Friday, February 26, 2010

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the International Journal of Internet Research Ethics

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the International Journal of Internet Research Ethics

The International Journal of Internet Research Ethics (IJIRE) seeks papers from researchers describing best ethical practices in the investigation of online communities. This special issue, edited by Aleks Krotoski, aims to create a compendium of case studies and theoretical frameworks which future scholars will reference when designing their own analyses of populations and practices in social networking sites, weblogs, listservs, online games, video sharing sites, virtual worlds and other Web environments that demonstrate evidence of community processes.

The special issue seeks to include submissions that introduce extensions to existing theories - including new frameworks for approaching the ethical issues that emerge in online communities and novel applications of existing offline ethics frameworks - and examples of best practice - including case studies of successful ethical solutions, both qualitative and quantitative research approaches, issues associated with international ethics practices, and changes to ethical approaches over the short- and the long-term. While all forms of scholarship and research are welcome, the special issue will feature theoretically and empirically grounded study in the social or behavioural sciences.

To view the full PDF, including submission guidelines and suggested topics, click here.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Library Student Journal – CFP

Library Student Journal – CFP


Library Student Journal (LSJ) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal. Library Student Journal seeks to publish the best student papers from Library and Information Science (LIS) students worldwide and to serve as a forum for discussion of LIS education and training, career paths and future trends. Submissions may cover a wide range of topics, but should always relate to and advance the discussion of LIS topics.. LSJ is now accepting manuscripts submitted to the following sections of the journal:

Peer-reviewed scholarly papers based on original research or literature surveys that advance the subject with original ideas. Articles explore the topic in greater depth than Essays and add original ideas to the existing literature.

Papers of an informational or personal nature. Essays are reviewed by the editors alone. An Essay is less formal in tone than an Article and may, among other things: share personal experience in the LIS field, give an overview of an LIS issue of interest, be a work of fiction, and/or be lighthearted or humorous.

Unsolicited reviews of books currently being used in an LIS course, recently published LIS books, or websites of interest to LIS students; also, solicited reviews of newly published and forthcoming LIS books. See the Reviewer Guidelines below for more details and see the volunteer page for information on applying to be a book reviewer.

Opinion pieces on a topic of current concern to the LIS field. Editorials may be solicited or unsolicited.

Please refer to the submission guidelines before submitting; improperly submitted manuscripts may be returned without consideration.

Miriam Sweeney
Editor in Chief
Library Student Journal

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Call for papers - LIR Annual Seminar (Dublin, Ireland)

Call for papers - LIR Annual Seminar (Dublin, Ireland)
This year’s annual LIR seminar will take place on Thursday, March 25th at Liberty Hall, Dublin. The title of the seminar is 'Access all areas: Mobile technology and freesources in libraries'.

The seminar will analyse the benefits of mobile technologies in a library context, as well as showcasing developments and experiments in the area. In addition, the seminar will consider how the current climate has allowed libraries to assess ways of minimising the impact of reduced budgets and encouraged libraries to evaluate ‘freesources’ as well as examining the changing relationship with publishers.

Speakers confirmed for the day include Nicky Whitsed (Director of Library Services, Open University), and Fiona McGoldrick and Rita Pinhasi (IRIS).

This is an excellent opportunity to showcase innovative and interesting developments in your organisation. We would like to invite proposals for snapshots, to give attendees a chance to see how your organisation is embracing the concept of mobile technologies and/or changes in e-resource provision. Snapshots presentations will be between 12 – 18 minutes. Examples of welcome topics include:

Mobile technologies
- Practical experiences to date with mobile technologies (especially backed up by any available evidence/usage stats)
- Submissions on the topic of access control (IP address, Athens, Shibboleth)
- Exploiting mobile technologies to enhance service delivery
- Interactive multimedia to support learning & teaching
- How the advent of mobile technology is changing perceptions of us as information professionals

- Clusters of useful freesources: by subject, crossdisciplinary, or reference
- Decisions in collection management on reducing costs (while protecting access to meaningful content)
- Strategies for reducing the impact of e-resource cancellations
- Free resources for research … quality, referencing, acceptable standards for academic work

The themes are broad, and we will consider other proposals not mentioned above.
Proposals for snapshot presentations should be forwarded to Ronán Kennedy ( by Friday, February 26th 2010.

Call for Book Chapters - Advances in Librarianship

Call for Book Chapters - Advances in Librarianship

Dr Anne Woodsworth has recently been appointed Editor of the book series Advances in Librarianship. The series has a long-standing reputation for in-depth reviews of major issues facing librarians and information professionals.

The first volume to be published under Dr Woodsworth’s editorship is Volume 32. Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts for consideration by 31 May 2010 for publication in December 2010. Author guidelines can be found at:

Prospective contributors with queries concerning potential suitability of topics, editor expectations, or additional requirements are invited to contact Dr Woodsworth directly by e-mail -

Kind regards,

Mary Miskin
Assistant Commissioning Editor
Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Switchboard +44 (0) 1274 777700
Direct Line +44 (0) 1274 785155
Fax +44 (0) 1274 785200

ASIST 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 22-27, 2010

ASIST 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 22-27, 2010

Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology

Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem

The ASIST Annual Meeting is the main venue for disseminating research centred on advances in the information sciences and related applications of information technology. This year’s conference is stepping away from tradition and re-inventing our premier conference in the guise of an innovative “ASIST 2.0.”

ASIST 2010 will consist of six tracks, each with its own program and reviewing committee to ensure that the conference meets your high expectations for standards and quality. A team of respected reviewers, experts in their fields, will assist with a rigorous peer-review process. Please note the important changes in format and content, and plan your submissions accordingly.

Important Dates

1) Papers (short & long), Panels, Workshops & Tutorials
Deadline for submissions: May 31
Notification to authors: June 28
Final copy: August 2

2) Posters, Demos & Videos:
Deadline for submissions: July 16
Notification to authors: August 2
Final copy: August 9

(All deadlines: midnight, Hawaii Standard Time)

For more information, visit:

Alberta Museums Association Conference 2010 Call for Proposals

Alberta Museums Association Conference 2010 Call for Proposals
Alberta, Canada
Deadline: 2010-02-26

Place-Making: Museums and Building Community
Alberta Museums Association
Annual Conference

September 23 - 25, 2010
Edmonton, Alberta

Call for Proposals

The Alberta Museums Association (AMA) is seeking session proposals for its Annual Conference. The Conference this year is being held in Edmonton, Alberta and seeks to explore how museums are responsible for developing a sense of place in their communities.

Place-making can be defined as “the art of creating public ‘places of the soul’ that uplift and help us to connect to each other” (Project for Public Spaces, It is about design of public space, experiences within public space, and empowering those that engage within that space.

Please find the Call for Proposals and Session Proposal Form on our website. Submission deadline is Friday, February 26, 2010. All proposals will be reviewed by a volunteer committee comprised of AMA members. Applicants will be notified of the status of their proposal by March 15, 2010.

Proposals should be emailed, mailed, or faxed to the Alberta Museums Association office. A position paper further exploring the idea of place-making is available online at or contact the AMA to have a copy sent to you.
Jennifer Forsyth
Learning Manager
Alberta Museums Association
9829.103 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 0X9
P: 780.424.2626 x. 223
F: 780.425.1679

Visit the website at

Monday, February 15, 2010

VLACRL Call for Proposals

VLACRL Call for Proposals

The Virginia chapter of ACRL (VLACRL) invites you to submit proposals for presentations at its second annual conference. This year’s theme is “Bringing the Big Picture to Your Campus.” The conference will be held as part of the Virginia Library Association 2010 Annual Conference, October 21-22, 2010 in Portsmouth,VA.

Want to add a peer-reviewed presentation to your CV? Looking to become more involved in the regional ACRL Chapter? Have a really cool idea you want to share with colleagues? We want to hear from you.
Proposals are due by 5:00 pm, April 2, 2010. Those chosen for the conference will be notified by April 24, 2010.

Proposals will be selected through a blind peer-review process. This year, presenters have the option of submitting proposals for either a 45-minute concurrent session presentation or a booth in our poster session. Proposals of both varieties will be judged based on their significance and applicability to academic librarianship, the quality and creativity of the work or research, and the potential to fill a gap in knowledge or to build on previous work. The work or research in the proposal may either be completed or in-progress.

Submit your proposals online at:

For more information, please contact Mark Lenker, VLACRL Conference Committee Chair or Maryke Barber, VLACRL Secretary (

Friday, February 12, 2010

CFP: Exploring the Archive in the Digital Age conference

CFP: Exploring the Archive in the Digital Age conference

Exploring the Archive in the Digital Age Conference
Department of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, Anatomy Theatre and Museum, King’s College London
6 – 8 May 2010

Deadline 2-26-2010

The main aim of this conference is to consider the roles that traditional and digital archival research tools play in all aspects of the Arts & Humanities, including but not limited to literature, film, history of art, translation, theatre and performance studies, musicology.

There will be presentations from international keynote speakers who work at the cutting edge of research in the field. Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words electronically to: and with the heading: Exploring the Archive in the Digital Age Conference.

Please include the title of the paper, contact information and institutional affiliation.
Submissions will be considered for a peer-reviewed online publication after the conference.

Lorna Dillon & Kate AverisDepartment of Spanish and Spanish American Studies
Visit the website at

Thursday, February 11, 2010

CFP: Conference on Intellectual Property

CFP: Conference on Intellectual Property

Iona College April 30 - May 1, 2010

In our second year, the Conference on Intellectual Property will continue to explore intellectual property in a cross-disciplinary context. What is it, how has it evolved as a concept, and in what ways do we feel its practical and theoretical impact upon academic, economic, legal and technological fields? From plagiarism, to patent law, to the Creative Commons and beyond, the conference is sure to offer a remarkable breadth and depth of insights and approaches to what may well be the defining issue of our time.

Selected essays will be published in a proposed collection for a peer-reviewed press.

500-word Papers/Panel abstracts or complete papers should be submitted by February 25th, 2010 to Shannon Donlon at Questions can be directed to Dr. Amy Stackhouse at


Sunday, February 07, 2010

CFP: ART DOCUMENTATION (Art Libraries Society of North America)

CFP: ART DOCUMENTATION (Art Libraries Society of North America)

Editors are inviting articles for both the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 issues of ART DOCUMENTATION, the semiannual peer-reviewed journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America. The articles should fall within the scope of art and architecture librarianship, visual resources curatorship, digital image management, technology related to the visual
arts, art publishing, artists’ books, and related fields.

For the Fall 2010 issue, papers should be close to completion; the first draft deadline is April 1, 2010. Many articles have already been accepted for this issue, but there is still space for a few more. For the Spring 2011 issue, please send your abstracts now for articles concerning research or projects that you are still developing. The first draft deadline for this issue is September 1, 2010.

Have you recently given a presentation at a conference or prepared a poster session that would be appropriate to expand as a journal article? Please send an abstract if the subject falls within the scope of ART DOCUMENTATION.

For additional information and a description of the review process, ART DOCUMENTATION contributor guidelines may be found at

I look forward to hearing from you!

Judy Dyki
Library Director, Cranbrook Academy of Art
39221 Woodward Avenue, Box 801
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-0801
248-645-3364 voice
248-645-3464 fax

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A Reference Renaissance 2010: Call for Proposals

A Reference Renaissance 2010: Call for Proposals

August 8-10, 2010 in Denver, Colorado

The inaugural “Reference Renaissance” conference in 2008 was a truly amazing and inspirational event with over 500 people attending. Building on this success, and the exciting array of new approaches to reference that are emerging, we invite your participation! As we move into a new decade of the 21st century reference services continue to undergo rapid, revolutionary change, as well as facing the challenge of difficult times with human and financial resources becoming scarcer. It is up to each and every one of us to rev up the Renaissance and to Invent the Future. We must choose to be change agents, being proactive rather than reactive. Reference Renaissance 2010 will be a reaffirmation of the importance of reference and information services which encompass not just traditional forms such as in-person point-of-service, telephone, and e-mail, but also chat, Instant Messaging, Text Messaging (SMS), blogs, wikis, Twitter, library pages on MySpace and Facebook, and virtual reference desks in Second Life.

Reference Renaissance 2010: Inventing the Future will explore all aspects of reference service in a broad range of contexts, including libraries and information centers, in academic, public, school, corporate, and other special library environments. This two-day conference will incorporate the multitude of established, emerging, and merging types of reference service including both traditional and virtual reference. It presents an opportunity for all reference practitioners and scholars to explore the evolving nature of reference, as an escalating array of information technologies blend with traditional reference service to create vibrant hybrids, new staffing models, and possibilities that allow us to take reference services to the next level. And remember, summer is prime time to visit the beautiful flower strewn mountains of the Rockies.

Submissions of papers, panels, and workshop proposals are welcomed that analyze issues, identify best practices, advance organizational and technological systems, propose standards, and/or suggest innovative approaches that will reveal as well as invent the future of reference in this exciting and unfolding landscape. The conference will be organized around the following interest tracks. Please note that the sub-bullets are intended to be suggested topics, not to be a comprehensive listing.

Virtual Reference
* E-mail, chat, IM, SMS, Second Life, etc.
* Interpersonal aspects of reference service across different types of service
* Comparison of VR modes
* Software and hardware development

Meeting Our Users Where They Are
* Comparison of different modes (locations, configurations, etc.) of service delivery
* Social networking applications (such as blogs, wikis, Facebook, MySpace, etc.)
* Case studies in virtual outreach
* Satellite (or outpost) reference, roving reference

Staffing & Managing User Services
* Assessment/evaluation (including guidelines and best practices, benchmarking performance, service quality, accuracy, effectiveness, question tracking systems, and efficiency)
* Hiring, training and motivating staff in an era of rapid change (including performance issues)

Collaboration, Consortia and Sustainability
* Sustainability and budgeting issues
* Reference consortia issues
* Marketing initiatives

New Roles and Future Directions for Reference Librarians
* Community outreach (to local government, businesses, groups…)
* New approaches to instruction
* Innovations and experiments
* Predictions for future

Wild Card (including, but not limited to, controversial issues, comparisons, other innovative topics – be creative!)

Papers (500 word abstracts): include reports and research studies on any aspect of reference, user studies, evaluation projects, innovative practical applications, theme papers, or theoretical developments. In addition, works in progress and student papers are invited. Submissions should include: 1) the official cover sheet, 2) a separate page consisting of the paper’s title plus a 500 word abstract that summarizes the paper but NOT your name or contact information. Papers will undergo a blind review by the program committee.

Panels: include proposals for 1.5 hour long sessions on topics such as reference innovations, implementation of new technology, evaluation projects, reports by practitioners on current initiatives, theme panels, and contrasting viewpoints on controversial or hot issues. Innovative formats are sought, especially those that encourage audience participation, such as: roundtable discussions, debates, forums, or case studies. Submissions should include: 1) the official cover sheet, 2) a separate page consisting of the panel title plus a 500 word abstract describing the panel but NOT your name or contact information. Panels will undergo a blind review by the program committee.

Reports from the Field: These proposals will be for 30 minute sessions on working projects, new services, new approaches to reference instruction, or developments-in-progress. Submissions should include: 1) the official cover sheet, 2) a separate page consisting of the title of the report as well as a 250 word overview.

Workshops: These proposals will be for 1.5 hour sessions on working projects, new services, new approaches to reference instruction, or developments-in-progress. Workshops are to be interactive, with audience participation and activities (including small group, individual, worksheets, discussions, case studies, etc.) included. Submissions should include 1) the official cover sheet and 2) a separate page consisting of the workshop title as well as a 250 word overview.

Pecha Kucha: join the conversation by submitting a proposal for a Pecha Kucha. Any topic relating to reference librarianship is most welcome, except for product pitches, which are not permitted. Pecha Kucha talks are exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds with exactly 20 slides. Read more about this format at Submissions should include 1) the official cover sheet and 2) a separate page consisting of the workshop title as well as a 250 word overview of the topic

April 1, 2010 – Deadline for All Submissions
May 7, 2010 – Notification of Acceptance to Speakers
TBA – Deadline for print proceedings for accepted proposals

Submissions should be sent in electronic format (as an e-mail attachment as a Word document or pdf)

The official cover sheet can be downloaded from and complete proposals should be emailed to Justine Shaffner

Information on conference registration and hotel reservations will be forthcoming on the conference website or email to get on the conference mailing list.