We’re Moving, Please Pardon Our Dust: A New Collection Management Paradigm (CFP: Collection Management)
Collection Management seeks well-researched, refereed articles on the topic of shifts in the organization and the changing role of collection management and development within libraries. The co-editors are looking for both forward-thinking discussions and practical applications of how the management and work of collection managers and collection management departments have changed.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Structural changes and outcomes within collection management departments
- Collection development and management activities across departments
- Paradigms of cooperative collection development in consortia
- Organizational changes and coordination with digitization projects
- Strategic planning that results in organizational changes
- Patron driven acquisitions and other emerging strategic foci as well as the changing role and work of collection managers
- Preparation in terms of skill sets, experience, and education for collection managers in new paradigms
- Theoretical discussion of the current state of collection development and management in libraries
- Comprehensive literature review on paradigms of collection development and management
- The changing roles of collection managers or subject specialists
June 24, 2013: Submit an abstract (maximum of one page) with the title and your proposed article idea. Please include your name, institution, and email address.
July 19, 2013: The editors will notify authors whether their proposals have been accepted.
October 15, 2013: Submit pre-print article to Collection Management for peer-review.
December 1, 2013: Final versions of post-print articles are due.
Submit proposals to karen-fischer@uiowa.edu, with a subject line of: Collection Management Special Issue Proposal
Accepted manuscripts should be submitted to:http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/collectionmanagement
Accepted manuscripts should be submitted to:http://mc.manuscriptcentral.