Thursday, August 31, 2006

Call for Proposals: LOEX 2007 (San Diego, May 2007)

Call for Proposals: LOEX 2007

LOEX 2007 will be held in San Diego, California, May 3-5 at the Bahia Resort Hotel.
Deadline for proposal submission is Friday, November 10, 2006

Learn more about LOEX at

Learn more about LOEX 2007 at

THEME: Uncharted Waters: Tapping the Depths of Our Community to Enhance Learning

More and more instruction and information literacy activities call for librarians to venture beyond the library and even beyond their campus to enhance student learning. Successful journeys beyond the familiar require that librarians be both passionate about what they do and willing to take risks, including identifying new partners, speaking new languages, incorporating new tools, developing non-traditional deliveries, and changing instruction and programs to meet student needs. Some librarians have already embarked on these voyages to tap the depths of our community and draw new maps for others to follow. This conference will highlight the successful ventures of those brave librarians who are doing new and unexpected things to enhance their library instruction and information literacy programs.

Successful New Ventures Might Include:

-Developing models that engage campus stakeholders in defining what information literacy means and determining who is responsible for its various facets.
-Developing models that incorporate information literacy into various aspects of the college or university curriculum.
-Establishing collaborations with life-long learning partners (K-12, postsecondary, public libraries, businesses, community, etc.).
-Establishing collaborations with co-curricular programs (writing centers, debate teams, undergraduate and graduate research symposiums, athletics, etc.).
-Connecting with other related literacies to enhance student learning
-Understanding and using technology to enhance student learning.
-Employing non-traditional deliveries to enhance student learning.
-Developing assessment plans that examine all facets of information literacy and its impact on learning.
-Applying student learning data to enhance instruction and information literacy programs.
-Using customer needs and expectations data to enhance instruction and information literacy programs.


Proposals can be submitted online at Only electronic proposals will be accepted.

Three types of proposals will be accepted:

Breakout Session: A 45 minute presentation followed by a 10-15 minute question and answer period. The proposal will include a description of the research and an outline of the presentation.
Discussion Session: A structured session to allow participants to share knowledge. The proposal will include a theme and its importance, discussion points, means to facilitate discussion, and how the information will be summarized and be disseminated back to all conference attendees.
Poster Session: Proposals for poster sessions will be limited to graduate students currently enrolled in a library and information science program. The LOEX conference poster session allows graduate students to graphically convey research in the areas of instruction and information literacy. Poster sessions should include brief narratives, data, graphics that quickly summarize the student’s research. Posters can also include computer displays, handouts, directions to websites and other materials to elaborate on the student’s research or allow conference attendees to learn more about the student’s research following the conference. A time will be set aside to view the posters, and allow conference attendees to interact with, and ask questions of, poster presenters.

Preference will be given to new, innovative, creative, untraditional, and other ventures that people called crazy until they worked.

Deadline for proposal submission is Friday, November 10, 2006.

The primary contact on the proposal will be notified that that the proposal has been received by Friday, November 17, 2006. The primary contact on the proposal will be notified if the proposal has been accepted by Friday, January 12, 2007.

If your proposal is accepted then up to three presenters will be automatically registered for the conference, and are required to pay registration in full by March 16th. Note: Failure to pay the registration fee will result in the cancellation of your presentation and conference registration. All presenters are responsible for paying their own travel and lodging expenses.

If you have any questions about proposal submission please contact, Amy Wallace at

CFP: Museums and the Web, 2007 (San Francisco, CA)

CFP: Museums and the Web, 2007 (San Francisco, CA)

Museums and the Web 2007
April 11 - 14, 2007
San Francisco, California, USA

Proposal Form:

You are invited to participate in the Eleventh Annual Museums and the Web Conference.

* THEMES FOR 2007 *

Social Issues and Impact
- Building Communities
- Public Content Creation
- On-going Engagement

Organizational Strategies
- Building + Managing Web Teams
- Multi-Institutional Ventures
- Facilitating Institutional Change
- Sustainability

- Wireless Inside/Outside
- Visitor Support On-site + On-line
- Schools + Educational Programs
- E-commerce for Museums

Technical and Design Issues
- Standards, Architectures + Protocols
- Interface + Design Paradigms
- New Tools + Methods
- Managing Content + Metadata

Museum 2.0 Services
- Podcasting, Blogging, RSS, Social Tagging,
- Folksonomy, Wikis, Cell Phone Tours ...
- Museum Mashups

Evaluation + User Studies
- Research Methods + Results
- Impact Studies
- User Analysis + Audience Development

[This list is not exhaustive; any relevant proposal will be considered.]

Friday, August 25, 2006

Call for Contributions - website: Women Living With War

Call for Contributions - website: Women Living With War

Contributions are now being solicited for a new website on “Women Living with War” in the following two categories: (1) creative arts—including mixed media, photography, creative fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and artwork; and (2) profiles—brief biographies, with weblinks and bibliographies of women from various historical periods and geographical regions who dealt with/are dealing with war in their everyday lives.

Please email Emily Smith with queries, proposals, or submissions.

Emily Smith
Lawrence University

Visit the website at
Call for Contributions:

Thursday, August 24, 2006

CFP: IAML International Association of Music Libraries Archives and Documentation Centres (2007, Sydney)

CFP: IAML International Association of Music Libraries Archives and Documentation Centres (2007, Sydney)


Conference URL:

Past Conferences:

The Programme Committee invites proposals of paper presentations for the Association's upcoming meeting in Sydney, Australia 1 to 6 July 2007.

Papers concerning musics, collections, and/or library issues that focus on the Pacific Rim are most welcome, although presentations of a general nature are also appropriate. Please follow this link to submit your proposals.

Proposals must be submitted by 29 September 2006 in order to be considered.

You are invited to the IAML Conference 2007 to be held at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. The venue is in the historic centre of the city, on the edge on the Botanical Gardens, a short stroll from the Opera House and the Harbour. Experience the magic of a harbour cruise and savour the sunset behind the harbour bridge while enjoying a glass of Australian wine with colleagues. Sydney is an international city of over 4 million people with many concert halls, theatres, libraries, art galleries and museums. Visit the golden beaches, go bush walking in the Blue Mountains and tour the vineyards of the Hunter Valley. IAML Australia is looking forward to welcoming you to Sydney in 2007.

CFP: Investigating the Middlebrow One-Day Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 23rd June 2007

CFP: Investigating the Middlebrow One-Day Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 23rd June 2007

NOTE: This is not about the monobrow.

According to the OED, the term ‘middlebrow’ first made an appearance in 1925, in Punch: ‘it consists of people who are hoping that some day they will get used to the stuff that they ought to like.’ Perhaps so, but while considering the stuff they ought to like, that controversial figure, the general reader, was buying what it did like, creating best-sellers of novelists as diverse as Elizabeth von Arnim, Warwick Deeping, Winifred Holtby, J.B. Priestley, and Stella Gibbons. These widely-read novelists, contentiously labelled ‘middlebrow’, have received very little critical attention, and today the ‘middlebrow’ continues to be used to mark particular types of popular literature as unchallenging and of little cultural or intellectual value.

What does it mean to be labelled ‘middlebrow’? Is it a question of readership? Q.D. Leavis explicitly identified the growth of the ‘middlebrow’ as an unfortunate consequence of women forming the majority of library users; while 50 years later Bourdieu argued that ‘middlebrow’ culture, in its eternally reverential relationship to ‘legitimate culture’, was illegitimate simply because it was the taste of the middle-class, not because of any intrinsic qualities.

This conference invites papers on any aspect of the middlebrow. Topics could
·the pleasures of reading
·the role of sentiment
·historicizing the middlebrow
·the gender of modernism
·taxonomies of taste
·cultural capital

We particularly welcome papers focussing on analyses of little-studied middlebrow novels, films, novelists or film-makers.

Proposals of 400 words for 20-minute papers should be sent via email to Erica Brown and Mary Grover at by 24th November 2006.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ACRL Blog posting on what to do with a turned down presentation proposal

ACRL Blog posting on what to do with a turned down presentation proposal

From the ACRL Blog:

Well, those of us who submitted proposals for papers and panel sessions for the ACRL 13th National Conference in Baltimore (Mar. 31, 2007 - April 1, 2007) learned the fate of our proposals last Friday. I had previously reported on the number of proposals submitted for the number of slots available - and the odds of getting accepted were as slim as ever. So while there were a number of elated academic librarians who received the good news on Friday, there were far more feeling rejected and puzzled as to why their proposals didn’t make the cut. I would encourage those whose proposals were rejected to avoid dwelling on it too much. Instead, take some solace in knowing that you gave it your best effort. As the rejection e-mail said, it isn’t a reflection of the quality of your proposal but one of the sheer number of proposals received.

---see the blog posting for more information. An excellent document indeed!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

CFP: Michigan Reading Association
Saturday, March 10, through Monday, March 12, 2007
DeVos Place & Amway Grand Plaza Hotel • Grand Rapids, Michigan


By Sept. 8: The Michigan Reading Association is seeking program proposals for its 52nd annual conference “Literacy Changes Everything,” to be held March 10–March 12, 2007. Members of the school library media community are encouraged to submit proposals to showcase such things as information literacy, media literacy, literacy coaches, lexile use and reading promotions. Liz Lewis,

MRA 2007 -Literacy Changes Everything
Saturday, March 10, through Monday, March 12, 2007
DeVos Place & Amway Grand Plaza Hotel • Grand Rapids, Michigan

Proposals must be postmarked no later than September 8, 2006. The Program Committee will consider all proposals submitted by the due date. Notification of the committee’s decision will be sent no later than November 17, 2006.

The individual submitting the proposal is responsible for notifying co-presenters of the Program Committee’s decision.
Factors that tend to enhance a proposal:
-relevance and interest of program to proposed audience and/or conference theme
-clarity, conciseness and coherence of proposal
-new issues or topics; innovative ways of viewing more traditional issues
-evidence of familiarity with current practices and/or research
-specific and articulate program description that does not need editing

All presenters and co-presenters of accepted proposals are required to register and pay for the conference prior to February 26, 2007. Upon signing this proposal, it is also understood that presenters and co-presenters do not receive honoraria or reimbursement for travel, hotel or related expenses. Each presentation room will be equipped with an overhead projector and screen. However, handouts and any additional A/V equipment will be the responsibility of the

Banquet Speaker [Western MLA Chapters Meeting, Seattle]

Banquet Speaker [Western MLA Chapters Meeting, Seattle]

The Middle East is at the forefront of the news today, but did you know Americans were there in the 1800's as teachers, printers, and missionaries? Among them was Dr. Asahel Grant, a country doctor from upstate New York with dreams of healing the sick and saving the world.

Gordon Taylor, a local Seattle author, will be the banquet speaker at the Western MLA Chapters meeting on Monday evening, October 16th. In his book, "Fever and Thirst: Dr. Grant and the Christian Tribes of Kurdistan," Taylor relates the odyssey of Dr. Grant in northwest Iran and nearby Hakkari in southeast Turkey. Gordon Taylor summarizes the state of medicine during Dr. Grant's era in just two words, "bleeding and purging." And yet, Dr. Grant was highly esteemed by those he treated.

In eight years Dr. Grant experienced ten lifetimes' worth of danger. He traversed deserts and glaciers, tended the sick, broke bread with thieves and murderers, and narrowly escaped death from drowning, disease, and assassination, before dying at the young age of 36.

Taylor's personal experiences serving in the Peace Corps in Turkey provided the inspiration for his writing, and his presentation will include stories and images you won't want to miss!

For more information about the book "Fever and Thirst," visit

Join your colleagues at the banquet. Don’t forget to purchase a ticket when you register.

Contributed by Gail Kouame
Program Co-Chair

Pamela Corley
Western MLA Chapters 2006 Annual Meeting Missions and Mountains: Believe and Achieve October 14-17, 2006 Red Lion Hotel, Seattle

Pamela M. Corley
Research Support Librarian
USC Norris Medical Library
2003 Zonal Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90089-9130
323-442-1125 fax: 323-221-1235

CFP: Computer Using Educators

CFP: Computer Using Educators
Date: March 1-3, 2007
Location: Palm Springs, CA
Deadline: September 4, 2006


The Computer Using Educators ( annual conference is March 1-3,
2007 in Palm Springs, CA. We have been asked to re-create our large Linux thin-client lab again this year, and will hold concurrent speaker sessions on Free and Open Source Software in the lab.

The deadline for normal CUE applications for speaking sessions is September 4th. HOWEVER, speakers in our Open Source Lab for CUE will be handled outside of their normal submission process and should be made directly to me. If you have already submitted a proposal for a session at CUE that you would prefer be done in the lab, please let me know so that we can flag that.

We have also been asked to provide a lab/speaker venue for the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in Atlanta next June.
Those interested in speaking at NECC as part of our Open Source lab there should also contact me directly, and I will let you know the procedure for submitting proposals when you do.

Both shows have expressed a great appreciation for the lab and will be including the speakers from our lab in their regular conference program. For my part, I am appreciative of the caliber of speakers that we have had, and thank those who have taken part.

Please forward this message to anyone that you feel might want to take part in presenting on Free and Open Source software at either of these shows.


Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct - (Blog on Educational Technology) (Public Wiki) (Public Wiki)

CFP: Archiving 2007

CFP: Archiving 2007
Date: May 21-24, 2007
Location: Arlington, Virginia
Abstract Deadline: November 1, 2006

The Society for Imaging Science and Technology has announced the Call for Papers for Archiving 2007 to be held May 21-24, 2007 in Arlington, VA. The deadline for abstract submission is November 1, 2006

Conf URL:

The Conference
From the personal to the corporate and institutional, digital memories, records, performances, and works are simpler to create, yet ever more complex to preserve. Museums, libraries, archives, universities, businesses, and individuals increasingly rely on digital media to organize, present, and save information. While new tools make the creation and use of digital documents, records, images, and collections easier and more convenient—as well as expand the audience for collections beyond traditional boundaries—the proliferation of collections and technologies means the need for strategies and solutions to archive and preserve digital materials for the long term grows as well.

The IS&T Archiving Conference brings together a unique community of imaging novices and experts from libraries, archives, records management, and information technology institutions to discuss and explore the expanding field of digital archiving and preservation. Attendees from across the world represent industry, academia, governments, and cultural heritage institutions. The conference presents the latest research results on archiving, provides a forum to explore new strategies and policies, and reports on successful projects that can serve as benchmarks in the field.

Techniques for producing, acquiring, preserving, indexing, and retrieving digital objects and images are explored in depth. The conference also strives to present unique perspectives from industry and academia on media and technology obsolescence, business models for sustainability, formats and standards for archiving, and solutions for content storage, access, and management.

The conference is a blend of invited focal papers, keynote talks, and refereed oral and interactive display presentations. The conference offers hands-on tutorial sessions on technical topics. The 2007 conference will also include a demonstration session at which attendees and select industry representatives will be able to showcase archiving programs, technologies, configurations, etc

Monday, August 21, 2006

Call For Presenters: Five Weeks to a Social Library

Call For Presenters: Five Weeks to a Social Library
CFP: Five Weeks to a Social Library
Location: Online
Dates: February 12 - March 17, 2007
CFP Deadline: September 22, 2006

We are pleased to present Five Weeks to a Social Library, the first free, grassroots, completely online course devoted to teaching librarians about social software and how to use it in their libraries. The course was developed to provide a free, comprehensive, and social online learning opportunity for librarians who do not otherwise have access to conferences or continuing education and who would benefit greatly from learning about social software. The course will take place in Drupal and on a MediaWiki installation, and will also involve a variety of other popular social software tools. The course will make use of synchronous components, with one or two weekly Webcasts and many IM chat sessions being made available to students each week. The course will culminate in each student developing a proposal for implementing a specific social software tool in their library.

The course will take place between February 12 and March 17 and will be limited to forty participants. However, course content will be freely viewable to interested parties and all live Webcasts will be archived for later viewing.

We are currently welcoming proposals for live presentations and course content on the following topics:

Social Networking Software and SecondLife
Social Bookmarking Software
Selling Social Software @ Your Library (no live Webcasts on this topic)
We want the presentations to be as practical and useful to as wide a library-related audience as possible. Preference will be given to presentations that 1) are very "nuts-and-bolts" or 2) describe a successful use of the technology that could be replicated in different types of libraries.
We are looking for presentations in the following formats:

Webcast – a one-hour live online Webcast that will be archived.
Screencast/Vodcast – no more than 30 minutes (please note: most commercial screencasting software offer a 30-day free trial).
Podcast – we welcome proposals for podcast presentations, podcast interviews with innovators in the field or podcast discussions between innovators in the field.
Text presentations – we will accept a very limited number of text presentations, but we greatly prefer presentations that incorporate audio and video.
In addition to developing a presentation, presenters must also make themselves available via AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) for questions from students for one-hour during the week their presentation is shown.
All presentations will be made available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Format of Proposal: 250 – 500 words, written. Proposals are a way for the review team to assess your contribution quickly. Please do not submit full presentations.

Proposals should include the following:

Full name of presenter
E-mail address of presenter
Web-site and/or blog URL of presenter
IM screenname(s)
Institutional affiliation
Brief biographical information (under 150 words)
Include same personal information as above for any additional presenters after the lead presenter (if applicable)
Presentation title
Format(s) you are willing to present in (if you are flexible about the format you are willing to present in, please note that)
Presentation Abstract (250 – 500 words)
Proposals must be submitted by September 22, 2006 via e-mail to Any questions about the CFP process can be addressed to the Planning Committee at
Proposal Review: Proposals will be reviewed by the planning committee.

Planning Committee:

Michelle Boule
Karen Coombs
Amanda Etches-Johnson
Meredith Farkas
Ellyssa Kroski
Dorothea Salo
Key Dates:
Deadline for Proposals: Friday, September 22, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: October 1, 2006
Michelle Boule
Social Sciences Librarian
University of Houston

Saturday, August 19, 2006

CFP: AASL (American Association of School Librarians) 13th National Conference & Exhibition (Reno, 2007)

CFP: AASL (American Association of School Librarians) 13th National Conference & Exhibition (Reno, 2007)
Dates: October 25-28, 2007
Location: Reno, Nevada

Guidelines for sessions:
Guidelines for Exploratorium:

Request for Program Proposals

AASL will hold its 13th National Conference and Exhibition October 25-28, 2007 in Reno, Nevada. One way to seek permission and funding from your school administrator or principal to attend the 2007 National Conference in Reno, NV, is to volunteer to showcase your best practices by speaking in a concurrent session, or participating in an Exploratorium presentation. What principal would turn down an opportunity to place his or her school in the national spotlight?

The National Conference Committee is pleased to announce the 2007 Request for Program Proposals.

The AASL 2007 National Conference theme is “the Future Begins @ your library.”

The committee encourages you to submit proposals to showcase your ideas, research, developments and vision about the future of school libraries.

For information, please follow the links above.

CFP: Special Libraries Association 2007 Conference (Denver)

CFP: Special Libraries Association 2007 Conference (Denver)
Location: Denver, Colorado
Dates: June 3-6, 2007

Conf URL:

SLA Denver 2007: Climbing to New Heights

SLA is accepting papers for presentation at its Annual Conference 3-6 June 2007, in Denver and for publication on its Web site.

The papers will not be formally peer reviewed. Instead, a panel of SLA members will evaluate abstracts of the papers. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be asked to write the paper.

Topics of the papers should be related to library science, information management, research or other issues related to the work of special libraries. Abstracts will be judged on substance, potential member interest, and relevance to the conference theme (Climbing to New Heights) or to the SLA tag line (Connecting People and Information).

Authors need not be in academia, but the author (or at least one co-author) must be a member of SLA.

Submission Guidelines and Specifications

Click here for full guidelines, including formatting instructions.


8 December 2006 - Abstract due. Submit an abstract of your paper via e-mail to Martha McPhail at Abstracts should be approximately 250-300 words in length, roughly one page in 12-point text with normal margins. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 16 January 2007.

1 May 2007 - Paper due. Submission deadline for the complete paper and copyright assignment to SLA. The paper should be in MS Word format and sent as an e-mail attachment to The subject line of the e-mail should be "Contributed Papers" and the primary author's name. The copyright assignment form is available online at Please print, complete and mail the copyright assignment to Contributed Papers, SLA, 331 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

3-6 June 2007 - Conference presentation. Presentation of papers will occur during the SLA Conference in Denver.

Minimum Requirements for Acceptance
In addition to the quality and relevance of the proposed paper, it must meet these requirements:

-The abstract has been received by the deadline.
-The author (or co-author) is a member of SLA. Not a member? You can join online at
-The author (or a co-author) commits to present the paper at the annual conference.
-The paper has not been published in or submitted to any other publication or conference planning group.
-The author (and any co-authors) also must be willing to sign a copyright assignment that will permit SLA to use the paper in various formats. Accepted papers will be posted on the SLA Web site shortly before the 2007 conference begins.
-For examples of papers from SLA's 2006 Annual Conference in Baltimore, click here.

CFP: The Jewish Graphic Novel

CFP: The Jewish Graphic Novel

Essays sought for an interdisciplinary collection co-edited by an art historian and literary scholar. The growing subgenre of Jewish literary and graphic culture contains a number of significantly innovative aesthetic works that are increasingly recognized by literary critics as
an exciting form of alternative narrative that may also represent the inception of a new visual literacy that has significant implications for the future of Jewish literary and artistic expression. As the catalogue of a recent art exhibit devoted to this cultural phenomenon states, "Jewish Graphic novels represent an important genre in artistic expression and assert the intensity of word and image in conveying narratives that speak eloquently to the contemporary viewer. [They] offer intense visual elucidation of Jewish historic and literary events by combining intense illustration with searing social issues." Works to be addressed may include graphic novels by Will Eisner (A Contract With God: and Other Tenement Stories, Fagin the Jew, The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) Czech writer Vittorio Giardino's trilogy of volumes about Jewish life under the shadow of totalitarianism: A Jew in Communist Prague: Loss of Innocence, A Jew in Communist Prague: Adolescence, and A Jew in Communist Prague: Rebellion; Ben Katchor's The Jew of New York; Miriam Katin's memoir of WWII
survival, We Are On Our Own; Neil Kleid's portrayal of mobsters in Brownsville; Etgar Keret's surreal tales, Jetlag: Five Graphic Novellas; Joe Kubert's stunning account of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in Yossel: April 14, 1943; Joann Sfar's whimsically philosophical The Rabbi's Cat,
James Strum's disturbing parable of American racism, The Golem's Mighty Swing; and J.T. Waldman's recent bold retelling of the essential Jewish myth of power and powerlessness in Megillat Esther. The editors also hope to include an essay or two on the impact of Art Spiegelman's seminal works of Holocaust oral history in Maus: A Survivor's Tale: My
Father Bleeds History and Maus II: A Survivor's Tale: And Here My Troubles Began, which crystallized the acceptance of the graphic novel as a legitimate literary form. This collection aspires to fill an important gap in existing scholarship by offering the first collection
of critical discussions to solely address the way that Jewish graphic novels grapple with Jewish history, cultural politics, antisemitism, portrayals of Ashkenazi and Sephardic identities, the role of the Holocaust in the artist's cultural and moral imagination, political controversy, literature, sacred texts, and myth through these captivating works that render image and text in hitherto unimagined forms. Other essays might consider the important role of autobiography
in the graphic novel and the role of the graphic novel in the Jewish Studies classroom. This list is by no means exhaustive; other relevant theoretical, pedagogical, or cultural approaches will be considered.

Authors are encouraged to use images whenever appropriate but they are individually responsible for all necessary permissions. Papers from all disciplines, or interdisciplinary submissions (whether focused on single works or comparative discussions), are welcomed. Send brief bios along with abstracts (300 words) or complete essays that follow the current
edition of the MLA Style Manual to both Ranen Omer-Sherman and Samantha Baskind by 11/30/06.

CFP: Dime Novels/Pulps/Juvenile Series (Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association)

CFP: Dime Novels/Pulps/Juvenile Series (Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association)


Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
Joint Annual Conference

Boston Marriot Copley Place
Boston, Massachusetts - April 4-7, 2007

The PCA Dime Novels, Pulps, and Juvenile Series Books division invites interested parties to submit papers for presentation. Papers may cover (but are not limited to) any aspect of the following topics: authors, major characters, themes, readership, bibliography or research methods, social commentary, early genre forms, special collections, and matters of gender, race, class, image or attitude.

Participants do not need to be PCA/ACA members, academics, or professional writers to submit proposals; however, membership in either PCA or ACA and conference registration are required in order to present. The deadline for conference registration is February 1, 2007.

All participants are requested to submit a 250 word abstract with title. First-time participants with this division must submit a 1-2 page proposal, including a bibliography of reference sources, along with the abstract. Send all materials by November 1, 2006 to:

Marlena E. Bremseth, Area Chair
Howard University
Department of English
248 Locke Hall
Washington D.C. 20059
(703) 339-8910 or

Additional information regarding PCA/ACA, membership, and the conference can be found at



Papers are invited for the fourth annual The Child and the Book conference to be held at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, from March 30 - April 1, 2007.

This inter-disciplinary event, inaugurated in 2004 at Roehampton University, attracts delegates from all over the world and provides a unique opportunity for primarily postgraduate students to meet, and present and discuss their current research. The broad theme of the 2007 conference will be “Lost in Translation.” The keynote speaker will be Professor Zohar Shavit from Tel Aviv University.

In an increasingly globalising world, English (as the dominant language of business and the internet) is almost inevitably a carrier of western ideologies and social, religious and cultural mores that do not always sit well in other cultures. Translations do increase the number of literary works available to young people, widening their literary experiences, introducing them to other countries, and, hopefully, promoting a more international perspective, a greater understanding between cultures. Yet most translations are from English, few are into English; there is a decided imbalance in what is translated and for whom. In countries without their own
substantial tradition of children’s literature, where, when making reading choice decisions, parents do not have the same background/experiences on which to draw as parents in the original market, or when translated books are used, for example, in the area of education, this issue can be problematic in terms of intercultural interference. Of concern, too, are
questions such as the choice of texts, the nature and the extent of changes from the original to the target language, and the nature of the gate-keepers (especially publishers with their own commercial interests).

Of course, “translation” can also be thought of in broad terms, not just the literal translations between languages. Adults writing for children “translate” the world and its rules and codes, the re-tellings of traditional/canonical stories “translate” from one period to another, films
(and video games) can be seen as “translations” of books (and vice versa), and books (and other media) “translate” cultures. These acts of mediation are not without their own problems and issues.

In the tradition of this conference and its intention to reflect a broad spectrum of current graduate research, proposals are invited from all disciplines and from inter-disciplinary teams for twenty-minute papers addressing any aspect of “translation” in children's literature. In
addition, the conference offers various subthemes which will enable the final programme to reflect the diversity of current studies in children's literature. Thus, papers may also consider any of the following areas of interest, which may or may not touch upon the main theme:

• Literary theory and children's literature
• Gender studies – masculinist, feminist or queer theory approaches
• The politics of children’s literature
• Ideology and/or reader response
• The voice of the child
• Popular culture and children’s literature
• Education and children’s literature
• Publishing and children's literature
• New voices: new trends

The deadline for receipt of proposals is October 15, 2006.

More information can be found on the conference website:

CFP: Online Learning (Academic Exchange Quarterly)

CFP: Online Learning (Academic Exchange Quarterly)

Feature Editor:
Dr. Ben Varner
Professor of English at
University of Northern Colorado


Web-based instructional delivery has resulted in an explosion of “online learning” initiatives, technological innovations in education, and creative uses of the Internet. This focus is on ways of delivering instruction through asynchronous or synchronous methods either through online courses or by “hybrid” or “blended” courses.

There are shifts in course reconceptualizations, course designs, instructional pedagogy, faculty training, and course learning outcomes. For instance, what are the best methods of teaching students to evaluate what they find on the Internet? How does placing a course online change the needs of students who seek information? How are teachers using smart classrooms, bulletin boards, listservs, blogs, and wikis?

All innovative suggestions for instruction and technology for online learning are welcome. If you have useful experiences to share or have new ideas regarding instruction, technology, or information-gathering on the Web, please consider submitting an article.

Who May Submit:
Submissions are welcome from teachers, trainers, administrators, and graduate students (who must have a letter of support from a professor) who actively use computer-based instruction in some form.

Please identify your submission with keyword: ONLINE

Submission deadline:
any time until the end of August 2006; see details for other deadline options like early, regular, and short.

Submission Procedure:

CFP: International Digital Media and Arts Association Conference "Work in Progress/Rate of Change"

CFP: International Digital Media and Arts Association Conference "Work in Progress/Rate of Change"

November 2006 International Digital Media and Arts Association Conference
"Work in Progress/Rate of Change"

Call for Papers

The fourth annual International Digital Media and Arts Association Conference seeks abstracts for papers that explore the reality of the constantly changing digital universe in which we live. This brave new world is a constant work in progress. Whereas the old reference point was the finishing of "something" (be it media object, art form, or business practice); now the issue is not completion, but rate of change. Nothing stands still. While this was always true, the evolution of the digital world we all live in has brought this into clear focus.

The conference welcomes academics, artists, and industry representatives to participate in refereed paper presentations, panels, discussion workshops, gallery talks, performances, and hands-on tutorials. The conference will begin on November 9th and end on November 11th and will also include a juried exhibition and a vendor fair. This conference is hosted in San Diego,
California by National University.

The four main conference categories for the November 2006 iDMAa Conference are 1) Art/Design, 2) Business/Industry, 3) Education, and 4) Media/Games.

The Conference seeks submissions of abstracts (500 words maximum) for presentation and discussion. All abstracts will be refereed for acceptance. Those works selected for the conference will then be reviewed for possible publication in _The International Digital Media and Arts Association Journal_. Submissions will be for one of four main conference categories.

Please send all submissions by September 15th, 2006 to: Aleksandra Vinokurova at

Abstracts should be submitted for review as an attachment in either Microsoft Word or PDF format (please include your last name in the filename). Abstracts should include a cover letter indicating your preferred conference category and should follow standard academic paper formatting conventions. Participants are also encouraged to propose panels on topics of specific
interest. Panel submissions should include a brief description of the panel topic and list of panelists (include a short vita for each panelist). Authors will be notified via email of acceptance by approximately September 30, 2006.

Friday, August 18, 2006

CFP: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Digital Humanities 2007

CFP: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Digital Humanities 2007

Hosted by the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS),
in cooperation with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
4-7 June, 2007
Abstract Deadline: November 1, 2006 (Midnight CST)

Presentations can include:

Single papers (abstract, min. of 750 words, max. of 1500 words)
Multiple paper sessions (overview, min. of 750 words, max. of 1500 words)
Posters (abstract, min. of 750 words, max. of 1500 words)

Call for Papers Announcement

The international Programme Committee invites submissions of abstracts of between 750 and 1500 words on any aspect of humanities computing and the digital humanities, broadly defined to encompass the common ground between information technology and issues in humanities research and teaching. As always, we welcome submissions in any area of the humanities, particularly interdisciplinary work. We especially encourage submissions on the current state of the art in humanities computing and the digital humanities, and on recent and expected future developments in the field.

Suitable subjects for proposals include, for example,

text analysis, corpora, corpus linguistics, language processing, language learning
creation, delivery and management of humanities digital resources collaboration between libraries and scholars in the creation, delivery, and management of humanities digital resources
computer-based research and computing applications in all areas of literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical studies, including interdisciplinary aspects of modern scholarship use of computation in such areas as the arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, and other areas reflecting our cultural heritage research issues such as: information design and modelling; the cultural impact of the new media the role of digital humanities in academic curricula
Proposals should report significant and substantive results and will include reference to pertinent work in the field (up to 10 items) as part of their critical assessment.

The range of topics covered by humanities computing can also be consulted in the journal of the associations: Literary and Linguistic Computing (LLC), Oxford University Press.

The deadline for submitting paper, session and poster proposals to the Programme Committee is November 1, 2006 (midnight CST). All submissions will be refereed. Presenters will be notified of acceptance February 1, 2007.

The electronic submission form will be available at the conference site from October 1st, 2006. See below for full details on submitting proposals.

Proposals for (non-refereed, or vendor) demos and for pre-conference tutorials and workshops should be discussed directly with the local conference organizer as soon as possible.

For more information on the conference in general please visit the conference web site, at

Call for Book Reviews - Anthropology Review Database (ARD)

Call for Book Reviews - Anthropology Review Database (ARD)

If there is a book that you are interested in reviewing contact the Anthropology Review Database (ARD). The ARD is an academic journal dedicated to promoting anthropological literature, and is innovative in adopting a totally electronic mode of publication. The purpose of the ARD is to improve the level of access of anthropologists to recent scholarship by making them more aware of what is being published and helping them to evaluate its relevance to their own interests. We welcome writers from diverse backgrounds that can and are willing to provide fresh insight into recently published books. Please, note that the ARD welcome reviews on anthropology, politics, ethics, sociology, archaeology, and economics.

I can be contacted at the e-mail address listed below if you are interesting in reviewing books on anthropology. We will work together to find a book for you to review that you will enjoy reading. For more detailed submission guidelines and contact information, please visit our website at I look forward to working with from you!

Aaron Peron Ogletree
Visit the website at

CFP: Popular Culture and Libraries, Archives, Museums, Research, etc.

CFP: Popular Culture and Libraries, Archives, Museums, Research, etc.
Location: Massachusetts, United States
Call for Papers Deadline Date: November 1, 2006



The Popular Culture Association will be holding its annual joint meeting with the American Culture Association April 4-7, 2007 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts. Scholars from numerous disciplines will meet to share their Popular Culture research and interests.

The Libraries, Archives, and Popular Culture Research Area is soliciting papers dealing with any aspect of Popular Culture as it pertains to libraries, archives, museums, or research. In the past this has included descriptions of research collections, studies of popular images of libraries or librarians, or reports on developments in technical services for collecting popular culture materials.

This year, we hope to have a panel dedicated to the pros and cons of Wikipedia.

Papers from graduate students are welcome.

Allen Ellis
Professor of Library Services
W. Frank Steely Library
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099-6101
FAX: 859-572-5390

Visit the website at

CFP: Print Culture and the Cold War (Editied Collection of Articles)

CFP: Print Culture and the Cold War (Editied Collection of Articles)
The deadline for submissions is January 1, 2007.

Submissions are currently being solicited for an edited collection of articles about print culture and the Cold War. The editors of this anthology seek work by historians of the book and print culture, as well as scholars from disciplines across the academy who are pursuing work in the history of the book and/or the history of the Cold War.

The subject of culture in the Cold War has received significant scholarly attention over the last twenty years. Many excellent cultural

histories connect popular and high culture with the larger political currents and military conflicts of the time, and recent work has also taken as its subject the use of culture as a weapon in the Cold War. But the importance of the medium of print, which did much to convey and shape these ideologies and events of the period, has received little attention. Although television, film, radio, and other forms of media, certainly were crucial reflectors and carriers of Cold War politics and
ideology, and have received much attention, printed materials remained a critical means of shaping political and popular discourse during the Cold War.

Printed materials underwent a number of revolutions during the Cold War, including the development of mass-market and "quality" paperbacks and the explosion in inexpensive reproduction (such as photocopying and mimeographing). The growth of higher education around the world created new markets for print, new opportunities for publishers, and a new set of consumers for printed material, while governments of the East and West attempted to control what got into print and how it circulated, to encourage reading as a way to increase learning in fields such as science and math, and to spread their own ideologies. Access to and distribution of easily reproduced printed materials posed challenges and possibilities for both sides in the Cold War.

The central questions that this anthology seeks to explore are:

What was the role of the printed word in shaping the events of the historical period known as the Cold War? And to what extent did the historical pressures of the Cold War shape the material factors, economic contexts, production, distribution, and reception of printed materials?

Some specific issues that submissions might examine could include:

How did the pro-Western alliance use print culture to disseminate its ideas in an effort to win over public opinion in their own nations and in nonaligned nations?

What role did print culture play in the establishment of Soviet control over public discourse in its satellite nations?

How did changing formats for literature respond to and shape cultural politics?

What role did politics play in definitions of quality and debates over high- and lowbrow?

Why did divisions over high and low take on increased importance during this period?

How did non-literary works (cookbooks, advice manuals, and textbooks) reflect and shape cultural politics?

How did publishers take advantage of changing market realities?

How did these changing realities shape the publishing industry?

How did cultural politics influence critical discourse about print?

How did this discourse in turn shape school curricula?

How did print culture provide a location for the intersection of anticommunist ideology and the nascent civil-rights movement in the U.S.?

How did print culture undermine Soviet communist ideology in the Soviet Union? How did this process differ in nations such as Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and East Germany?

How did citizens of the Eastern Bloc produce and disseminate dissident works of literature or journalism?

How did radical or dissident groups in the U.S., both on the left and on the right, use print to alter the public discussion about the Cold War?

What role did print culture play in the Cold War-era discourse about terms like cultural diplomacy, human rights, totalitarianism, feminism, and liberalism?

How did underground bookstores and publishers (both of the radical left and the radical right) disseminate ideology in the U.S.?

What was the publication history of Mao's Little Red Book in China, in Southeast Asia, in Europe, and in the U.S.?

How did revolutionary leaders of the developing world come into contact with and use radical literature?

What was the role of the Union of Soviet Writers in the publishing industry in the Soviet Union?

Please submit an abstract of a previously unpublished paper to Greg Barnhisel, Department of English, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh PA 15282. Direct inquiries only (no electronic submissions) to Greg Barnhisel or Cathy Turner The deadline for submissions is January 1, 2007.

CFP: The Cultures and Letters of the Black Diaspora / Callaloo Thirtieth Anniversary

CFP: The Cultures and Letters of the Black Diaspora / Callaloo Thirtieth Anniversary

The Cultures and Letters of the Black Diaspora

Callaloo is currently putting together materials for an issue to be published in the Summer of 2007 as the third of four special issues celebrating the journal’s Thirtieth Anniversary. The guest editors for this issue seek essays and creative work focused on the cultures and letters of the black diaspora, including reflections on literature, art, film, music, theater and dance. Essays can be critical responses to theories of the black diaspora as well as considerations on the cultural production of those of African descent around the world. Essays can also explore the global phenomena of the Atlantic slave trade and colonialism in relationship to the black diaspora as a transnational, regional, and/or global historical formation.

Of particular interest are essays and creative works that address the nuances and vicissitudes of the black diaspora both as a historical formation and as a concept. Toward this end, topics that complicate our understanding of blackness as quotidian by investigating how the diaspora intersects with, and translates, other realities including language, gender, region, nation, work and labor, sexuality, and religion, will likely be considered along with those that engage Africa.

Possible topics may include, but certainly are not limited to:

*The African influence in musical forms including batuque, son, plena, hip-hop, and méringue/merengue típico
* The presence of orixás/orishas or Africa in religious practices such as Candomblé, Santería, and Vaudou
* Blackness in the global metropolis, such as London, Los Angeles, Paris, and New York
* The relationship between slavery and/or colonialism in the formation of the black diaspora
* Cinemas of the black diaspora by filmmakers such as Souleyman Cissé, Haile Gerima, and Idrissa Ouédraogo, among others
* Literary production from Olaudah Equiano to Dionne Brand, Mary Prince to Tayeb Salih, Aimé Césaire to Buchi Emecheta, Derek Walcott to Edwidge Danticat, Langston Hughes to Paule Marshall, among others

Essays submissions should be 4000-5000 words and include a 150-200 word abstract. Poetry, fiction, and/or creative responses may be significantly shorter. All manuscripts must follow the Callaloo submission guidelines and be postmarked no later than Saturday, January 14, 2007, to:
Callaloo / The Black Diaspora
Department of English
Texas A&M University
4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77483-4227

For this special issue, overseas submissions may be sent via email to , with the heading The Black Diaspora Submission, on or before the aforementioned deadline.

Please direct questions and any other correspondence to Ivy G. Wilson and Ayo A. Coly, guest editors, at: (Ivy G. Wilson) (Ayo A. Coly)

CFP: 2007 Economic & Business Historical Society Conference

CFP: 2007 Economic & Business Historical Society Conference
Providence, Rhode Island, April 26-28, 2007

Call For Papers

The Economic & Business Historical Society welcomes proposals for presentations on all aspects of business and economic history at its 32nd annual conference at Providence, Rhode Island, April 26-28, 2007.

Composed of more than one hundred North American and international members, the Economic & Business Historical Society offers its members and conference participants an opportunity for intellectual interchange within a collegial interdisciplinary group. The Society holds its annual convention in locations of historical significance. Both the annual membership ($30) and conference registration fees are modest.

Papers presented at the conference may be submitted for publication in the Society's peer reviewed journal, Essays in Economic and Business History, edited by Lynne Pierson Doti, Chapman University.

The Society seeks proposals for both individual papers and panel sessions. Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract of no more than 500 words, a brief CV, postal and email addresses, and telephone and fax numbers. Panel proposals should also suggest a title and a panel chair. Graduate students and non-academic affiliates are welcome. Graduate students may qualify for reduced registration fees.

Submissions imply that at least one author will register for the conference and be present at the time designated in the conference program.

The deadline for submission is January 7th, 2007.

Proposals may be submitted by email to or sent by mail to:

Roberto Mazzoleni
2007 EBHS Conference
Department of Economics & Geography
200 Barnard Hall
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549

Additional information regarding the conference and Society can be found

Special Issue CFP (Management & Organizational History) on Company Magazines, Work and Organizations

Special Issue CFP (Management & Organizational History) on Company Magazines, Work and Organizations


Michael Heller, Queen Mary College, University of London (UK)
Stefan Schwarzkopf, Queen Mary College, University of London (UK)

This special issue of Management & Organizational History (M&OH) aims to examine the origins, content and socio-theoretical significance of company journals and overview current historical and theoretical discussion on the topic from an international perspective. We seek to address company magazines from a variety of viewpoints, including the historical origins and development of these media in organizations, their role in the creation and evolution of industrial welfare and personnel management, their usage as PR tools and the role of company magazines in the creation of corporate identities.

We are interested in papers that use a historical perspective on company journals as a springboard to cast a critical light on the question of the nature of organizations. By applying a historical focus, this special issue attempts to show that businesses are more than mere profit-maximizing economic entities but also function as cultural and social units with problems and structures that often move beyond the borders of pure economic reasoning and concerns. Contributors are therefore encouraged to engage with theories on corporate culture and theories from marketing, communication studies and organizational studies backgrounds.

Submitted papers might consider, but are not limited to, the following issues:

* company journals as part of a wide-ranging system of "soft" supervision which facilitate the internalization of corporate control mechanisms by employees

* the changing uses of mediated communication (magazines, bulletins, newspapers) by organizations in an attempt to foster and manipulate organizational culture

* how magazines have been used by organizations over time to negotiate their internal and external boundaries in order to manage their relationships with various stakeholder groups

* the position of company magazines within the debate of the "crisis of control" in the nineteenth- and twentieth-century corporation

* company journals as a response to the challenges of growth of industries in scale and scope

* company journals as a source for historians and management theorists for the study of issues of power, control and legitimacy within organizations

* company journals as an important part of organizational design and corporate modes of self-representation

* magazines and journals as a medium for the creation of a "corporate soul" (Roland Marchand)

Submission Procedure:

Papers must be sent electronically to and
before January 1st 2007 as Word e-mail attachments, indicating Company Magazines Special Issue in the subject line.

must be prepared according to the guidelines published in every issue of Management & Organizational History (also available in more detail at the journal's web site Papers should be between 5000 and 8000 words (inclusive) and will be blind reviewed following the journal's standard procedure. For further information contact either Michael Heller or Stefan Schwarzkopf.

Call for Papers: DIGITAL STORYTELLING Edited Collection

Call for Papers: DIGITAL STORYTELLING Edited Collection
Editors: John Hartley and Kelly McWilliam
ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries & Innovation
Queensland University of Technology

We're seeking a few additional chapters for the above collection, which already has a strong international line-up of scholars and practitioners on-board.


Media participation in the digital environment is beginning to evolve into distinct, recognisable forms. One of these is known as 'digital storytelling'-whereby individuals with little or no media production experience gain the skills to create succinct stories, typically constructed out of personal narratives and self-sourced images.

Originally developed by Dana Atchley, Joe Lambert, and Nina Mullen in the USA ( ) and Daniel Meadows for the BBC in the UK (, digital storytelling is now practiced in a range of contexts, from cultural institutions and community development programs to screen innovation, broadcasting and commercial applications (e.g.

Digital storytelling combines tuition of the individual with new narrative devices, for multiplatform digital publishing across hybrid sites and practices. As an elaborate textual system created for the new media ecology, digital storytelling challenges the traditional distinction between professional and amateur production and signals important developments in media literacy and participation, storytelling formats, and content distribution.

Chapters can fall under any of the following headings, though we're especially (but not exclusively) looking for chapters on digital storytelling in developing countries:


Chapters that discuss the emergence of digital storytelling, including personal accounts from its pioneers. What is the motivation for digital storytelling and what practices and traditions does it draw upon?


Case studies of projects targeted at specific communities (youth, seniors, lesbian and gay, Indigenous, etc.). What is 'best practice' in narrative design, distribution and skills dissemination? Chapters that show how digital storytelling has been taken up in different ways in different community and international contexts are welcome.


How is digital storytelling being used within museums, galleries, universities and libraries? What does this mean in terms of wider debates about the role of cultural institutions as they turn from collection to dissemination?


The implications of user-led creative content for the creative industries. What does digital storytelling offer for the professional media, including broadcasters, and what new patterns of producer-consumer collaborations are made possible?


How to do it. Description and evaluation of pedagogy, design, process, and poetics.


Possibilities for distribution and networking, new technologies and applications, and the implications for new media theory.

Because this project is already well under way, the deadline is tight. So, if you're interested in contributing, please forward a 500 WORD ABSTRACT to me as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, 1 September 2006.

Full chapters, of up to 7000 words, will likely be due late 2006/early 2007, though there will be some flexibility in the deadline.

Please direct enquiries and proposals to: Kelly McWilliam

ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries & Innovation
Creative Industries Precinct (Z1, 515), Queensland University of = Technology
Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059, Australia
phone: +61 7 3864 8775
fax: +61 7 3864 3723

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

CFP: Patent Information Users Group, Inc. (PIUG) Northeast Regional Meeting

CFP: Patent Information Users Group, Inc. (PIUG) Northeast Regional Meeting

The PIUG is holding its Northeast Regional Meeting on October 10, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The PIUG Northeast Regional Meeting is an excellent forum to learn and share best practices regarding patent research and analysis. Vendors will
be available to discuss their products and services.

If you would like to give a presentation at the 2006 PIUG Northeast Regional Meeting, please send your titles and abstracts to A.J. D'Ambra ( for consideration by the Program Committee of the PIUG NE Meeting.

The presentation can be any aspect of patents and related topics -including but not limited to searching, classification, patent law, databases, data manipulations, data mining, value-added analysis and/or presentation of the information, end-user/client/partner relationship
management, history, topics such as engineering or biotechnology. The Program Committee is particularly interested in inviting the participation of information professionals in the academic community.

Deadline for abstracts is August 21, 2006. (Deadline extension will be considered for respondents to this announcement.)
The registration fee will be waived for presenters, volunteers and students.

About PIUG
The Patent Information Users Group, Inc. (PIUG) is a not-for-profit organization for individuals having a professional, scientific or technical interest in patent information. The mission of PIUG is to encourage the development of patent information research and analysis systems, to further develop members' patent research and analysis skills, and to promote and improve the retrieval, analysis and dissemination of patent information.

CFP: Teaching and Learning in the Maritime Environment: A Conference on Pedagogy & Scholarship

CFP: Teaching and Learning in the Maritime Environment: A Conference on Pedagogy & Scholarship

March 28-30, 2007 at The California Maritime Academy

The rich experience of teaching and learning in the maritime environment suggests that maritime educators are in a unique position to guide advances in experiential and learner centered higher education. The challenges and opportunities associated with maritime education are the foci of this conference, which will

· Establish a mechanism to recognize the contributions of all types of maritime faculty to the body of knowledge that is “maritime education.”
· Introduce maritime educators, newer to the “faculty” role, to the basics of contemporary pedagogy and scholarship.
· Provide an opportunity for the juried presentation (including “Proceedings” publication) of best “learner centered” practices in maritime education.
· Strengthen the grass roots, connectivity and resource network for campuses with a maritime mission.
· Enhance maritime campuses’ ability to relate to more comprehensive universities without lessening the unique culture that binds them to the sea.
· Chart the course for maritime education to serve as an exemplar for new directions in higher ed.

This conference is ideal for faculty on the professorial and vocational (a.k.a. “practice”) tracks in collegiate maritime academies, faculty working in both practical and theoretical aspects of maritime related disciplines (e.g., oceanography, naval architecture, marine biology and other disciplines which may utilize research vessels, etc.), faculty in a wide variety of other arts and sciences areas with interest and expertise in subjects of a maritime nature (e.g., maritime historians, ocean engineers, etc.) and graduate students seeking careers in the above or related areas.

With this call for papers and workshops, the program committee is looking for faculty working in the maritime milieu, and/or with maritime subject matter, to propose presentation of their best teaching and experiential learning practices as well as research findings, and exemplars of integrative undertakings including those in curriculum development, enrollment management, simulation (deck, engine, crisis management, etc.), and “semester-at-sea” or other “sea term” operations. Using the Carnegie Foundation’s Reconsidered Scholarship categories of teaching, discovery, application and integration, the conference program, as currently envisioned, will include one all-day format of “how to” and “exemplar sharing” workshops and presentations in each category during 60 to 100 minute time slots and a second day format of 45 minute traditional academic paper/lecture presentations in the same categories. Both formal and informal opportunities for collegial discussion on specific maritime issues will also be provided.

To have your workshop or paper/lecture presentation considered for inclusion in the program, please prepare a detailed proposal or abstract describing the work to be shared and identifying which category (teaching, discovery, application, integration) will be addressed as well as which format (workshop [at 60 or 100 minutes] or 45 minute paper lecture presentation) the proposal would utilize. Identify a main presenter and supply all appropriate contact information. Submit your proposal, by Sept. 25, 2006, to

Teaching and Learning Program Committee
c/o Vice President for Academic Affairs
Cal Maritime, 200 Maritime Academy Drive Vallejo, CA 94590.

Electronic submissions should be Microsoft Word Documents and should be sent to the program committee via email address Selected entries will be notified by October 23. Presenters must register for the conference (“early bird”
deadline is November 1). For the “Proceedings”, presenters will need to submit final documents in a simple but “camera-ready” template format to be supplied at the time of proposal acceptance.

Conference registration and lodging information will be available during the early fall. Save the dates: March 28-30, 2007. Bookmark

Call for Paper Abstracts for International Congress on Medieval Studies (2007)

Call for Paper Abstracts for International Congress on Medieval Studies
in Kalamazoo in May 2007; proposal deadline: September 15

In the fifteenth century, Chaucer's authorial identity began to take shape in a variety of ways. The symbolic capital associated with his name led editors to take liberties when assigning works to the poet. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Chaucer's oeuvre remained fluid and editors often placed apocryphal works alongside legitimate tales and poems. A wide-range of works, from Lydgate's continuation of the themes of the Canterbury Tales to the polemical Plowman's Tale, became associated with Chaucer in the years following his death. Following the
introduction of the printing press to England, these additions to Chaucer's canon often became fixed within the complex matrix of book production and marketing that emerged from the maelstrom of early print culture. This panel will examine how Chaucer developed as an author and how his role as a literary figure shaped the way he was (and is) received. We seek papers that draw on a number of disciplines including the history of the book, textual studies, manuscript studies, and literary history to explore the issues of book production and trade and
its role in the formation of Chaucer the author and his accepted body of work.

Please email or mail cover letter (or equivalent information) and abstracts of no more than 300 words to either :

Paul J. Patterson at
Department of English
St. Joseph's College
155 West Roe Boulevard
Patchogue, NY 11772


Shannon Gayk at
Department of English
Ballantine 442
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405

Abstracts must be received by September 15, 2006

CFP: Rooms of Their Own: Women in the Knowledge Economy and Society

CFP: Rooms of Their Own: Women in the Knowledge Economy and Society
A Royal Society of Canada Conference

2-4 May 2007 At the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

In 1929 Virginia Woolf predicted that women in another century or so, if given the opportunity and rooms of their own, will have the habit of freedom and the courage to write exactly what we
think, seeing human beings in their relation to each other and in relation to reality. Our knowledge-based economy and society have made such an opportunity more tangible for some and more elusive for others. Rooms of Their Own considers the situation of women within and beyond the academy. By heightening awareness, extending the knowledge base, and forming practical recommendations, the conference assesses the challenges and conditions for women to
participate in this new reality.

This three-day conference offers an international forum to discuss the features of local and global cultures that encourage and impede women’s active, creative, and critical participation in the knowledge economy and society. We extend this call to university
faculty and administrators, graduate students, government ministers, and representatives of funding agencies and the corporate sector. We invite contributions from a wide variety of perspectives: artistic, political, commercial, legal, scientific, philosophical, and so on.
Topics might include (but should not be limited to):
- the re-structuring of work through digital information

- styles of corporate management

- building local capacity to empower communities

- re-thinking definitions and frames of reference.

The scope of the conference also includes performing and creative arts. We are seeking proposals that engage with the central issues in innovative and practical ways. Presentations may be in the form of individual papers, entire panels, workshops, creative pieces, multimedia projects, and any other alternative formats. Individual presentations should be 20 minutes long, for inclusion in a 90-minute session with plenty of time for discussion and feedback. A selection
of conference papers will be published.

Proposals are welcome in English and French; simultaneous translation will be available during the conference. Deadline for proposals is 10 January 2007.

Among the plenary speakers are Valerie Davidson, Chair for Women in
Science and Engineering, NSERC; Senator Lillian Dyck, neuroscientist;
Catharine Farrow, Chief Geologist, FNX Mining; Marye Anne Fox,
Chancellor, University of California, San Diego; Sheila Jasanoff,
Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Harvard;
Anne Wheeler, filmmaker; and Catharine Whiteside, Dean of Medicine,
University of Toronto.

Please send proposals of 300 words by email or regular mail to: or
Patricia Demers
Department of English and Film Studies
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2E5

For more information about the conference, please see our website:

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Bluest Skies... [Western MLA Chapters 2006 Annual Meeting]

The Bluest Skies... [Western MLA Chapters 2006 Annual Meeting]

The Bluest've ever seen are in Seattle!

You've heard the song and -- if you're of a certain age -- you've probably seen the show "Here Come the Brides" which aired from 1968-1970. But did you know the show was based on real events?

The "Mercer Girls" < >, eligible
young women from New England, were brought to Seattle in 1864 by Asa Mercer to be teachers and prospective brides for early Northwest settlers.

While we're on the topic of Seattle trivia, did you know?

-- The Smith Tower < >, one of the country's earliest skyscrapers, was the tallest building west of the Mississippi for nearly 50 years.

-- The University of Washington campus was designed by the renowned Olmsted Brothers for the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, and their influence and design is still evident today.

-- Pike Place Market < > is one of the most popular Seattle attractions and its signature bronze pig is a well-established meeting place. But, did you know the pig's name is Rachel?

Make your own history in Seattle and join us for the Western MLA Chapters annual meeting:

Missions and Mountains: Believe and Achieve October 14-17, 2006, Red Lion Hotel, Seattle

Lisa Oberg and Gail Kouame
Program Co-Chairs

Pamela Corley

Western Chapters Planning Committee

Pamela M. Corley
Research Support Librarian
USC Norris Medical Library
2003 Zonal Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90089-9130
323-442-1125 fax: 323-221-1235

The 11th biennial International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2007)

The 11th biennial International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2007)

is organised by the Centre for Scientific Information and Documentation (CINDOC) of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), in cooperation with several Information Science Departments of Spanish universities, and under the auspices of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI).

Previous ISSI conferences took place in Belgium (1987), Canada (1989), India (1991), Germany (1993), USA (1995), Israel (1997), Mexico (1999), Australia (2001), China (2003) and Sweden (2005).

Time and place: Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 of June 2007, at the CSIC Serrano Campus in Madrid, Spain

The proposed research topics for this edition include among others:

- Dynamics of scientific fields. Growth and diversification
- Mapping and visualisation of knowledge
- Interdisciplinarity. Multidisciplinarity
- History of Bibliometrics and Scientometrics
- Mathematical modelling of informetric laws
- Citation and web link analysis
- Webometrics
- Collaboration in research (individual, institutional, regional, international)
- Evaluation of research performance: macro, meso and micro-levels
- Institutional and national publication productivity
- Development and comparative analyses of new indicators for Science and Technology
- Patent indicators
- Science policy analysis and forecasting
- Economic and social factors in information production and dissemination
- Scientometric impact of the Open Access initiatives
- New bibliometric indicators applied to digital libraries and e-journals
- Communication practices and performance assessment in Social Sciences and Humanities
- Effects of the use of bibliometric indicators upon scientists, journal publishers and editors

Types of contributions accepted to ISSI 2007:

Full papers, research-in-progress papers and posters are accepted for this conference. Research-in-progress papers are meant to cover on-going research and the authors must make clear the significance of their study and which the research questions to be addressed are. Authors are requested to submit their contributions using the ISSI 2007 electronic
submission form:

Valid document formats are: Microsoft Word (doc) and Rich Text Format (rtf).
• Full papers - max. 4500 words.
• Research-in-progress papers - max. 2000 words
• Poster presentations - abstract of max. 2 pages.

Papers must conform to the ISSI 2007 submission template. All submissions will be peer reviewed and all accepted contributions will be published in the proceedings of the conference.

The working language of the conference is English.

Important dates:
• Full paper and research-in-progress paper submission, deadline: 30 November 2006
• Notification of acceptance of paper submissions: 31 January 2007
• Poster submission, deadline: 1 February 2007
• Doctoral Forum application, deadline: 1 February 2007
• Notification of acceptance of posters: 28 February 2007
• Camera ready papers due in MS Word/RTF format: 28 February 2007

Proposals for organising satellite workshops on relevant topics not well
addressed at the main conference can be submitted before 30 November
2006 to the satellite workshops chair and/or programme chair.

Programme Chair:
Dr. Henk F. Moed, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail:

Conference Chairs:
Prof. Isabel Gómez, CINDOC-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Dr. María Bordons CINDOC-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Isidro Aguillo, CINDOC-CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

Poster Chair:
Dr. Ed Noyons, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail:

Friday, August 11, 2006

CFP: International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology

CFP: International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology
January 3-5, 2007
Hong Kong,



The First International Conference of information Technology and Management (ICITM2007) will be held in Jan 03-05(*Room booking), 2007 in Hong Kong. The conference sponsored by the Institute for Systems Management of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University features the most recent research results in the concepts and development of information systems, industrial applications, business management, e-business education. As part of the mission of the Institute of Systems Management is to facilitate the application of information technology to industrial enterprises, tutorial and/or case presentation sessions would likely be organized concurrently with the conference to encourage more industrial/business participation. All registered participants of the conference would also be encouraged to attend those other sessions for industrial interaction.

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: 31August 2006
Notification of Acceptance: 15 September 2006
Camera Ready Copy Deadline: 05 October 2006

Publications: Papers will be refereed and all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings in CD Rom with ISBN. Authors with quality papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for possible inclusions in peer-reviewed publication including:
(1) an?edited book by World Scientific
(2) a Special Issue in International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education
(3) International Journal of Campus-Wide Information Systems

Monday, August 07, 2006

CFP: Third International Conference on Communities and Technologies

CFP: Third International Conference on Communities and Technologies.
Location: East Lansing, Michigan
Dates: June 28-30, 2007
CFP Deadline: November 13, 2006

Conference Home:
Call for Papers Home:

Following the success of two prior conferences, we cordially invite submissions to the third International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T 2007), hosted by Michigan State University. This biennial meeting serves as a forum for stimulating and disseminating research on the complex connections between communities – both physical and virtual – and information and communication technologies.

C&T 2007 welcomes contributions from researchers in many fields, given the multidisciplinary and collaborative nature of inquiries into the interaction between community and technology. Past meetings have involved researchers working in such areas as computer supported cooperative work, computer supported collaborative learning, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, human computer interaction, information systems, community informatics, knowledge management, and Internet studies; across such fields as anthropology, communication, computer science, economics, geography, information studies, information systems, management science, political science, psychology, sociology, and telecommunication. The conference program includes competitively selected, peer-reviewed papers, as well as workshops, tutorials, and a small number of invited speakers.

Conference Themes

There are many definitions of community. We focus on the notion of communities as social entities comprised of actors who share something in common: this common element may be geography, needs, interests, practices, organizations, or other bases for social connection. Communities are considered to be a basic unit of social experience. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) can interact with communities in many complex ways. For example, ICTs can support community formation and development by facilitating communication and coordination among members. Conversely, the lack of attention to the surrounding community context may inhibit the design and effective use of ICT innovations. Hence, new research into the creation, use, and evaluation of ICTs aimed at community support is appearing at an increasing rate. New phenomena such as blogs, podcasting, smart mobs, and the popularity of social network software illustrate some of the new areas for research into the powerful and changing connections between community and technology.

Empirical, conceptual, and design contributions are invited, involving a range of methodologies encompassing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. These might include application designs, innovative frameworks, case studies, ethnographies, experiments, survey research, network analyses or economic studies.

Topics appropriate for submission to this conference are manifold. Examples of some of the vibrant areas of communities and technology research include, but are not limited to:

-(virtual) community formation and development
-communities of interest, communities of practice, knowledge sharing and organizational learning
-communities and innovation
-community informatics
-technical support for communities
-innovative applications of communityware
-ad hoc communities and ICTs
-innovations in community technology design
-system platforms for e-community research
-design methods for communityware
-ICTs and geographical business communities (e.g. clusters and/or regional development)
-ICTs and virtual business communities
-community-oriented e-commerce business models
-social capital, communities, and technology
-interactions between online and offline communities
-communities and e-government
-ethnographic and case studies of virtual communities
-trust, privacy and security issues in virtual communities
-communities, technology and social movements
-interaction in large scale online communities
-persistent conversation in technology-facilitated communities
-supporting collaboration in local and distributed communities
-economics of technology-facilitated communities
-inter-organizational communities and technology
-communities, technology, and learning/education

Submitting Papers and Workshop Proposals

Completed and original research papers of not more 20 pages must be submitted electronically to the conference website, and will undergo a peer review process. We are preparing submission guidelines and a conference management facility to enable online submission. In the meantime, general information about C&T 2007 is available at the conference web site.

We also invite the submission of proposals for workshops, which will be held on June 28, the first day of the conference. Workshops can be either half or full day in length and built around specific themes relevant to the conference. Workshop proposals should be 4 pages in length, and should define the theme(s) of the workshop, the main activities and goals, the background and contact information of the organizer(s), the maximum number of participants in the workshop, the means of soliciting participants, and the method of selecting participants. Proposals should also include a brief summary of no more than 150 words suitable for describing the workshop in the conference program.


The Communities and Technologies 2007 Proceedings will be published by Springer, and will be available both as a bound volume and online for global digital access. Regarding past meeting proceedings, SpringerLink subscribers may access the electonic book version of The Communities and Technologies 2005 Proceedings. A bound volume is also available from Springer.

Conference Organizers and Contact Information

The 2007 meeting is being co-organized by Charles Steinfield and Brian Pentland of Michigan State University, Mark Ackerman of the University of Michigan, and Noshir Contractor of the University of Illinois. Questions regarding C&T 2007 should be sent to the conference email address, which is

Saturday, August 05, 2006

CFP: Northwest Innovative Users Group Meeting

CFP: Northwest Innovative Users Group Meeting
Conference Dates: October 17-18, 2006
Conference Location: University of Portland, Oregon
NOTE: Deadline not listed - please respond ASAP.

The Northwest Innovative Users Group is currently accepting proposals for one hour (60 minute) program presentations at the Twelfth Annual NWIUG Users Group meeting on Tuesday, October 17 and Wednesday, October 18, 2006 at the University of Portland. This is your chance to share III expertise/issues with your colleagues.

Basically the conference will be structured as it has been in the past - concurrent presentations within each program session. We are working with III on the possibility of holding a workshop in conjunction with NWIUG this year and will have more details on this later.

Your ideas on programs you would like to see presented are also welcome. Just e-mail these ideas to any Steering Committee member, listed at the bottom of this announcement, with a description of what you would like covered.

Please submit proposals for presentations using the form on the NWIUG Web site at

Using the form has the added benefit that your proposal will be automatically emailed to all Steering Committee members at once and saves people time in forwarding proposals. It also ensures that your proposal will get the quickest attention.

Please include all of this information:
Program title
Program Description
Presenter(s) name(s)
Presenter(s) address(es), e-mail(s), phone(s) (fax and voice)
Identify the Contact person if there is more than one presenter
Audience Level (new users, intermediate, advanced, general, technical, other)
Also include an indication of which area it should belong to based on those listed below.

Main program areas are:
Public Services
System Maintenance
Web Maintenance

Additional information about the conference will be posted on the NWIUG
web site:
Send questions to any of Steering Committee members:

Debbie Hackleman (Chair), Oregon State University,
Gary Payne (Webmaster), Skagit Valley College,
Karen Kunz (Registration), Oregon Institute of Technology,
Carolyn Piatz (Local Arrangements) , University of Portland,
Emily Asch, Pacific University,
Kathleen Olsen, King County Library System,
Sion Romaine, Univ. of Washington,
Erik Still, Boeing

Thank you for your interest and your ideas.

Debbie Hackleman, Chair
NWIUG 2006