CFP: IFLA Acqusitions & Collection Development Section - Conference Theme: Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities (IFLA Singapore 2013)
The Section’s 2 hour Open Session is: *Collaboration in Collections: Libraries,
Users and Information Providers *
Building and maintaining relevant collections requires innovation in these
challenging times as libraries establish a greater digital footprint and explore
different channels of scholarly communication and information delivery. Working
together with publishers and vendors to find ways to meet the diverse
expectations and needs of library users demands new models of communication,
programming, organizational infrastructure, reliance on multiple and changing
technologies, and accompanying services. This Open Session will emphasize how
innovation and collaboration within libraries, among users and with the
publishing and provider community will advance the role of collections.
Suggested subthemes, with a focus on innovation and best practices for potential
speakers to consider:
* Responding to users’ expectations – how & when
* Role of Open Access
* Impact of eResources – challenges with acquisitions, licensing, pricing,
perpetuity, use
* Cooperative collection development
* Resource relevance
* Relationships with information providers
* Collection assessment
* Selection and de-selection
* Discovery of collections
* Promoting collections
The section invites speakers from all library environments (academic, public,
government, school, special) who can address any of these themes in a 15 minute
presentation at the WLIC meeting. The goal is to create a diverse program of
4-5 speakers representing libraries from different parts of the world who have
different experiences to share. Proposed papers must be original and not have
been published elsewhere. It is hoped that all presenters will be able to
prepare a formal paper, as well as a PowerPoint presentation, however IFLA
realizes that it may be impractical to require that every speaker prepare a
formal paper and PowerPoint slides. If that is the case, those speakers must
prepare a substantial abstract, including references with URLs and
bibliographies to accompany their presentation. All selected papers will have
abstracts and links to full papers on the conference website. Presentations can
be made in any of the official IFLA languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
German, Spanish, Russian, but an accompanying translation of all papers into
English must be provided.
*Important Dates with which to comply:*
*15 February 2013* – Deadline for submitting 300 word proposals for papers and
presentations, or substantial abstracts of 500 words if no paper will be
prepared, plus a very brief biographical statement of speaker(s). Information
should include: title of presentation; subthemes that it addresses, abstract,
all authors, noting likely presenter; institutional affiliations; contact
information, including all eMail addresses
*28 February 2013* – Announcement of final program and communication with all
who submit proposals. IFLA HQ notified of outcome from call.
*1 May 2013* – Deadline for submission of final paper. Papers should be no more
than 3,000 words and papers can be submitted in any of the official IFLA
languages: Arabic, Chinese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Russian, but an
accompanying translation of all papers into English must be provided. Attempts
will be made to provide translations into other official languages.
*30 June 2013* – Deadline for all PowerPoint presentations from Speakers
*June/July 2013* – All speakers will be notified of the time of the program.
All proposals will be reviewed by a jury composed of members of the Acquisitions
and Collection Development Section.
Please note that unfortunately, there are no funds to assist with your
attendance at WLIC 2013. Please also note that in accordance with IFLA’s Open
Access Statement, all papers that are presented at the WLIC 2013 should be
available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
All submissions and any questions should be sent to be sent via eMail in a MS
Word attachment to Julia Gelfand (
<> )
by 31 January 2013. The receipt of all submissions will be acknowledged.
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Thursday, January 31, 2013
CFP: IFLA Acqusitions & Collection Development Section - Conference Theme: Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities (IFLA Singapore 2013)
Call for Chapters: Anarcho- narrative book about Information Discovery Journeys
Call for Chapters: Anarcho- narrative book about Information Discovery Journeys
“Only connect ...” discovery pathways, library explorations, and the information adventure.
A collection of information discovery journeys.
Andrew Walsh & Emma Coonan
A call for chapter submissions for an anarcho- narrative book about Information Discovery Journeys.
Full details on
Learning is about creating relationships between entities and establishing a narrative that makes sense of the world
Research is about juxtaposing entities that were previously unrelated
The book will consist of a series of narratives connected by the over arching theme of information discovery journeys. The authors of the individual chapters are free to decide the most appropriate structure to tell these stories about information discovery, whether that is traditional textual formats, more free form text (e.g. transcripts of social media interactions; poetry; illustrative fictional prose), through images, video, or whatever media seems appropriate to the author.
The text will be electronic by default, available freely under CC license (see note below). Print on demand versions will be made available if deemed appropriate when editing the finished text.
Contributors will be selected by the editors after submitting a proposal to the call for papers. Final submissions will be subject to the lightest possible editing, in conjunction with the author, to insure the integrity of the original submission is maintained.
Please send a title and short description (around 200 words) of the chapter you propose to the editors at:
Include the topics you would cover, the structure your chapter would take and any special format or structure your contribution would require. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Call for Papers ends 1st March
First Drafts due 1st June
Book published Autumn 2013
Bypassing established publisher routes means that our ‘unbook’ can be:
· Creative Commons licensed, giving contributors recognition and making the material immediately free and sharable online
· Multimedia - contributors pick their preferred format: prose, video, images, Storify’d tweets, graphs, data ... (print-on-demand an option for textual parts, linking to additional non-textual material via an app such as Aurasma. Details of this to be confirmed at a later date.)
· Free of the writing conventions imposed by traditional publishers - contributors can retain their own voice, choose the length of their contribution, use whatever format they prefer
Note on licencing: We will ask authors / contributors to sign a simple agreement to allow us rights to publish their contribution and to permit others to use the contents of the book under CC licence. Contributors will retain copyright over their work.
Andrew Walsh MSc MCLIP FHEA
Academic Librarian, University Teaching Fellow, National Teaching Fellow
Music, Humanities, Media, Education and Professional Development.
Information Literacy Practitioner of the Year, 2012
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Library and Information Science Research in Asia-Oceania: Theory and Practice
CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Library and Information Science Research in Asia-Oceania: Theory and Practice
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28, 2013
Title: Library and Information Science Research in Asia-Oceania: Theory and Practice
A book edited by
Dr. Jia Tina Du (University of South Australia, Australia)
Professor Qinghua Zhu (Nanjing University, China)
Professor Andy Koronios (University of South Australia, Australia)
To be published by IGI Global:
The book Library and Information Science Research in Asia-Oceania: Theory and Practice seeks to present the development and trends in library and information science (LIS) research, both theoretically and practically, in the Asia-Oceania region. Two major trends have occurred nowadays in the LIS field across Asia-Oceania, including a growth in the number of schools and expansion of programs, and a growth in research outputs. The LIS education growth is more significant in the Asian countries, particularly in China and India. The Directory of Library & Information Science Programs in Asia shows that there are 67 universities having LIS programs in China. The numbers of LIS schools in India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore are 86, 11, 8, 5, and 1, respectively. Australia and New Zealand have been fairly stable in LIS education growth compared to Asia, but they provide significant distance education and training programs. Historically, the major centres of the world producing LIS research have largely been the universities and information institutions in North America, the United Kingdom, and Europe. However, accompanying the growth of the Asian economies, universities, and information industries, LIS research being conducted and published in the Asia-Oceania region is increasing rapidly. Up to 2011, there were totally 377,649 LIS document records in the database Web of Science, and approximately 12,000 of them were written by Asia-Oceania region researchers.
Overall, the LIS field in the Asia-Oceania region is experiencing prominent growth, and the trends of development are worth exploring. This book will provide a timely look at LIS research development and practice in Asia-Oceania as the region continues to grow and develop. It will provide an ideal forum for this international research area, allowing a presentation and comparison of international history and trends in LIS research, along with an investigation of reasons for similarities and differences in the outcomes. As such, this book will be a significant contribution to the LIS research literature.
The book chapters will take critical and historical approaches as well as contemporary analysis. Authors are invited to submit chapters based on original research that has not been published elsewhere. We are seeking high quality and scholarly book chapters that cover the evolution of LIS research and developments in theory and practice in the Asia-Oceania region, including research progress in the field, evolution of theory development and, where applicable, their practical applications and significance, and the impact of information technologies on the development of the field.
Objective of the Book:
The main goal of the publication is to bring together theories and practices development, achievements, and challenges in international LIS studies. This book will assemble researchers from the major LIS schools in Asia and Oceania to disseminate and discuss the changing nature of the research, the major advances, and practical development in the field. The book will demonstrate evolving and emerging research and practice development in diverse countries in the region. It will highlight the current concerns and issues surrounding both theory and practice. This book is expected to be an excellent collection and representation of Asian and Oceanian LIS research and practice today.
Target Audience:
This book is intended as a useful resource for library and information science researchers, scholars, students, professionals, and practitioners, and is an appropriate text for courses in library and information science. In addition, anyone interested in understanding the LIS field in the region will find this book a fascinating and enlightening read.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
I. Evolution of the Field of LIS
· Development of fundamental ideas and theories in LIS
· Historical contexts of information technology innovations and impacts
· The characteristics of the innovation system and its influence on the formulation of LIS research
II. New Directions in LIS Research
· Leading edge theories and models
· Trends in LIS research
· Evolving and emerging research methodologies
III. Diversity in Research Topics
· Virtual community research
· Human information behaviour
· Collaborative information behaviour
· Web search and information retrieval
· Interactive information retrieval and user interfaces
· Social media and social network
· Community informatics
· LIS community, its research and publication
· Information literacy
· Information quality
· Human-computer interaction
· Human-information interaction
· Information architecture
· Bibliometrics, informetrics, and webometrics
· Digital library and databases
· Information security and privacy
· LIS education
IV. LIS Practice
· Policy issues
· Practical and social impact and implications, including case analysis
· LIS professionals in the Web 2.0 era
Submission Procedure:
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before February 28, 2013, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by March 10, 2013 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters should be at least 9,000-10,000 words in length and are expected to be submitted by June 30, 2013. Chapters should be written in the 6th edition of APA format and submitted (in Word document) via email to the editors at and . All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This book is anticipated to be released in 2014.
Important Dates
February 28, 2013: Proposal Submission Deadline
March 10, 2013: Notification of Acceptance
June 30, 2013: Full Chapter Submission
August 1, 2013: Review Results Returned
August 31, 2013: Revised Chapter Submission
September 15, 2013: Final Notification of Acceptance
September 30, 2013: Final Chapter Submission
Editorial Advisory Board Members
Professor Lisa Given, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Professor Mu-hsuan Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Associate Professor Chris Khoo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Professor Nahyun Kwon, Myongji University, South Korea
Professor Feicheng Ma, Wuhan University, China
Professor Makiko Miwa, The Open University of Japan, Japan
Professor Helen Partridge, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Professor Pertti Vakkari, University of Tampere, Finland
Professor Peiling Wang, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Professor Iris Xie, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document):
Dr. Jia Tina Du
University of South Australia
Professor Qinghua Zhu
Nanjing University
CFP: 13th Interlending and Document Supply Conference, October 2013 (IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Standing Committee)
CFP: 13th Interlending and Document Supply Conference, October 2013 (IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Standing Committee)
The IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Standing Committee invites papers for the 13th Interlending & Document Supply Conference, to be held 16 - 18 October 2013 at Peking University in Beijing, China. CALIS, the China Academic Library and Information System, will host the conference.
The conference theme is "Resource Sharing: Global Vision, Local Strategy"
and the following topics are of particular interest for papers:
- Resource sharing activities of all types, including: interlibrary loan, cooperative collection development, cooperative reference, direct borrowing, consortial programs, and shared licensing/purchasing of electronic resources
- International resource sharing concerns, such as: delivery methods, payment options, interoperability of systems, computer standards
- Challenges and solutions to sharing electronic resources such as e-books and e-journals
- Intellectual property rights in different countries or regions, especially as they pertain to resource sharing of electronic resources
- Effects of alternative publishing models such as open access on resource sharing practices
- Open source systems and their role in resource sharing
- Innovative approaches or trends in resource sharing in all types of libraries or parts of the world - Methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of resource sharing initiatives - New frontiers for library consortia or collaboration between individual libraries Proposals Proposals for papers should be sent to Candice Townsend,, no later than *Friday 22nd February 2013* and should include the following details:
- Author(s) name, title, institution, and contact information
- Brief biographical sketch
- Title of paper
- Abstract (100 to 250 words)
The IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Standing Committee (hereafter, the SC) has sole responsibility for the final conference programme. All accepted papers must be:
- Presented at the conference in English by at least one of the authors
- Original contributions, i.e., not previously published or under review for publication elsewhere
- Peer-reviewed by the SC and published in the full conference proceedings
22nd February 2013* - Proposals due to SC
31 March 2013* - SC notifies authors whether proposal was accepted
31 August 2013* - Completed papers submitted by approved speakers
Please note that expenses of attending the conference, including travel, hotel, and conference registration fees will be the responsibility of the authors and at least one of the authors must attend the conference to present the paper.
Mary A. Hollerich
Editor, Interlending & Document Supply
Chair, IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section
1118 W. Washington Blvd., #3A
Oak Park, IL 60302
847-275-0666 (cell)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
CFP: IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section - Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries
CFP: IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section - Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries
Please see below the call for papers for the IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS). Please feel free to contact me if you are interested or have any questions.
The call is open until February 15 and we are warmly accepting submissions. Even if you do not feel inspired to present, please help us get out thecall and spread the word by contacting interested faculty, representatives of government agencies, and NGOs.
*Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries*
IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 2013
The Government Information and Official Publications Section and Government Libraries Section invite proposals for papers to be presented at the World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in Singapore, August 17th-23th August 2013.
The session will focus on trends and patterns of information creation and dissemination in the fields of international economic development and poverty. Speakers are invited to explore the types of development and poverty alleviation information being produced, the tools used for its access and discovery, the relationships between international organizations, national governments, and civil society in creating and sharing this information, and the role of libraries in building collections and providing access to this information in an increasingly digital environment. The program will appeal to librarians interested in global economic development, poverty alleviation, development assistance, and trends in official government
information and civil society (NGO) publishing.
Subjects of interest include but are not limited to:
Official government information sources and strategies for economic growth and poverty alleviation
Statistical sources on economic development and poverty assistance
National government strategies for poverty alleviation and economic development
Poverty alleviation and development information sources from national, international, & regional governmental organizations
Civil society (NGO) information sources on poverty relief and micro-finance
The role of libraries in collecting, preserving, and providing access to this information
Please send your proposal for papers to Satendra Dhaka ( and Jim Church ( by February 15, 2013. Complete information available on the WLIC 2013 website
Best regards, and sorry I cannot be at ALA midwinter!
Jim Church
Please see below the call for papers for the IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS). Please feel free to contact me if you are interested or have any questions.
The call is open until February 15 and we are warmly accepting submissions. Even if you do not feel inspired to present, please help us get out thecall and spread the word by contacting interested faculty, representatives of government agencies, and NGOs.
*Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries*
IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 2013
The Government Information and Official Publications Section and Government Libraries Section invite proposals for papers to be presented at the World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in Singapore, August 17th-23th August 2013.
The session will focus on trends and patterns of information creation and dissemination in the fields of international economic development and poverty. Speakers are invited to explore the types of development and poverty alleviation information being produced, the tools used for its access and discovery, the relationships between international organizations, national governments, and civil society in creating and sharing this information, and the role of libraries in building collections and providing access to this information in an increasingly digital environment. The program will appeal to librarians interested in global economic development, poverty alleviation, development assistance, and trends in official government
information and civil society (NGO) publishing.
Subjects of interest include but are not limited to:
Official government information sources and strategies for economic growth and poverty alleviation
Statistical sources on economic development and poverty assistance
National government strategies for poverty alleviation and economic development
Poverty alleviation and development information sources from national, international, & regional governmental organizations
Civil society (NGO) information sources on poverty relief and micro-finance
The role of libraries in collecting, preserving, and providing access to this information
Please send your proposal for papers to Satendra Dhaka ( and Jim Church ( by February 15, 2013. Complete information available on the WLIC 2013 website
Best regards, and sorry I cannot be at ALA midwinter!
Jim Church
Monday, January 28, 2013
CFP: SLA 2013 - Call for Speed Geek participants (San Diego, CA)
CFP: SLA 2013 - Call for Speed Geek participants (San Diego, CA)
Planning to attend SLA 2013 in San Diego? Want to be part of something different? See to submit a proposal to participate in the IT Division’s Speed Geek. Presenters will have table space for a laptop and handouts. Like a poster session, presenters stay put while attendees go from table to table to see what you have to show. You can demo a new service or project, show how your library uses social media, or let visitors try out an unusual product. Be creative! The idea is to provide interaction, personal connection, and exposure to a large number of different projects in a short amount of time. Oh, and it's fun! Proposal submission will be open until spots fill up, so act fast. Contact if you have questions.
Planning to attend SLA 2013 in San Diego? Want to be part of something different? See to submit a proposal to participate in the IT Division’s Speed Geek. Presenters will have table space for a laptop and handouts. Like a poster session, presenters stay put while attendees go from table to table to see what you have to show. You can demo a new service or project, show how your library uses social media, or let visitors try out an unusual product. Be creative! The idea is to provide interaction, personal connection, and exposure to a large number of different projects in a short amount of time. Oh, and it's fun! Proposal submission will be open until spots fill up, so act fast. Contact if you have questions.
Call for Presentation Proposals for 2013 Association for Rural & Small Libraries Conference
Call for Presentation Proposals for 2013 Association for Rural & Small Libraries Conference
The Association for Rural & Small Libraries (ARSL) is accepting proposals for break-out session presentations as well as pre-conference sessions for the 2013 Conference to be held in Omaha, Nebraska, September 26-28. The 2013 ASRL theme is “Empowering Small Libraries.”
Our theme for this year’s conference is entitled “Empowering Small Libraries.” We welcome all proposals that can benefit small and rural libraries in any way but would love to see proposals that include some of the following:
All proposals will be reviewed and chosen by the Conference Programming Committee. Awarded presenters will receive ONE complimentary conference registration per presentation selected. (i.e. a team of three presenters working on one presentation will receive one complimentary registration).
The Association for Rural & Small Libraries (ARSL) is accepting proposals for break-out session presentations as well as pre-conference sessions for the 2013 Conference to be held in Omaha, Nebraska, September 26-28. The 2013 ASRL theme is “Empowering Small Libraries.”
Our theme for this year’s conference is entitled “Empowering Small Libraries.” We welcome all proposals that can benefit small and rural libraries in any way but would love to see proposals that include some of the following:
- “Think Outside the Box” Ideas that go beyond book clubs, book sales, story times and other commonly-practiced library programs and services.
- Leadership
- Advocacy
- Community Engagement
- Outstanding Youth Services
All proposals will be reviewed and chosen by the Conference Programming Committee. Awarded presenters will receive ONE complimentary conference registration per presentation selected. (i.e. a team of three presenters working on one presentation will receive one complimentary registration).
Proposals for 1-hour sessions and 4-hour pre-conference sessions can be submitted using an online form on their website.
Visit the ARSL site for more information –
The deadline to submit proposals is February 17, 2013.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
CFP: NETSL - Call for Lightning Talks - The Many Hats of Technical Services
CFP: NETSL - Call for Lightning Talks - The Many Hats of Technical Services
The New England Technical Services Librarians 2013 Conference
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
April 12, 2013
Description: Increasingly those who work in technical services are being asked to do a variety of jobs. It is even the case that these people are solo librarians or the only librarian with a small support staff team. Faced with
this reality and others of budget and staff cuts, the work in technical services continues to diversify and grow in new directions. Technical services librarians meet these challenges head-on, leading their libraries in creating innovative services for the information needs of library users. You are invited to come and share with others how you are meeting these challenges in the form of innovative services that lead to change at your library.
Proposal Information: NETSL invites forward thinking submissions in all areas related to technical services librarianship: acquisitions, cataloging, serials, electronic resources, digital initiatives, and preservation in academic, public, and special libraries. Participants are strongly encouraged to think about innovative services that meet current challenges in technical services, and how we are leaders of change within technical services and in our libraries as a whole. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Leadership in technical services
* Collaboration within and outside the library
* Emerging roles for technical services/technical services librarians
* New staffing models in technical services
* Metadata: creation, reuse, and interoperability
* Integration of metadata with traditional cataloging workflow
* Authority control
* The catalog: what is its future?
* Special formats cataloging
* Increasing costs and shrinking budgets: meeting financial challenges
* Patron-driven acquisitions and services
* Vendor relations with technical services
* Managing the collections: de-selection and inventory
* Linked data publishing and applications
* Local documentation practices
* Managing government documents: access and de-selection issues
* Cloud-based solutions in technical services
* Digital library projects
* Digital object curation and preservation
* Network level data management
* Role of technical services in open access and scholarly communication
* Open source tools and platforms in technical services
NETSL is seeking a total of 4 lightening talk presenters. Lightening talks should be limited to slightly over 11 minutes. After the lightening talk presenters speak, there will be a question and answer period of 15 minutes.
Submit the following information to by Friday, March 4, 2013:
* Title of presentation
* Abstract (no longer than 250 words)
* Names, affiliations, and contact information of all presenters
* Primary contact for presenters
* Equipment and other special needs
Presenters will be notified of proposal acceptance by March 11, 2013.
For more information contact Jennifer Eustis, President, New England Technical Services Librarians.
The New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) was founded in 1923 and draws its members from all over New England. NETSL holds one annual conference and sponsors programs at the New England Library Association Annual Conference (NELA). The NELA Annual Conference occurs every October and rotates its location among the different states in New England. The NETSL Annual Conference take place in late spring and is held at the College of Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. Membership is open to anyone interested in library technical services and can be found at NELA’s Membership website at .
The New England Technical Services Librarians 2013 Conference
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
April 12, 2013
Description: Increasingly those who work in technical services are being asked to do a variety of jobs. It is even the case that these people are solo librarians or the only librarian with a small support staff team. Faced with
this reality and others of budget and staff cuts, the work in technical services continues to diversify and grow in new directions. Technical services librarians meet these challenges head-on, leading their libraries in creating innovative services for the information needs of library users. You are invited to come and share with others how you are meeting these challenges in the form of innovative services that lead to change at your library.
Proposal Information: NETSL invites forward thinking submissions in all areas related to technical services librarianship: acquisitions, cataloging, serials, electronic resources, digital initiatives, and preservation in academic, public, and special libraries. Participants are strongly encouraged to think about innovative services that meet current challenges in technical services, and how we are leaders of change within technical services and in our libraries as a whole. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
* Leadership in technical services
* Collaboration within and outside the library
* Emerging roles for technical services/technical services librarians
* New staffing models in technical services
* Metadata: creation, reuse, and interoperability
* Integration of metadata with traditional cataloging workflow
* Authority control
* The catalog: what is its future?
* Special formats cataloging
* Increasing costs and shrinking budgets: meeting financial challenges
* Patron-driven acquisitions and services
* Vendor relations with technical services
* Managing the collections: de-selection and inventory
* Linked data publishing and applications
* Local documentation practices
* Managing government documents: access and de-selection issues
* Cloud-based solutions in technical services
* Digital library projects
* Digital object curation and preservation
* Network level data management
* Role of technical services in open access and scholarly communication
* Open source tools and platforms in technical services
NETSL is seeking a total of 4 lightening talk presenters. Lightening talks should be limited to slightly over 11 minutes. After the lightening talk presenters speak, there will be a question and answer period of 15 minutes.
Submit the following information to by Friday, March 4, 2013:
* Title of presentation
* Abstract (no longer than 250 words)
* Names, affiliations, and contact information of all presenters
* Primary contact for presenters
* Equipment and other special needs
Presenters will be notified of proposal acceptance by March 11, 2013.
For more information contact Jennifer Eustis, President, New England Technical Services Librarians.
The New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) was founded in 1923 and draws its members from all over New England. NETSL holds one annual conference and sponsors programs at the New England Library Association Annual Conference (NELA). The NELA Annual Conference occurs every October and rotates its location among the different states in New England. The NETSL Annual Conference take place in late spring and is held at the College of Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. Membership is open to anyone interested in library technical services and can be found at NELA’s Membership website at
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Call for Chapters: Writing After Retirement: Tips by Successful Retired Writers
Call for Chapters: Writing After Retirement:
Tips by Successful Retired Writers
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Co-editor: Carol Smallwood co-edited Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising,
Publishing and Teaching (McFarland, 2012), on Poets & Writers Magazine's "List of Best Books for
Writers"; edited Pre- &
Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians (American Library Association, 2012).
Co-editor: Dr. Christine Redman-Waldeyer,
Assistant Professor, Coordinator of the Journalism Option Program, Passaic
County Community College, Paterson,
New Jersey; Editor/Founder, Adanna
Literary Journal; Author, Eve Asks
(Muse-Pie Press, 2011).
An anthology of unpublished 3,000-4,000 word
chapters by successful, retired writers from the U.S. and Canada (up to 3 co-authors) previously following
other careers than writing. Looking for
topics as: Business Aspects of Writing, Writing as a New Career, Networking,
Using Life Experience, Surveys/Interviews on Retired Writers, Finding Your
Niche, Getting Published, Following Dreams Put on Hold, Privacy and Legal
Issues, Working With Editors, Time Management. With living longer, early
retirement, popularity of memoir writing, this is a how-to for baby boomers who
now have time to write. Compensation: one complimentary copy per chapter,
discount on additional copies.
Please e-mail two chapter topics each described
in two sentences by March 28, 2013 with brief pasted bio to
placing RETIREMENT/Last Name on the subject line. If co-authored, pasted bios
for each.
Call for Chapters: Women, Work, and the Web: How the Web Creates Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Call for Chapters: Women, Work, and the Web:
How the Web Creates Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Co-editor: Carol SmallwoodCo-ed., Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising,
Publishing and Teaching (McFarland, 2012) on Poets & Writers Magazine "List of Best Books for
Writers." Writing After Retirement:
Tips by Successful Retired Writers forthcoming from Scarecrow Press.
Co-editor: Joan GelfandDevelopment Chair for the
Women's National Book Association, member of the National Book Critics Circle,
Joan blogs regularly for the Huffington
Post, teaches writing, and is an award winning author.
Seeking chapters of unpublished work from
writers in the United States and Canada for an anthology. We are interested in
such topics as: Women Founding Companies Existing Only on the Web; Women
Working on the Web With Young Children or Physical Disabilities; Woman's
Studies Resources and Curriculum Development Webmasters; Women as Founding
Editors of Webzines and Blogs; Surveys/Interviews of Women on the Web.
Chapters of 3,000-4,000 words (up to 3
co-authors) on how the Internet has opened doors, leveled the playing field and
provided new opportunities for women, are all welcome. Practical, how-to-do-it,
anecdotal and innovative writing based on experience. We are interested in
communicating how women make money on the Web, further their careers and the
status of women. One complimentary copy per chapter, discount on additional
Please e-mail two chapter topics each described
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Call for Papers: Special Issue on Linked Data, Semantic Web and Libraries: Journal of Library Metadata
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Linked Data, Semantic Web and Libraries: Journal of Library Metadata
Guest Editor: Sheila Bair
Associate Professor, Metadata & Cataloging Librarian
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Overview: 2013 finds libraries on the threshold of a “new bibliographic universe.” The Semantic Web, Linked Data, and open access all promise to set library metadata free from its historical constraints. How are libraries preparing for and experimenting with sharing data in this new world of information-set-free?
The general aim of this special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata is to access and present current practices, trends and research in moving library metadata into, and positioning libraries for success in, this new environment.
Topics: Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
• Libraries and Linked Data/Semantic Web
• Open access, library metadata and Linked Data/Semantic Web
• Institutional repository metadata and the Semantic Web
• Harvesting and sharing of metadata in the new environment
• Incorporating Linked Data into library information systems
• Authority control, vocabularies and Linked Data/Semantic Web
• Rights and license management in the Semantic Web
• Linked Data and MARC and non-MARC (EAD, Dublin Core, etc.) library metadata
• Migration of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to new systems and platforms
• Conversion and mapping of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to RDF and Linked Data
• Data clean-up in preparation for migration/conversion
Submission Procedure: Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before, March 31, 2013, a proposal (up to 500 words) clearly explaining the objectives and concerns of his or her proposed article. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified shortly about the status of their proposals. Full manuscripts (4000-7000 words) are expected to be submitted by July 10, 2013. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Please forward submissions electronically (Word document) to the guest editor at
The Journal of Library Metadata is the exclusive forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. This focused journal comprehensively discusses practical, applicable information that libraries can effectively use in their own information discovery environments. Specialized knowledge, the latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining specifically to evolving metadata use in libraries. More information about the Journal of Library Metadata can be found online at
Guest Editor: Sheila Bair
Associate Professor, Metadata & Cataloging Librarian
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Overview: 2013 finds libraries on the threshold of a “new bibliographic universe.” The Semantic Web, Linked Data, and open access all promise to set library metadata free from its historical constraints. How are libraries preparing for and experimenting with sharing data in this new world of information-set-free?
The general aim of this special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata is to access and present current practices, trends and research in moving library metadata into, and positioning libraries for success in, this new environment.
Topics: Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
• Libraries and Linked Data/Semantic Web
• Open access, library metadata and Linked Data/Semantic Web
• Institutional repository metadata and the Semantic Web
• Harvesting and sharing of metadata in the new environment
• Incorporating Linked Data into library information systems
• Authority control, vocabularies and Linked Data/Semantic Web
• Rights and license management in the Semantic Web
• Linked Data and MARC and non-MARC (EAD, Dublin Core, etc.) library metadata
• Migration of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to new systems and platforms
• Conversion and mapping of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to RDF and Linked Data
• Data clean-up in preparation for migration/conversion
Submission Procedure: Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before, March 31, 2013, a proposal (up to 500 words) clearly explaining the objectives and concerns of his or her proposed article. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified shortly about the status of their proposals. Full manuscripts (4000-7000 words) are expected to be submitted by July 10, 2013. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Please forward submissions electronically (Word document) to the guest editor at
The Journal of Library Metadata is the exclusive forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. This focused journal comprehensively discusses practical, applicable information that libraries can effectively use in their own information discovery environments. Specialized knowledge, the latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining specifically to evolving metadata use in libraries. More information about the Journal of Library Metadata can be found online at
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