Monday, June 27, 2011

Call for Contributors: Preserving Local Writers, Genealogy, Photographs, Newspapers and Related Materials

Call for Contributors: Preserving Local Writers, Genealogy, Photographs, Newspapers  and Related Materials

Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press

Co-Editors, Carol Smallwood, The Frugal Librarian: Thriving in Tough Economic Times, American Library Association, 2011
and  Elaine Williams, MLS, Highland County District Library, Lynchburg, Ohio.

Chapters sought for an anthology by librarians who’ve worked with historical societies and/or their libraries in preserving local history, newspaper preservation, managed manuscript/book collections of local authors, photography collections, kept student oral and written interviews, and have done/are doing related activities. Tips needed on overcoming liability and invasion of privacy issues, what to save, ways to preserve local material. Librarians are often the last chance important aspects of local culture have of being conserved.

No previously published, simultaneously submitted material; 3,000-3,500 words. Concise, how-to chapters, using bullets, headings. One author. Compensation: one complimentary book, discount on additional copies.

Please e-mail 2 topics described separately in 2 sentences by July 20, 2011 with a short bio. Kindly place, PRESERVING/Your Name, on the subject line to:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Call for authors -- LITA guide

Call for authors -- LITA guide

Jane Monson will be editing a book to be published by Neal-Schuman Publishers, entitled “Jump-Start Your Career as a Digital Librarian: A LITA Guide”.  The guide is intended to provide an overview of topics in the field and is aimed at new and aspiring digital librarians, with a focus on academic librarianship (though this should not discourage those from other types of libraries from contributing).  She is seeking authors for the following chapters:
  • So you want to be a digital technology librarian.  What does that mean?
  • Getting the most out of library school  -- advice for the student
  • Making a career shift -- advice for current librarians   
  •  Landing your first job
  • Digital technology: what you need to know
  • Managing digital projects
  • Making friends with metadata
  • Understanding the new scholarly publishing landscape
  • Collaboration in the digital age
  • Preserving the bits and bytes
  • Moving up in the world – furthering your career
 My deadline for submitting the final manuscript is December 31, 2011, with publication presumably in 2012.

Please contact me at if you are interested in contributing or would like further information.  Thanks for reading.

Jane Monson

Jane Monson
Digital Projects Librarian
Pickler Memorial Library
Truman State University
(660) 785-4539

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Call for Chapters: Technology for Small and One-Person Libraries: A LITA Guide

Call for Chapters: Technology for Small and One-Person Libraries: A LITA Guide 
Editors – Rene Erlandson and Rachl Erb

Rene and Rachel have a contract with Neal-Schuman to develop a LITA Guide for
librarians and staff working in small or one-person libraries.    This book will
provide librarians who have little background with technology the foundations to successfully manage technology and introduce and support technology based initiatives in their libraries.  This timely book will introduce technology concepts and provide best practices, tips and examples to implement each technology topic covered within the book.

We would like proposals from potential authors for the following chapters:
•     Hardware/Software
•     Infrastructure/Networking
•     Integrated Library Systems
•     Digital Collections
•     Finding Help and Keeping Up With Emerging Technology in Libraries

PROPOSALS (more details available @ )

Proposals are due to us by July 15, 2011.  Final accepted chapters will be due to us by October 15, 2011.  The publication date is currently set for 2012.
Chapters must be unique to this book, if you have published an article about the aspect of technology your chapter will cover, your chapter cannot be a rehash of the same topic.  Workshops and presentations are fine as a basis for a chapter.

****See Website  for more details.

Monday, June 20, 2011

CCQ call for papers: Cataloging Collaborations and Partnerships

CCQ call for papers: Cataloging Collaborations and Partnerships

A special issue of Cataloging & Classification Quarterly will be devoted to an exploration of how cataloging units or organizations have partnered or collaborated with others to address the changing needs of their customers.

The guest editor invites submissions from professionals in cataloging and metadata, as well as other related disciplines. Submissions by authors outside North America are encouraged.


Case studies, historical surveys and research studies are all of interest. Topics of interest include but are not restricted to:
• Collaborations with vendors or utilities
• Collaborations with other libraries or consortia
• Collaborations between public and academic library cataloging units
• Collaborative development of new systems
• Collaborative development of standards
• International collaborative efforts
• Assessment of collaborative efforts
• Advantages and disadvantages of collaboration
• Costs/benefits of collaboration

• Abstract (up to 300 words) due to by July 31, 2011
• Notification of appropriateness: August 31, 2011
• Manuscript submission: February 28, 2012
• Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 30, 2012
• Final papers due: June 30, 2012

Rebecca L. Mugridge, Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services, The Pennsylvania State University

*/Cataloging & Classification Quarterly/* emphasizes full-length research and review articles, descriptions of new programs and technology relevant to cataloging and classification, considered speculative articles on improved methods of bibliographic control for the future , and solicited book reviews. Articles are refereed.
Instructions for authors can be found at:

Rebecca L. (Mugridge) MacIntosh
Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services
Penn State University Libraries
126 Paterno Library
University Park PA 16802
phone: 814-865-1850
fax: 814-863-7293

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Call for Bloggers at ALA Annual (Metadata Interest Group)

Call for Bloggers at ALA Annual (Metadata Interest Group)

Going to ALA Annual? Interested in metadata and digital library development?  The Metadata Interest Group is searching for bloggers to report on selected sessions on the Metadata Interest Group's Blog.  Get your name out on the Internet and join a group of dedicated and interested metadata specialists.  Have your own blog and reporting on sessions? Let me know and I'll link to your report.   If you would like to blog any of the sessions, please contact Kristin Martin at with your name, e-mail address, and preferred session. A list of recommended sessions is available at:


Kristin E. Martin
Metadata Librarian and Acting Electronic Resources Librarian
Resource Acquisitions and Management (MC 234)
2-390 Richard J. Daley Library
University of Illinois at Chicago
801 S. Morgan
Chicago, IL  60607
312-413-0424 (Fax)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Contributions sought for column in the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship

Contributions sought for column in the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship

Headed to ALA or another professional conference this summer? Please consider sending reports on programs dealing with electronic resources in libraries to the "E-Resource Round Up" column for volume 23, number 4 of the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (JERL).

The "E-Resource Round Up" column is dedicated to helping JERL readers better understand topics related to the ever-changing world of electronic resources and their roles in libraries. It covers developments in the areas of new and emerging technologies and systems related to electronic resources and the digital environment; reports from professional discussion groups, meetings, presentations, and conferences; news and trends related to electronic resource librarianship; tips and suggestions on various aspects of working with electronic resources; opinion pieces; vendor activities; and upcoming events of potential interest to JERL readers.

Your contribution to the column does not have to be lengthy, and could be on any of the topics listed above. This could be an ideal opportunity for you to report on sessions you attended that may benefit others in our profession.

The editors would like to receive contributions to the column by Friday, August 5, 2011.

If you have a submission or questions, please contact the column editors:

Bob Wolverton
Mississippi State University Libraries
(662) 325-4618

Karen Davidson
Mississippi State University Libraries
(662) 325-3018   

Monday, June 13, 2011

CFP: Michigan Innovative Users Group (MIUG)

MIUG - Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

Presentation and Forum (Birds of a Feather) Proposal Deadline: July 14th, 2011

The Michigan Innovative Users Group invites you to present your ideas, experiences and views on various modules of the Innovative system at our September 28th meeting.

· Sessions might include presentations, demonstrations or panel discussions.
· Forums (Birds of a Feather) can be discussions on a particular topic, module or issue(s).

Presentations for all levels across all library type and Millennium modules are invited and welcome. We specially encourage presenters from public libraries to participate. This is an outstanding opportunity to share the insights you’ve gained, reprise a previous IUG presentation or assess the potential for a possible presentation at IUG the next year.

Please use the proposal submission form located on the MIUG website:

Here are some suggested topics that came up from our members during MIUG 2010 Fall meeting evaluation:

New products
Improvements with workflow
"How to" sessions
Inventory -- steps in clean-up for newbies etc.
Serials related topics
Webpac, redesign, usability and web 2.0 applications
Millennium customization tips
Update on SkyRiver
Web bridge session
The millennium shortcuts and macros
Reserves module and the benefits of it
III and MeL updates
Encore Reporter
Regular expressions

Dao Rong Gong
Libraries, Michigan State university
100 Library, East Lansing MI 48824

Saturday, June 11, 2011

CFP: Emerald’s Library and Information Science book series special volume Social Information Research

CFP: Emerald’s Library and Information Science book series special volume Social Information Research

Proposal submission deadline: August 15, 2011
Accepted full chapters deadline: December 15, 2011

Professor Gunilla Widén ( and Dr. Kim Holmberg (
Department of Information Studies, Åbo Akademi university, Finland

The Library and Information Science book series announces a call for papers on topics related to Social Information Research. We seek conceptual, analytical and empirical papers covering the newest and most innovative approaches to the study of this theme.

Online information and social information that we receive from and create together with our social networks are becoming increasingly important both in our everyday lives as well as our professional lives. Social information has in many ways a great impact on our information behaviour as we receive information and recommendations from our networks and our friends are being used as part of ranking algorithms by various information services. There are many possible angles and layers in studying social aspects in information science and it is important to coordinate these aspects.

We can study the social context of information creation and dissemination both as human group behaviour as well as through the tools and technological innovations supporting networking activities. We can study social information behaviour as part of information behaviour (IB) but also more precisely through e.g. social information retrieval, social search, social bookmarking and other social recommendation systems, and co-creation of information.

The purpose of this book is to collect current research representing these and other aspects of social information with emphasis on the new innovations supporting today’s information behaviour. This is a cutting edge topic where several relevant disciplines are combined (information science, social media and business organization). There are a lot of assumptions about how the social and interactive web will affect our information behaviour but few publications based on research. The aim of the book is to present the kaleidoscope of social information.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: social creation of information, online information dissemination, online social networks and/or social networking in relation to information dissemination and creation, social information retrieval, social search, social bookmarking and other social recommendation systems, social information management and/or knowledge management and social media in relation to information science research.

Submission procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a 1-2 page chapter proposal by August 15, 2011. Authors will be notified of the status of their proposal by September 15, 2011. Full chapters (7500–9000 words) are expected to be submitted by December 15, 2011. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Final revised manuscripts are due on March 31, 2012.
Proposals and manuscripts should be sent electronically to both of the editors Gunilla Widén ( and Kim Holmberg ( Submissions must be in either Word or PDF format.
Complete author guidelines are available at:

About the Library and Information Science book series
The Library and Information Science Series solicits and publishes edited and non-edited manuscripts on all theoretical and practical aspects in the creation, distribution, location, acquisition, organization, retrieval, and management of information. New ways for creating, distributing, organising and using digital information have emerged including content production, user and organisational issues. The Library and Information Science Series aims to publish leading edge monographs with new theories, models, research developments, and organizational and management issues.

The Library and Information Science book series covers new and important topical research and professional issues in the field. Selected topics also provide a bridge between current theoretical developments and the research interests of applied researchers in information science, libraries, information professions, information industry and related disciplines.

The Library and Information Science book series essential reading for academics, researchers and practitioners who are involved in information science and librarianship research, and eager to keep up with the latest research findings and trends.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Call For Papers: Music Reference Services Quarterly

Call For Papers: Music Reference Services Quarterly

Editors are inviting articles for the Music Reference Services Quarterly, a peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis. Submission deadline for papers to be considered for volume 14 issue 4 is July 15, 2011.   Articles should fall within the scope of music librarianship in
any of the following categories:

* administration and management
* bibliographic instruction
* collection development
* digital audio delivery
* electronic resources
* facilities
* music librarianship education
* preservation of music materials
* reference services
* cataloging
* bibliographies involving printed music and audio-visual materials

Conference presentations and poster sessions that would be appropriate to expand as a journal article within the scope of Music Reference Services Quarterly are welcome.  No previously published, simultaneously submitted material will be considered. For additional information and a description of the review process, Music Reference Services Quarterly contributor guidelines may be found at:
All papers should be emailed to Ana Dubnjakovic ( and Michelle Hahn (

Ana Dubnjakovic
Head, Music Library
University of South Carolina
813 Assembly Street, Room 208
Columbia, SC 29208
Ph: 803 777 5425