Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(cseeman@umich.edu)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Call for Speakers in Toledo, Ohio Area: Info Careers outside Libraries
Call for Speakers in Toledo, Ohio Area: Info Careers outside Libraries
As president of the Toledo Area Librarians Association, one of the fun things I do is put together programs for our meetings. This fall, I would like to have a program addressing careers that utilize our skills but do not involve libraries or libraries within a larger organization. The program I’m envisioning would involve three or four people talking about their non-library jobs and how their librarian/info pro skills are utilized. The catch is I need to find a couple of people willing to be the speakers. The meeting would take place around 6:00 p.m., on a date yet to be determined and located somewhere in the Toledo vicinity. If you are interested in being a speaker, please contact me.
Once details are firmed up, I will post them to the SLA Michigan and Cleveland listservs. Area library/information science schools will receive the details as well.
Julie Smith Maekask
Law Librarian
Sunday, July 29, 2012
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS - ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium – “Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"
ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium – “Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"
ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium – “Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"
Saturday, October 27, 2012, 1:30 - 6:30pm
In 2012, information is being sought, shared and created more rapidly and in more ways than ever before. In exploring implications of new modes of communication, changing information forms and media, and the continual evolution of human-information interactions, today’s researchers are challenged to incorporate a greater variety of approaches and new innovative methods of study.
Join us for the 12th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium, which will focus on evolving and emerging strategies of research inquiry! ASIS&T SIG-USE encompasses the wide range of research into human information behavior, needs, seeking, and use.
Lightning Talks - We have 24 slots for participants to give brief "lightning talks" of 2-3 minutes on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems. Interested in giving a lightning talk? Contact us!
Important Dates -
August 31, 2012 - Email brief description of lightning talk topic (150 to 250 words) to Jeanine Williamson (jwilliamson@utk.edu)
September 14, 2012 - Notification of acceptance of lightning talk proposal
October 15, 2012 - Email slides to be loaded in advance for your lightning talk
The 12th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium will explore evolving and emerging strategies of research inquiry in information behavior, needs, seeking, and use by inviting participants to share their experiences with and knowledge of the next generation of research methods. Keynote speaker Dr. Lisa Given of Charles Sturt University, Australia, will engage attendees with a discussion of the use of photography, participant-driven methods, arts-based approaches and other new methods that push the boundaries of information behavior research. Participants in the symposium will give brief “lightning talks” on research methods that are either novel applications of established methods or are on the leading edge of emerging approaches in the field. Workshop attendees will also participate actively by proposing significant problems to be addressed, discussing them in small and large groups, and brainstorming about research methods that might be appropriate for addressing those problems. The Symposium will conclude with a summary and synthesis of the results from the group discussion and brainstorming, as well as a projection for next steps.
1:30-1:45 Welcome and introduction, including an explanation of procedures for lightning talks.
1:45-2:30 Keynote presentation on New Research Methods: incorporating photography, participant-driven methods, arts-based approaches and more. SPEAKER: Lisa Given, Charles Sturt University
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-4:00 First round of lightning talks on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems.
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15-5:30 Second round of lightning talks on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems.
5:30-6:00 Chatman Award research presentations by 2012 winner (5 mins), and 2011 winner, Julie Hersberger of University of North Carolina, Greensboro, on research into information needs and strategies of the homeless: “A Resilience and Information Behavior Model: Understanding Information Roles and Use Outcomes in Homeless Populations” (20 mins), followed by presentation of SIG USE awards (5 mins).
6:00-6:30 Wrap-up and evaluations
The workshop features participatory methods including small and large group discussions, brainstorming, and lightning talks open to participation by all of the attendees. Participants in lightning talks (similar to pecha kucha) can use slides or interactive discussion but generally speak for no more than 2-3 minutes.
Participants are invited to give brief “lightning talks" on research methods and research problems for interactive brainstorming and discussion. The informal lightning talks will last 2-3 minutes with topics in areas such as particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, or research methodology problems. Workshop participants will provide a brief description of their topic or problem beforehand. This description should be around 150-250 words.
Those interested in attending the workshop without submitting a proposal for a topic or problem without giving a lightning talk may register at any time prior to the beginning of the workshop, provided that workshop spaces remain.
For those submitting a description of a proposed lightning talk on a research method or a research problem, please use the following submission guidelines:
Submit all files as pdf documents.
Put your name, title, and institutional affiliation in the upper left-hand corner of the first page
Name your file as follows:
N.B.: Indicate in your email message whether or not you would like your submission to be posted publicly on the SIG USE website as part of the pre- and post-workshop materials.
Submissions are due by midnight local time on August 31, 2012 Email submissions to: Jeanine Williamson, jwilliamson@utk.edu
Jeanine Williamson (Chair), University of Tennessee; Karen Fisher, University of Washington, Seattle; Lisa Given, Charles Sturt University, Australia; Linnea Johnson, Simmons College; Lorri Mon, Florida State University; Soo Young Rieh, University of Michigan; Chirag Shah, Rutgers University; Maria Souden, University College Dublin, Ireland; Rong Tang, Simmons College; Barbara Wildemuth, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Bo Xie, University of Maryland; Guo Zhang, Indiana University
More info about ASIS&T SIG USE: http://siguse.wordpress.com/
Register for the ASIS&T Annual Meeting: http://www.asis.org/asist2012/register.html
See you at ASIS&T 2012!
-- Dr. Lorri Mon, 2012 Chair, ASIS&T SIG USE
FSU College of Communication and Information
FSU SLIS, Florida's iSchool
Florida State University
268 Louis Shores Building, 142 Collegiate Loop
Tallahassee, FL 32306
email: lmon@fsu.edu
ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium – “Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"
Saturday, October 27, 2012, 1:30 - 6:30pm
In 2012, information is being sought, shared and created more rapidly and in more ways than ever before. In exploring implications of new modes of communication, changing information forms and media, and the continual evolution of human-information interactions, today’s researchers are challenged to incorporate a greater variety of approaches and new innovative methods of study.
Join us for the 12th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium, which will focus on evolving and emerging strategies of research inquiry! ASIS&T SIG-USE encompasses the wide range of research into human information behavior, needs, seeking, and use.
Lightning Talks - We have 24 slots for participants to give brief "lightning talks" of 2-3 minutes on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems. Interested in giving a lightning talk? Contact us!
Important Dates -
August 31, 2012 - Email brief description of lightning talk topic (150 to 250 words) to Jeanine Williamson (jwilliamson@utk.edu)
September 14, 2012 - Notification of acceptance of lightning talk proposal
October 15, 2012 - Email slides to be loaded in advance for your lightning talk
The 12th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium will explore evolving and emerging strategies of research inquiry in information behavior, needs, seeking, and use by inviting participants to share their experiences with and knowledge of the next generation of research methods. Keynote speaker Dr. Lisa Given of Charles Sturt University, Australia, will engage attendees with a discussion of the use of photography, participant-driven methods, arts-based approaches and other new methods that push the boundaries of information behavior research. Participants in the symposium will give brief “lightning talks” on research methods that are either novel applications of established methods or are on the leading edge of emerging approaches in the field. Workshop attendees will also participate actively by proposing significant problems to be addressed, discussing them in small and large groups, and brainstorming about research methods that might be appropriate for addressing those problems. The Symposium will conclude with a summary and synthesis of the results from the group discussion and brainstorming, as well as a projection for next steps.
1:30-1:45 Welcome and introduction, including an explanation of procedures for lightning talks.
1:45-2:30 Keynote presentation on New Research Methods: incorporating photography, participant-driven methods, arts-based approaches and more. SPEAKER: Lisa Given, Charles Sturt University
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-4:00 First round of lightning talks on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems.
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15-5:30 Second round of lightning talks on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems.
5:30-6:00 Chatman Award research presentations by 2012 winner (5 mins), and 2011 winner, Julie Hersberger of University of North Carolina, Greensboro, on research into information needs and strategies of the homeless: “A Resilience and Information Behavior Model: Understanding Information Roles and Use Outcomes in Homeless Populations” (20 mins), followed by presentation of SIG USE awards (5 mins).
6:00-6:30 Wrap-up and evaluations
The workshop features participatory methods including small and large group discussions, brainstorming, and lightning talks open to participation by all of the attendees. Participants in lightning talks (similar to pecha kucha) can use slides or interactive discussion but generally speak for no more than 2-3 minutes.
Participants are invited to give brief “lightning talks" on research methods and research problems for interactive brainstorming and discussion. The informal lightning talks will last 2-3 minutes with topics in areas such as particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, or research methodology problems. Workshop participants will provide a brief description of their topic or problem beforehand. This description should be around 150-250 words.
Those interested in attending the workshop without submitting a proposal for a topic or problem without giving a lightning talk may register at any time prior to the beginning of the workshop, provided that workshop spaces remain.
For those submitting a description of a proposed lightning talk on a research method or a research problem, please use the following submission guidelines:
Submit all files as pdf documents.
Put your name, title, and institutional affiliation in the upper left-hand corner of the first page
Name your file as follows:
N.B.: Indicate in your email message whether or not you would like your submission to be posted publicly on the SIG USE website as part of the pre- and post-workshop materials.
Submissions are due by midnight local time on August 31, 2012 Email submissions to: Jeanine Williamson, jwilliamson@utk.edu
Jeanine Williamson (Chair), University of Tennessee; Karen Fisher, University of Washington, Seattle; Lisa Given, Charles Sturt University, Australia; Linnea Johnson, Simmons College; Lorri Mon, Florida State University; Soo Young Rieh, University of Michigan; Chirag Shah, Rutgers University; Maria Souden, University College Dublin, Ireland; Rong Tang, Simmons College; Barbara Wildemuth, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Bo Xie, University of Maryland; Guo Zhang, Indiana University
More info about ASIS&T SIG USE: http://siguse.wordpress.com/
Register for the ASIS&T Annual Meeting: http://www.asis.org/asist2012/
See you at ASIS&T 2012!
-- Dr. Lorri Mon, 2012 Chair, ASIS&T SIG USE
FSU College of Communication and Information
FSU SLIS, Florida's iSchool
Florida State University
268 Louis Shores Building, 142 Collegiate Loop
Tallahassee, FL 32306
email: lmon@fsu.edu
Call for articles: special issue on RDA/FRBR for OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library
Call for articles: special issue on RDA/FRBR for OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library
URL: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=1065-075X
OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives (OSS:IDLP) will be publishing a special issue on RDA/FRBR in libraries. The editor is looking for articles on all aspects of this topic. Articles can be of any length, and figures and screen shots are encouraged. OSS:IDLP is a peer-reviewed journal.
If you are interested in contributing, please send the editor your name, a short proposal of the topic, and a tentative title for the article. Deadline for proposals is September 1, 2012. Articles would be due to the
editor by February 1, 2013. Any questions and proposal should be directed to the editor, not to this listserv. Thank you.
Bradford Lee Eden, Ph.D.
Editor, _OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives_
Dean of Library Services
Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources
Valparaiso University
Valparaiso, Indiana 46383
CFP: The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances
CFP: The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances
The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances (TBL) is actively seeking submissions.
An established print and online journal, The Bottom Line’s major focus is on library finances, library development activities, dealing with library budgets and personnel, and changes in libraries due to economic challenges.
The journal is especially interested in articles on the topics below from archives, museums, and other information organizations as well.
Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, the journal is interested in articles of varying lengths, opinion pieces and case studies. The editor will work with authors that are new to LIS publishing, and those who are
seeking outlets for reporting on practical uses of budgets and finances in libraries.
Submissions particularly welcome in the following areas (for example):
• Library changes and challenges from recent economic turmoil
• Case studies on library budgeting and finances
• Case studies on library development activities
• Downsizing and reorganization of libraries
• Library budgets and finances from an administrator’s perspective (high-level or middle management)
• Library budgets and finances from a staff perspective
• Innovative ways to raise money and awareness of library activities and mission
• Thought-provoking opinions related to library budgets and finances
Go to www.emeraldinsight.com/bl.htm to see past tables of contents and sample articles.
I look forward to hearing from you
Dr Brad Eden, Editor
An established print and online journal, The Bottom Line’s major focus is on library finances, library development activities, dealing with library budgets and personnel, and changes in libraries due to economic challenges.
The journal is especially interested in articles on the topics below from archives, museums, and other information organizations as well.
Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, the journal is interested in articles of varying lengths, opinion pieces and case studies. The editor will work with authors that are new to LIS publishing, and those who are
seeking outlets for reporting on practical uses of budgets and finances in libraries.
Submissions particularly welcome in the following areas (for example):
• Library changes and challenges from recent economic turmoil
• Case studies on library budgeting and finances
• Case studies on library development activities
• Downsizing and reorganization of libraries
• Library budgets and finances from an administrator’s perspective (high-level or middle management)
• Library budgets and finances from a staff perspective
• Innovative ways to raise money and awareness of library activities and mission
• Thought-provoking opinions related to library budgets and finances
Go to www.emeraldinsight.com/bl.htm to see past tables of contents and sample articles.
I look forward to hearing from you
Dr Brad Eden, Editor
Valparaiso University
Friday, July 27, 2012
CFP: LITA Programs at 2013 ALA Annual (Chicago June 27-July 3, 2013)
CFP: LITA Programs at 2013 ALA Annual (Chicago June 27-July 3, 2013)
The LITA Program Planning Committee is now accepting innovative and creative proposals for the 2013 Annual American Library Association Conference. We're looking for full day pre-conferences and 90 minute conference presentations on technology in libraries--use of, new ideas for, and trends. Last year we received 95 proposals and we’re excited about all of your new ideas to share with us.
Changes from last year!!
*When/Where is the Conference?*
2013 Annual ALA Conference, Chicago, IL: June 27-July 2, 2013
*What kind of topics are we looking for? *
We’re looking for programs that can scale to other libraries, inspire technological change and adoption, or go above and beyond the every day.
Successful topics in the past have included Data Management Services, Responsive Web Design, and Homegrown Technology Tools.
*When are proposals due? *
August 24, 2012
*How I do submit a proposal? *
Fill out this form
Program descriptions should be 75 words or less.
*When will I have an answer? *
The committee will be reviewing proposals after August 24, final decisions will be made in September.
*Do I have to be a member of ALA/LITA/an IG/a committee?*
No! We welcome proposals from anyone who feels they have something to offer regarding library technology. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide financial support for speakers. Because of the limited number of programs, LITA IGs and Committees will receive preference where two equally well written programs are submitted. Presenters may be asked to combine programs or work with an IG/Committee where similar topics have been proposed.
*Got another question?*
Please feel free to email me (abigailgoben@gmail.com) and the group will figure it out.
The LITA Program Planning Committee is now accepting innovative and creative proposals for the 2013 Annual American Library Association Conference. We're looking for full day pre-conferences and 90 minute conference presentations on technology in libraries--use of, new ideas for, and trends. Last year we received 95 proposals and we’re excited about all of your new ideas to share with us.
Changes from last year!!
- Due to changes announced in June by the ALA Conference Committee - DS comments, all divisions are limited to accepting 20 programs each next summer.
- All programs will be 90 minutes, located in the convention center, and will be recorded.
- All proposal submissions will need to choose a Conference Track. Please see Appendix A in the Roadmap here (http://connect.ala.org/node/
178761 ) for more details. - Vendors wishing to submit a proposal should partner with a library representative who is using the product. The library/librarian should submit the proposal.
*When/Where is the Conference?*
2013 Annual ALA Conference, Chicago, IL: June 27-July 2, 2013
*What kind of topics are we looking for? *
We’re looking for programs that can scale to other libraries, inspire technological change and adoption, or go above and beyond the every day.
Successful topics in the past have included Data Management Services, Responsive Web Design, and Homegrown Technology Tools.
*When are proposals due? *
August 24, 2012
*How I do submit a proposal? *
Fill out this form
Program descriptions should be 75 words or less.
*When will I have an answer? *
The committee will be reviewing proposals after August 24, final decisions will be made in September.
*Do I have to be a member of ALA/LITA/an IG/a committee?*
No! We welcome proposals from anyone who feels they have something to offer regarding library technology. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide financial support for speakers. Because of the limited number of programs, LITA IGs and Committees will receive preference where two equally well written programs are submitted. Presenters may be asked to combine programs or work with an IG/Committee where similar topics have been proposed.
*Got another question?*
Please feel free to email me (abigailgoben@gmail.com) and the group will figure it out.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
CFP: Internet Reference Services Quarterly
CFP: Internet Reference Services Quarterly
Call for Papers: Internet Reference Services Quarterly
Internet Reference Services Quarterly (http://goo.gl/Q0np0) is now accepting manuscripts for the 2012/13 volume year.
Internet Reference Services Quarterly is a refereed journal that presents research and practical information about reference librarianship in the digital age. The journal offers studies and articles on technology and innovations related to the delivery of library user services, including reference, research consultation, instruction, information literacy, user design and usability, and electronic reference materials and sources.
Internet Reference Services Quarterly welcomes articles covering topics on the online, electronic and digital aspects and nature of library reference and information services, including reference practices, research consultations, reference sources and tools, professional librarianship, electronic communications, information literacy, instruction, online searching, training and education, managing reference services, evaluating information services and sources, software and technology, and user populations.
Internet Reference Services Quarterly receives all manuscripts electronically via the journal's ScholarOne website: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/WIRS
The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2012.
Please send questions to IRSQ editor Jason Sokoloff at sokolojk@jmu.edu.
For more information about Internet Reference Services Quarterly, including complete submission instructions, visit www.tandfonline.com/WIRS
Monday, July 23, 2012
Call for Proposals: SLA Business & Finance Division Sponsored Continuing Education Course at 2013 SLA Conference
Call for Proposals: SLA Business & Finance Division Sponsored Continuing Education Course at 2013 SLA Conference
Can you teach a continuing education course to your colleagues?
The SLA Business & Finance Division is accepting proposals for B&F division-sponsored continuing education courses at the 2013 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO, which will be held in San Diego, CA on June 9 - 11, 2013.
Planning for the continuing education programs is already underway. So if you have a great idea for either a full-day or half-day course, contact me at jgraveli@uab.edufor a proposal form right away. CE proposals are due by August 17, 2012.
Jeff Graveline
Director, Professional Development
SLA Business & Finance Division
Jeff Graveline
Director, Professional Development
SLA Business & Finance Division
CFP: Reference Services Review Special Issue on the role of the library in campus-wide retention efforts
CFP: Reference Services Review Special Issue on the role of the library in campus-wide retention efforts
Reference Services Review (RSR) is seeking authors to write on the theme of the role of the library in campus-wide retention efforts – Volume 41 Number 1, will be published in February 2013. First drafts of manuscripts will be due by October 8, 2012. Manuscripts are evaluated using a double-blind peer review process. Authors can expect to work on major and /or minor revisions in late October and early November 2012.
The journal is pre-published through Emerald EarlyCite http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/writing/earlycite.htm?PHPSESSID=2rl81bpeu186f25o4og6j29p61 and issues are made available before the official publication date.
More details about the journal, including author guidelines are at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/rsr.htm
With national attention focused on performance levels of higher education institutions, many colleges and universities are focusing on Retention, Progression, and Graduation (RPG) efforts. While the campus library is often included in tours when new potential students are recruited, the library and its services are an integral part of retaining those students and helping them progress toward graduation.
In this issue of RSR, the intersection of the library with these larger campus wide efforts will be explored.
Paper topics might include, but are not limited to:
The co-editors for this special issue are: Anne Barnhart and Andrea Stanfield from the University of West Georgia. Please send expressions of interest, abstracts, or inquiries to: rsrlibraryrpg@gmail.com
More information: http://libguides.westga.edu/cfprsr
Reference Services Review (RSR) is seeking authors to write on the theme of the role of the library in campus-wide retention efforts – Volume 41 Number 1, will be published in February 2013. First drafts of manuscripts will be due by October 8, 2012. Manuscripts are evaluated using a double-blind peer review process. Authors can expect to work on major and /or minor revisions in late October and early November 2012.
The journal is pre-published through Emerald EarlyCite http://www.emeraldinsight.com/
More details about the journal, including author guidelines are at: http://www.emeraldinsight.
With national attention focused on performance levels of higher education institutions, many colleges and universities are focusing on Retention, Progression, and Graduation (RPG) efforts. While the campus library is often included in tours when new potential students are recruited, the library and its services are an integral part of retaining those students and helping them progress toward graduation.
In this issue of RSR, the intersection of the library with these larger campus wide efforts will be explored.
Paper topics might include, but are not limited to:
- The role of the library with Summer Bridge or College Transition programs
- Library involvement in new student recruitment
- Research demonstrating a connection between information literacy instruction and student success
- Role of the library in retention of specific student populations (distance, nontraditional, at-risk, etc)
- Non-academic programming in libraries (working with other campus agencies)
- Academic success of student library workers
The co-editors for this special issue are: Anne Barnhart and Andrea Stanfield from the University of West Georgia. Please send expressions of interest, abstracts, or inquiries to: rsrlibraryrpg@gmail.com
More information: http://libguides.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Call for Papers Department of Library & Information Studies, UWI Jamaica 40th Anniversary Conference
Call for Papers Department of Library & Information Studies, UWI Jamaica 40th Anniversary Conference
Conference Theme : From Search to Discovery: Reimagining the Library and Information Landscape
Date: October 4- 6, 2012
Venue: The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston Jamaica - Mona Visitors' Lodge & Conference Center
URL: http://myspot.mona.uwi.edu/dlis/40th-anniversary-conference
CFP URL: http://myspot.mona.uwi.edu/dlis/sites/drupal-dev.uwimona.edu.jm.dlis/files/uploads/CALL%20FOR%20PAPER%20&%20POSTER%20PROPOSALS[1].pdf
The theme asks participants to envision how the changing information environment is impacting the role and functions of libraries, librarians, as well as library and information science education and research and information users. Further, persons are asked to relate this change to the current situation in the Caribbean.
We invite persons to contribute research-based paper and poster proposals; best practices; and critical essays on aspects of the conference theme including but not limited to the following:
1. Repositioning of LIS Education for enhanced competencies and capabilities
- Interdisciplinary and collaborative initiatives
- Curriculum redesign
- Online Web-based teaching
- Research directions
2. LIS Research Landscape: Crossing Disciplinary Lines
3. Envisioning Caribbean Libraries for Today, Tomorrow and Beyond
4. Reimagining the Role of the Librarian and the User
5. Creating and Evaluating Competitive Information Products and Services
6. The “I factor”
- Role of Libraries in Information Management
- Cloud computing and libraries
- Visual data
- Libraries and knowledge management
7. Reinventing our brand in the post- modern environment
- Institutional [school, academic, corporate libraries]
- Personal
- Professional
- Synergy with Archives and Museums
Deadline for paper/poster proposal submissions (maximum 1,000 words): July 31, 2012
Notification of acceptance: August 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Databib: Call for Editors
Databib: Call for Editors
Databib, http://databib.org, is a tool for helping people to identify and locate online repositories of research data. Over 200 data repositories have been cataloged in Databib, with more being added every week. Users and bibliographers create and curate records that describe data repositories that users can browse and search.
* What repositories are appropriate for a researcher to submit his or her data to?
* How do users find appropriate data repositories and discover datasets to meet their needs?
* How can librarians help patrons locate and integrate data into their research or learning?
Databib begins to address these needs for data users, data producers, publishers, librarians, funding agencies, and others engaged in data-driven research.
In addition to the website, Databib is made available using a variety of machine interfaces (RSS, RDF/XML, OpenSearch, RDFa/Linked Data) for easy integration with other tools and environments without restriction (CC0). Databib's international advisory board represents global support for collaborating to develop such a global registry of research data repositories.
The development of Databib was initially supported by a Sparks! Innovation National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Nominations for an Editorial Board are being solicited to ensure the coverage and accuracy of Databib. Editors ideally will have expertise in a specific research domain or knowledge of research data repositories in a particular geographic region as well as experience with descriptive metadata. The primary role of an Editor is to review, edit, and approve submissions to Databib and contribute to the enhancement of the metadata and functionality of Databib for a voluntary, three-year term. The Editorial Board will meet (virtually) a minimum of twice a year and will correspond as needed by email.
Please send nominations or questions to databib@gmail.com, or visit http://databib.org/about.php for more information. Thank you.
Michael Witt, Purdue University
Assistant Professor of Library Science
Interdisciplinary Research Librarian
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Call for Posters: Michigan Library Association Annual Conference (Dearborn, Michigan)
Call for Posters: Michigan Library Association Annual Conference (Dearborn, Michigan)
November 6-9, 2012
Never presented at a conference before? Consider presenting your research or projects at the MLA Annual Conference! The Poster Sessions and ConverStations are the perfect way to do low-stress presenting at a professional conference and it gives you a great opportunity to network! It looks great in your portfolio and you’ll get to meet & converse with colleagues from around the state! Instead of a formal presentation, you can just talk to people about your project or research, which is great for people who have never presented before.
This year’s conference is going to be in Dearborn, so it’s convenient for all local SLIS students to present in person. More information about the Poster Sessions and ConverStations can be found HERE. Deadline to Submit is August 1st.
Call for Proposals: 2012 Eastern Great Lakes IUG meeting (Akron, Ohio)
Call for Proposals: 2012 Eastern Great Lakes IUG meeting (Akron, Ohio)
The Eastern Great Lakes Innovative Users Group invites you to present your ideas, experiences, and views on the various modules of the Innovative Interfaces system at our annual meeting being held Friday, September 21, 2012 at the Akron-Summit County Public Library, Main Library in Akron, Ohio.
We need your valuable expertise to make this regional conference a success!
* Presentations for all levels of experience across all modules and Innovative products are welcomed.
* Proposals may take the form of programs, panel discussions, forums, and hands-on instruction.
* Have an idea, but don't think you could devote a full 60 minutes to it? Submit a proposal for a 10 minute presentation for our "Lightning Round."
* "Birds of a Feather" (BoF) sessions, which take the form of informal discussions on a particular topic, module or issue(s) may also be proposed.
Submissions may be made using the form posted on the Eastern Great Lakes IUG website at http://www.egl-iug.org/progproposal.htm
Presenters will have the opportunity to register at a discounted rate.
For further information contact Dorothea Richards, Program Committee Chair.
Review the IUG website for presentation guidelines at http://www.innovativeusers.org/conference-guidelines
Proposal Deadline: Friday, August 10, 2012.
We look forward to receiving your proposal.
Thank you,
Dorothea Richards (drichards@starklibrary.org)
Program Committee Chair, 2012 Eastern Great Lakes IUG
Dorothea Richards
Integrated Library System Coordinator
Stark County District Library (www.starklibrary.org)
715 Market Ave. N., Canton, OH 44702
Phone: (330) 458-2722
E-mail: drichards@starklibrary.org
CFP: The Journal of Learning Spaces is now accepting submissions for Volume 2, issue 1
CFP: The Journal of Learning Spaces is now accepting submissions for Volume 2, issue 1.
The Journal of Learning Spaces provides a scholarly, multidisciplinary forum for research articles, case studies, book reviews, and position pieces related to all aspects of learning space design, operation, pedagogy, and assessment. Submissions should focus primarily on learning spaces and their impact on or relationship to teaching and learning. Please visit our Focus and Scope page for more information.
All submissions are due on or before November 4, 2012.
All submissions must be:
· Original, unpublished works not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
· Written in English.
· Formatted and referenced using the most current APA Style.
· Submitted as MS Word, RTF, or Acrobat PDF documents.
· Submitted through the Journal home page. To submit, you must first login or register as an Author with the Journal, then follow the link and steps to Start A New Submission.
Types of submissions sought:
Research manuscripts. Peer-reviewed.
4,000-7,000 words, including bibliography.
Research manuscripts present and describe original, primary research (broadly defined) on topics of current importance that may impact learning space research and practice in higher education. Manuscripts provide clear and complete methodology and include all necessary figures, tables, and illustrations. See additional formatting requirements below. Registered Journal of Learning Spaces readers are free to post comments and questions to these submissions.
Case studies. Peer-reviewed.
3,000-5,000 words.
Case studies describe mature projects and programs that describe or demonstrate innovative, instructive learning space designs, programs, or practices in higher education. Case studies dealing with pedagogy, assessment, or unique partnerships and collaborations will receive greatest preference. Registered Journal of Learning Spaces readers are free to post comments and questions to these submissions.
Position pieces. Peer-reviewed.
2,000-4,000 words, including bibliography.
Position pieces are essays intended to inform readers of, or to stimulate discussion about, significant issues in current learning space research and practices in higher education. Position pieces may be primary or secondary research and will provide complete references. Registered Journal of Learning Spaces readers are free to post comments and questions to these submissions.
Field Reports.
1,000-2,000 words.
Field Reports are thoughtful summaries of recent conferences, meetings, colloquium, etc. on topics relevant to learning space research and design. Submissions should present the ideas and insights generated during the event being reported, rather than simply detailing the topics covered. Field Reports should underscore the value or importance of the ideas being summarized to the readership. Registered Journal of Learning Spaces readers are free to post comments and questions to these submissions.
Book reviews.
300-500 words.
Book reviews provide concise summaries and evaluations of current (published within the last 12 months) books related to learning space research or practices in higher education. Book review authors select and procure books to review, based on their professional view of the book's real or potential impact and relevance to current research and practice. Authors are encouraged to cite other notable books related to the one being reviewed. Registered Journal of Learning Spaces readers are free to post comments and questions to these submissions.
Learning Space Spotlight.
300-500 words.
Spotlight submissions highlight innovative learning spaces in higher education -- formal or informal, physical or virtual. These brief profiles describe a space's vision, key features, technologies, staffing, and innovative features or uses. Photos, floor plans, and links to related media are highly encouraged. Registered Journal of Learning Spaces readers are free to post comments and questions to these submissions.
CALL FOR CHAPTER : Progressive Trends in Electronic Resources Management in Libraries
CALL FOR CHAPTER : Progressive Trends in Electronic Resources Management in Libraries
A book edited by Nihar K Patra (National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management, India), Bharat Kumar (Management Development Institute, India), and Ashis Pani (XLRI, Jamsedpur, India).
To be published by IGI Global: http://bit.ly/OVFBap
A paradigm shift from print to electronic resources in libraries has great impact on library and its users. With the influx of electronic resources such as e-journals, e-books, full-text / aggregated databases have a great impact on operational and organizational procedures of the library along with changes in library usage pattern and budgets. This book will deal both with theoretical and practical frameworks and with recent empirical developments on electronic resources.
Objective of the Book
This book will aim to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and latest empirical research findings in this area. It will be written for professionals who want to improve their knowledge / understanding on current issues on electronic resources. This publication will explore the concept of electronic resources and make effort to encompass every facet of e-resources in a nutshell.
Target Audience
The target audience of this book will comprised of professionals, researchers working in the field of electronic resources, e.g. management practices and life-cycle of electronic resources comprises selection, acquisition, ordering / renewal / cancellation; cost benefit analysis; usage pattern; impact on users’; license agreement, etc.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Electronic resources: history, scope, challenges and overview
-A journey from print to electronic resources: A Bird’s eye view
-Electronic Resources: planning, implementing and strategy
-Cost benefit analysis: from print to electronic resources
-Life cycle of electronic resources: selection, acquisition, access, renewal / cancellation
-Electronic Resource Management Systems: proprietary software / Open Source Software (OSS), ERM
-Search interface, federated search, etc
-Branding, authentication and access management
-Application of ICT for subscription and access
-Copyright, license agreement, IPR and ethical issue
-Usages and statistics analysis
-Electronic resources: a future
Proposal Submission Procedure
Interested researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before August 30, 2012, a 2 – 3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his/her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by September 30, 2012 faculty members, researchers, and academic librarians / scientists / about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are accepted to be submitted by December 30, 2012. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com . This title is anticipated to be released in 2013.
Important Dates
August 30, 2012 Proposal Submission Deadline
September 30, 2012 Notification for Acceptance
December 30, 2012 Full chapter Submission
February 28, 2013 Review Process Returned
April 1, 2013 Revised Chapter Submission
April 15, 2013 Final Acceptance Notifications
April 30, 2013 Submission of Final Chapters
Editorial Advisory Board Members:
Ø Anjana H. Bhatt, University Librarian (Electronic Resources), Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida
Ø Anne Moon, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Ø Allan Cho, Program Services Librarian, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ø Eduardo Alentejo, Professor, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ø Jaideep Sharma, Professor, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India
Ø Smita Joshipura, Electronic Resources Management Coordinator, Arizona State University, Arizona
Ø Suzie Allard, Professor, Associate Professor & Associate Director, University of Tennessee, USA
Ø Vesna Injac, Library Advisor, National Library of Serbia, Serbia
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded by e-mail to:
Bharat Kumar
Management Development Institute
Gurgaon – 122 007, India
Mobile: +91-9968456404, +91-9560899434
E-mail - Bharat.Kumar@hotmail.com
Nihar K Patra
National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management
Kundali, Sonipat, India
Mobile: +91-8901358463
E-mail - patranihar@gmail.com
Monday, July 09, 2012
Call for Chapters: Class and Librarianship
Call for Chapters: Class and Librarianship
URL: http://libraryjuicepress.com/blog/?p=3468
Class and Librarianship: Essays at the Intersection of Information, Labor and Capital.
Edited by Erik Sean Estep (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) and Nathaniel F Enright (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). To be published by Library Juice Press in 2013.
The current crisis of capitalism has led to the renewed interest in Marxism and its core categories of analysis such as class and exploitation. In our own discipline-Library and Information Science-voices and ideas that have long been confined to the critical margins have been given buoyancy as forms of critique have gained traction. Our volume will allow for a fresh look at the interaction of information, labor, capital, class, and librarianship.
Questions that can be explored in contributions include, but are not limited to: class differences in the workplace, faculty and staff relations at libraries, poverty and public libraries, information science pedagogy and class, the commodification of information, information and class struggle, class bias in classification systems and the class politics of mental or digital labor.
We welcome contributions from scholars and practitioners alike. If you wish to discuss your contribution with us please feel free to do so by contacting Erik Estep (hobsbawm17 at gmail.com) or Nathaniel Enright (natenright at gmail.com).
Abstracts of no longer than 500 words are due on August 30. We will let you know if you make the cut by September 30. Final papers due February 1 2013.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Call for Chapters: Successful Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Student Research
Call for Chapters: Successful Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Student Research
Beth Bloom and I are the editors of Successful Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Student Research, which will be published by Rowman and Littlefield in 2013. The book will be cross-marketed to the LIS community and teaching faculty. We are looking for authors to contribute case studies that highlight innovative library programs or library-faculty collaborative efforts. Each case study should be approximately 22-25 pages. The book’s abstract is included below:
One of the most difficult aspects of doing research for undergraduates is being able to frame the research question. This book, which includes contributions from well-known authors from a variety of disciplines—library science, communication, composition and history—helps students do precisely that. The authors focus on different stages of the research process and provide guidance on how to complete the initial, crucial steps for identifying and organizing a topic.
Please get in touch with me (Marta.Deyrup@shu.edu) if you are interested in contributing a chapter or learning more about our project,
Marta Mestrovic Deyrup, Ph.D.
Professor and Librarian I
Seton Hall University Libraries
400 South Orange Avenue
South Orange, NJ 07079
Call for Proposals for Fast Forward >> The Future of Audio Visual Materials
Call for Proposals for Fast Forward >> The Future of Audio Visual Materials
Do you have film? Video Tapes? Cassettes? Records? Reel to reel tape? 8-Tracks?
How is your institution working with these collections?
Amigos announces a call for proposals for our latest online conference, Fast Forward >> The Future of Audio Visual Materials, which will take place online on Friday, September 7, 2012.
We are looking for speakers to talk about how they are working with their audio visual collections. Possible topics could include:
· Access to Collections
· Preservation
· Reformatting
· Digitization
· Working with vendors
· Storage
· Standards
· Best Practices
· *Lessons Learned
· *Restoration/Recovery of Data
If you can speak on one of the topics above or have another idea in mind, please submit your proposal here:
http://www.amigos.org/node/1268 Proposals are due Friday, July 20, 2012. Please share
If you have any questions, please contact Gina Minks at minks@amigos.org or 800-843-8482 ext. 2825.
Don’t worry if you have never presented online
- Amigos will give you the tools and support to succeed!
Gina L. B. Minks
Imaging & Preservation Service Manager
Amigos Library Services
14400 Midway Road
Dallas, TX 75244-3509
Tel: 972-340-2825
Toll free: 800-843-8482
Fax: 972-991-6061
The Amigos Imaging & Preservation Service is funded through generous support from
the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
CFP: Pre-School through Teen Library Outreach
CFP: Pre-School through Teen Library Outreach
Book Publisher: McFarland & Company, Inc.
Co-editor: Kerol Harrod, Denton Public Library, Denton, Texas; Marketing Your Library: Tips and Tools That Work, McFarland & Company, 2012
Co-editor: Carol Smallwood, The Frugal Librarian: Thriving in Tough Economic Times; and Library Management Tips That Work, both 2011 ALA Editions
Chapters sought for an anthology by U.S. practicing academic, public, school, special librarians, LIS faculty, sharing practical how-to chapters on: creative outreach activities that work and are fun for staff, children, parents, and teachers. With budget and staff cuts, changes in technology, and security concerns in an increasingly diverse society, librarians more than ever need successful, inexpensive outreach to young patrons-their future library supporters.
Knowing what programs work saves time, effort, and resources for librarians.
Creative methods are needed to use in various types of libraries. Concise, how-to chapters 3,000-3,500 words using bullets, headings, based on experience. No previously published or simultaneously submitted material. One or two authors; one complimentary copy per chapter as compensation, discounts on additional copies.
Please paste proposed titles of 2-3 topics each briefly described by August 5, 2012 with biography sketch(s); place YOUTH/Last Name on the subject line to Carol: smallwood@tm.net
Book Publisher: McFarland & Company, Inc.
Co-editor: Kerol Harrod, Denton Public Library, Denton, Texas; Marketing Your Library: Tips and Tools That Work, McFarland & Company, 2012
Co-editor: Carol Smallwood, The Frugal Librarian: Thriving in Tough Economic Times; and Library Management Tips That Work, both 2011 ALA Editions
Chapters sought for an anthology by U.S. practicing academic, public, school, special librarians, LIS faculty, sharing practical how-to chapters on: creative outreach activities that work and are fun for staff, children, parents, and teachers. With budget and staff cuts, changes in technology, and security concerns in an increasingly diverse society, librarians more than ever need successful, inexpensive outreach to young patrons-their future library supporters.
Knowing what programs work saves time, effort, and resources for librarians.
Creative methods are needed to use in various types of libraries. Concise, how-to chapters 3,000-3,500 words using bullets, headings, based on experience. No previously published or simultaneously submitted material. One or two authors; one complimentary copy per chapter as compensation, discounts on additional copies.
Please paste proposed titles of 2-3 topics each briefly described by August 5, 2012 with biography sketch(s); place YOUTH/Last Name on the subject line to Carol: smallwood@tm.net
The Journal of Social Media in Society is now accepting submissions.
The Journal of Social Media in Society is now accepting submissions.
This blind peer-reviewed journal is accepting proposals for research articles and book reviews.
The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2012, and the first issue is expected to publish summer 2012.
This blind peer-reviewed journal is accepting proposals for research articles and book reviews.
The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2012, and the first issue is expected to publish summer 2012.
The Journal of Social Media in Society (JSMS) is a blind peer-reviewed semi-annual journal devoted to scholarship and commentary on social media and its impact on society.
JSMS is an electronic journal published by the Texas Social Media Research Institute to advance the study of social media with current literature based on theory, research and practice from all methodological frameworks.
More information is available at http://www.tarleton.edu/tsmri/journal.html . Please address correspondence to Dr. Sarah Maben at texassocialmediaresearch@gmail.com
JSMS is an electronic journal published by the Texas Social Media Research Institute to advance the study of social media with current literature based on theory, research and practice from all methodological frameworks.
More information is available at http://www.tarleton.edu/tsmri/
Thank you,
Yvonne Mulhern
Co-director of Texas Social Media Research Institute
Co-director of Texas Social Media Research Institute
Monday, July 02, 2012
Call for Chapters: Cases on Electronic Records and Resource Management Implementation in Diverse Environments
Call for Chapters: Cases on Electronic Records and Resource Management Implementation in Diverse Environments
Call for Chapters
Proposals Submission Deadline: July 15, 2012
Full Chapters Due: November 30, 2012
Submission Date: February 15, 2013
Ever since the Internet inspired the creation of web-based, accessible materials, libraries have engaged in the effective use of online systems to create and to manage records and resources for their service population. Historically, libraries have always used record representation to build catalog displays of library materials and holdings. As more and more materials moved from traditional mediums, such as print and analog formats, libraries found ways to effectively manage expanding records and digital versions of journals, indexes, films, and statistical data. Library systems became more integrated with content and electronic resource management systems to control licenses, to address additional record maintenance, and to streamline access to resources.
Other organizations are now confronted with managing their records regardless of format. Many have struggled with formulating policies for digitizing original print formats and with finding an effective solution for housing digitized records along with their born-digital documents. Individuals working in business, education, government, law, medicine, and the sciences produce and maintain numerous and varied documents that require effective organization for storage and retrieval so their employer or organization remains competitive. While the software tools may differ from those used in libraries, many of the basic principles of organization, storage, and retrieval are the same. Therefore, examples of effective implementation of resource and records management systems across organizations and disciplines would benefit all concerned.
Objective of the Book
The main goal of the publication is to bring together real-life examples of how electronic records and resource management have been implemented across disciplines. While records and resource management has been addressed in relation to academic libraries, an across discipline approach has not been evident. The manifestation of each implementation in libraries and in various organizations, such as in business, education, government, law, and the sciences can add to the body of literature on effective electronic records and resource management principles and practices. System utilization and effectiveness will point the way to joint efforts on standardization of programs.
Target Audience
The target audience will be composed of professionals involved in the education of library and information science (LIS) students and in the training of individuals responsible for electronic records management in various disciplines. The book will demonstrate effective real-life instances of electronic records and resource management implementation in diverse settings. It will highlight the current concerns and issues surrounding such implementation and will show a variety of solutions for attaining similar goals.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Principles and theory concerning electronic records and resource management
The potential benefits and possible disadvantages of electronic records and resource management
The legal and ethical concerns of electronic records and resource management
The advantages/disadvantages of proprietary and open source mediums for implementing electronic records and resource management
Implementation of electronic records and resource management in various organizations and disciplines, including, but not limited to, libraries, business, education, government, law, and the sciences
Application of electronic records and resource management principles in the handling of diverse materials, including, but not limited to, internal documents, data sets, marketing information, curriculum materials, student records, interactive materials, legal documents, court records, resource sharing, open access repositories, digital collections, licensing and subscription information, medical record management, hospital records, music storage and retrieval, research data storage and retrieval, and electronic data exchange
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before July 15, 2012, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by August 1, 2012 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by November 30, 2012. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2013.
Important Dates
July 15, 2012: Proposal Submission Deadline
August 1, 2012: Notification of Acceptance
November 30, 2012: Full Chapter Submission
January 15, 2013: Review Results Returned
February 15, 2013: Final Chapter Submission
March 15, 2013: Final Deadline
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document):
Dr. Janice M. Krueger, Department of Library Science
209 Carlson, 840 Wood St., Clarion, PA 16214
Phone: 814-393-2202 * Fax: 814-393-2150 * E-mail: jkrueger@clarion.edu
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