edited Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising, Publishing and Teaching (McFarland, 2012), on Poets & Writers Magazine's "List of Best Books for Writers"; edited Pre- & Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians (American Library Association, 2012).
Co-editor: Dr. Christine Redman-Waldeyer, Assistant Professor, Coordinator of the Journalism Option Program, Passaic County Community College, Paterson, New Jersey; Editor/Founder, Adanna Literary Journal; Author, Eve Asks (Muse-Pie Press, 2011).
An anthology of unpublished 3,000-4,000 word chapters or two chapters coming to that word count by successful, men and women retired writers from the U.S. and Canada (up to 3 co-authors) previously following other careers than writing. Fiction, poetry, memoir, nonfiction, journalism, and other writers welcome. Looking for topics as: Business Aspects of Writing, Writing as a New Career, Networking, Using Life Experience, Finding Your Niche, Privacy and Legal Issues, Using Technology. With living longer, early retirement, popularity of
memoir writing, this is a how-to for baby boomers who now have time to write. Compensation: one complimentary copy per chapter, discount on additional copies.
Please e-mail two chapter topics each described in two sentences by September 30, 2013 with brief pasted bio to placing RETIREMENT/Last Name on the subject line. If co-authored, pasted bios for each.
Call for manuscripts, Specialty of the House, Journal of Hospital Librarianship
Call for manuscripts, Specialty of the House, Journal of Hospital Librarianship
Journal of Hospital Librarianship, a peer reviewed journal that considers all aspects of hospital/clinical librarianship, seeks original contributions to the column, Specialty of the House. First time authors are especially welcomed. The next submission deadline to the column editor is September 1st, 2013.
"Specialty" columns can apply to almost anything - a special service or product, specialization or innovation in information services to medical personnel, special library settings, special people, etc.
Manuscripts should be 8 to 10 pages in length, double spaced, no abstract. Photos, graphics, tables etc. are encouraged. More detailed instructions to authors regarding documeting sources, etc. available upon request.
Journal URL:
If you are interested and for further information, please contact corresponding editor, Paul Blobaum, Governors State University Library,
Journal of Hospital Librarianship, a peer reviewed journal that considers all aspects of hospital/clinical librarianship, seeks original contributions to the column, Specialty of the House. First time authors are especially welcomed. The next submission deadline to the column editor is September 1st, 2013.
"Specialty" columns can apply to almost anything - a special service or product, specialization or innovation in information services to medical personnel, special library settings, special people, etc.
Manuscripts should be 8 to 10 pages in length, double spaced, no abstract. Photos, graphics, tables etc. are encouraged. More detailed instructions to authors regarding documeting sources, etc. available upon request.
Journal URL:
If you are interested and for further information, please contact corresponding editor, Paul Blobaum, Governors State University Library,
CFP: Indiana Online Users Group (IOLUG) Fall 2013 Program, "Digital Libraries: Live Spaces, Learning Places"
CFP: Indiana Online Users Group (IOLUG) Fall 2013 Program, "Digital Libraries: Live Spaces, Learning Places"
Organization URL:
Submission Form:
The Indiana Online Users Group (IOLUG) Program Committee invites you to submit a proposal to present at the Fall 2013 IOLUG program, "Digital Libraries: Live Spaces, Learning Places" on November 1, 2013 at Indiana Wesleyan in Indianapolis, IN. Submit your proposal using the online form by NOON, September 6th, 2013. Get some inspiration from previous years’ sessions on the IOLUG Website.
As librarians we are often called on to teach our users everything from how to use a computer mouse to finding and evaluating information. Is your library working with MOOCS for professional development or to reach out to your audience? Is your library teaching patrons about technology such as ereaders and other mobile devices? Is your library using new technologies to teach digital literacy and information literacy skills? Are you creating tutorials to teach users virtually? If so we'd like to hear from you! Some suggested topics to consider:
Megan West
Digital Communications Manager/ Executive Director’s Assistant, PALNI
(317)752-6842 | |
Organization URL:
Submission Form:
The Indiana Online Users Group (IOLUG) Program Committee invites you to submit a proposal to present at the Fall 2013 IOLUG program, "Digital Libraries: Live Spaces, Learning Places" on November 1, 2013 at Indiana Wesleyan in Indianapolis, IN. Submit your proposal using the online form by NOON, September 6th, 2013. Get some inspiration from previous years’ sessions on the IOLUG Website.
As librarians we are often called on to teach our users everything from how to use a computer mouse to finding and evaluating information. Is your library working with MOOCS for professional development or to reach out to your audience? Is your library teaching patrons about technology such as ereaders and other mobile devices? Is your library using new technologies to teach digital literacy and information literacy skills? Are you creating tutorials to teach users virtually? If so we'd like to hear from you! Some suggested topics to consider:
- MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
- Learning Management System integration
- Online Learning objects/Tutorials
- Event Programming
- Digital Literacy
- Selecting new technologies (devices, applications and programs) for the library; How do I choose which programs to support i.e. Kindle, Nook, Microsoft Office, Google products, Windows 8
- E-books: What is your collection development strategy regarding e-books? Have you increased your e-book purchases? Have you adopted new e-book acquisition strategies, such as PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition) or DDA (Demand Driven Acquisition)? What are the challenges with implementing e-books(e.g. ILS integration, device selection, etc.)?
- Lessons learned from failed projects or projects that did not go as planned; what can go wrong; what went well
- Maker Spaces; New uses of space (physical and digital)
- Assessment of programs and new technologies
- Programs/methods for teaching/Instructing patrons to use new technologies such as ereaders, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
- eTextbooks and the changing role of the publisher
- Discovery system for managing digital assets
- Outreach activities: How are you partnering with members of your local community or campus to teach digital literacy to your library users? Digital literacy may include instruction on how to use social media, e-readers, and tablets, as well as educating on online privacy concerns, Internet searching methods, and website evaluation methods.
- Mobile Applications: What free or inexpensive apps and tools are you using in your library? How are you sharing/promoting these tools to your users (e.g. inclusion in standard build on circulating mobile devices)?
- HTML 5 & CSS3: Using HTML5 & CSS3 to quickly and easily build a website, mobile or standard
Megan West
Digital Communications Manager/ Executive Director’s Assistant, PALNI
(317)752-6842 | |
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Call for Programs - 2014 Rural Libraries Conference (Library of Michigan)
Call for Programs - 2014 Rural Libraries Conference (Library of Michigan)
It is time to begin thinking about the 2014 Rural Libraries Conference. The event will be held April 30-May 2, 2014 at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The Library of Michigan and the Rural Libraries Conference Program Committee encourage you to submit a proposal for the conference.
The Rural Libraries Conference has a long tradition of providing a forum for the staff, trustees, and advocates of Michigan’s small and rural libraries to share, learn and be inspired to provide the best library service to their communities.
The 2014 RLC theme is Partnerships, People, Progress. Let’s come together as a community to share our collective knowledge of imaginative, resourceful and successful library practices. How can you contribute? Bring your tried and true as well as your new and inventive practices to share with your Michigan library colleagues. If it’s working well for you, chances are good that others could benefit from hearing about it. We will be showcasing up to 50 presentations at the 2014 conference.
The RLC Program Committee invites you to consider the following conference tracks as you design your program proposal:
· Library Technology or Digital Literacy
· Services to Individual Populations (youth, seniors, unemployed, entrepreneurs, etc.)
· Library Programming
· Engagement, Collaboration & Partnerships
· Administration and Management
Presenters will be required to provide an electronic copy of session materials by April 1, 2014 that will be on a flash drive to all conference attendees.
The Library of Michigan will provide all presenters with one conference registration and one night’s lodging at the Grand Hotel (or other hotel accommodation up to the state rate of $75 per night) per day of presenting.
The Library of Michigan will provide all presenters with one conference registration and one night’s lodging at the Grand Hotel (or other hotel accommodation up to the state rate of $75 per night) per day of presenting.
Program selection is a peer-reviewed process. The RLC Program Committee will evaluate the content of your proposal for relevance to the conference tracks, clarity, originality, and timeliness. The experience and qualifications of presenter(s) will also be considered.
Proposals are due Monday, October 21, 2013 in order to be considered for inclusion in the 2014 conference.
Please note that proposals with significant incomplete information will not be considered. The contact person for the proposal will be notified of the status of that proposal by the end of December 2013. If you have questions about the submission process or Rural Libraries Conference, please contact Shannon White at or 517-373-9489.
Instructions for Submitting Your Program Proposal
You will need the following information to complete your proposal submission:
You will need the following information to complete your proposal submission:
· Complete contact information and a brief bio for all speakers
· Program title
· Length of program (one 45-minute session or two back-to-back sessions)
· Preferred date of program
· Program description
· A minimum of three learning outcomes
Submit your proposal here:
(A program may not be an advertisement for a vendor or solely a demonstration of a product/service. Specific product/services may be used or described only if essential for a correct understanding of the topic being presented. Library staff currently using the product/service must participate in the presentation. The Library of Michigan and the Rural Libraries Conference reserve the right to reorganize content, combine proposals, and make other changes as necessary to render the proposal appropriate for presentation at RLC.)
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