11-15 September, 2006
Queen Mary University of London
Deadline: May 5, 2006
There is still time to Engage in HCI 2006, the leading UK conference on usability.
We are now looking for exciting short papers, posters, panel sessions and interactive experiences or tell us about how you practice or study usability.
Deadline for all submissions: 5th May
You could also go for one of the world class tutorials and workshops on a huge range of established and emerging ideas in usability.
More details below and on the web-site:
Short Papers
We invite the submission of high quality short papers from researchers and practitioners reporting late breaking results and work in progress. Short papers have made a lively and stimulating contribution to past HCI conferences and, reflecting this, the best will be published in Volume 1 of the HCI 2006 conference proceedings. All other accepted short papers
will appear in Volume 2 of the proceedings.
We invite you to submit posters addressing any of the conference themes.
Authors are encouraged to demonstrate work in progress and late-breaking
research results that show the latest innovative ideas to stimulate audiences.
Doctoral Consortium
The Consortium is designed for students currently registered for a PhD in
HCI or a related field. It is a great opportunity to engage with the
broader HCI community and get valuable and timely feedback on your research.
The call for panels remains open allowing you an extended opportunity to
create an event to explore a topic within a highly interactive format. We
hope that by extending the call you will have further opportunities for
proposals, the ability to propose late-breaking topics, and have a better
view of candidate panel members.
Interactive Experiences
Interactive Experiences are the home for demonstrations or presentations
involving real systems, prototypes, videos, interactive participations by
conference delegates and interactive surveys. It is a great showcase for
your latest products and prototypes and a great opportunity to test your
ideas with an enthusiastic audience.
Work practices and spaces
These sessions provide a forum for usability groups - private and public -
to promote the work they do. It allows them to introduce their work to the
wider Human-Computer Interaction community and share their insights,
challenges, successes and even failures.
Tutorials and Workshops
Full details of workshops and tutorials are not yet available but details
and contacts will appear on the web-site at the beginning of May.
Engage is the 20th BCS HCI Group conference, in co-operation with ACM.
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Saturday, April 29, 2006
CFP: Business Intelligence Perspectives 2006
CFP: Business Intelligence Perspectives 2006
Computerworld's upcoming Business Intelligence Perspectives Conference
September 25-27, 2006
Green Valley Ranch Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Deadline May 26, 2006
For More information, visit:
Looking for papers in the following areas:
*Best Practices in Business Intelligence
Delivered by end users (not vendors), presentations in this category are end user case studies that highlight a particular best practice deployed/implemented within an end user organization. Submissions in this category should describe a specific business intelligence project from start to finish and focus on the creative/innovative design and application of various technologies to provide a custom solution for an organization's specific business intelligence demands.
*Overview and Methodology in Navigating the BI Process
*Creating a Strategic Vision and Using BI for ROI through IT Leadership
*Planning, Designing and Building the BI Infrastructure
*Selecting and Deploying BI Technologies
*Managing Performance and Enterprise Business Analytics
*Information Retrieval and Reporting by Leveraging Off-the-Shelf Enterprise Software
*Data Visualization, Prediction and Presentation by Leveraging Customized Solutions
*Use of Competency Centers to Champion BI Technologies to Enterprise-Wide ROI
While not required for submission, representatives of IT end-user companies are the most preferred as presenters. (If you represent an IT vendor organization, we recommend you ask and/or facilitate securing an IT end-user customer to present. If you represent an IT vendor organization and you prefer to submit an executive speaker from your company -- rather than an IT end-user customer/executive -- we strongly recommend you propose your senior-most executive -- CEO or COO -- as those titles are the most likely vendor speakers to be considered.)
Computerworld's upcoming Business Intelligence Perspectives Conference
September 25-27, 2006
Green Valley Ranch Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Deadline May 26, 2006
For More information, visit:
Looking for papers in the following areas:
*Best Practices in Business Intelligence
Delivered by end users (not vendors), presentations in this category are end user case studies that highlight a particular best practice deployed/implemented within an end user organization. Submissions in this category should describe a specific business intelligence project from start to finish and focus on the creative/innovative design and application of various technologies to provide a custom solution for an organization's specific business intelligence demands.
*Overview and Methodology in Navigating the BI Process
*Creating a Strategic Vision and Using BI for ROI through IT Leadership
*Planning, Designing and Building the BI Infrastructure
*Selecting and Deploying BI Technologies
*Managing Performance and Enterprise Business Analytics
*Information Retrieval and Reporting by Leveraging Off-the-Shelf Enterprise Software
*Data Visualization, Prediction and Presentation by Leveraging Customized Solutions
*Use of Competency Centers to Champion BI Technologies to Enterprise-Wide ROI
While not required for submission, representatives of IT end-user companies are the most preferred as presenters. (If you represent an IT vendor organization, we recommend you ask and/or facilitate securing an IT end-user customer to present. If you represent an IT vendor organization and you prefer to submit an executive speaker from your company -- rather than an IT end-user customer/executive -- we strongly recommend you propose your senior-most executive -- CEO or COO -- as those titles are the most likely vendor speakers to be considered.)
CFP: The Society for Textual Scholarship - Fourteenth Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference
CFP: The Society for Textual Scholarship - Fourteenth Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference
March 14-17, 2007, New York University
Deadline for Proposals: October 31, 2006
The Program Chairs invite the submission of full panels or individual papers devoted to interdisciplinary discussion of current research into particular aspects of contemporary textual work: the discovery, enumeration, description, bibliographical analysis, editing, annotation, and mark-up of texts in disciplines such as literature, history, musicology, classical and biblical studies, philosophy, art history, legal history, history of science and technology, computer science, library science, lexicography, epigraphy, paleography, codicology, cinema studies, media studies, theater, linguistics, and textual and literary theory. The Program Chairs are particularly interested in papers and panels, as well as workshops and roundtables, on the following topics, aimed at a broad, interdisciplinary audience:
--Textual environments
--Textual cultures
--Textual ruins
--Textual arts, including the book arts
--Digital texts and editing projects
Papers should be no more than 20 minutes in length. Panels should consist of three papers or presentations. Individual proposals should include a brief abstract (one or two pages) of the proposed paper as well as the name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation of the participant. Panel proposals, including proposals for roundtables and workshops, should include a session title, the name of a designated contact person for the session, the names, e-mail addresses, and institutional addresses and affiliations of each person involved in the session, and a one- or two-page abstract of each paper to be presented during the session. Abstracts should indicate what (if any) technological support will be requested.
Inquiries and proposals should be submitted electronically to:
Nicholas Frankel ( or Marta Werner (
March 14-17, 2007, New York University
Deadline for Proposals: October 31, 2006
The Program Chairs invite the submission of full panels or individual papers devoted to interdisciplinary discussion of current research into particular aspects of contemporary textual work: the discovery, enumeration, description, bibliographical analysis, editing, annotation, and mark-up of texts in disciplines such as literature, history, musicology, classical and biblical studies, philosophy, art history, legal history, history of science and technology, computer science, library science, lexicography, epigraphy, paleography, codicology, cinema studies, media studies, theater, linguistics, and textual and literary theory. The Program Chairs are particularly interested in papers and panels, as well as workshops and roundtables, on the following topics, aimed at a broad, interdisciplinary audience:
--Textual environments
--Textual cultures
--Textual ruins
--Textual arts, including the book arts
--Digital texts and editing projects
Papers should be no more than 20 minutes in length. Panels should consist of three papers or presentations. Individual proposals should include a brief abstract (one or two pages) of the proposed paper as well as the name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation of the participant. Panel proposals, including proposals for roundtables and workshops, should include a session title, the name of a designated contact person for the session, the names, e-mail addresses, and institutional addresses and affiliations of each person involved in the session, and a one- or two-page abstract of each paper to be presented during the session. Abstracts should indicate what (if any) technological support will be requested.
Inquiries and proposals should be submitted electronically to:
Nicholas Frankel ( or Marta Werner (
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Call for Speakers - Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group at ALA Annual
Call for Speakers - Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group at ALA Annual
At ALA Annual on Saturday June 24th from 10:30 to 12:30 the RUSA-MARS Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group will host a session entitled: "Expanding the Library: Integrating Library Services into Course Management Systems, Portals, and Beyond." The session will feature 3-4 presentations followed by group discussion. We are looking for speakers from all types of libraries to showcase their innovative library integrations.
Interested speakers should contact either Matthew Bejune or Mark Dehmlow, Chair and Co Chair of the Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group by May 12th.
Matt and Mark
Matthew M. Bejune
Digital Reference Services Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Library Science
Purdue University Libraries - UGRL
504 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2058
At ALA Annual on Saturday June 24th from 10:30 to 12:30 the RUSA-MARS Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group will host a session entitled: "Expanding the Library: Integrating Library Services into Course Management Systems, Portals, and Beyond." The session will feature 3-4 presentations followed by group discussion. We are looking for speakers from all types of libraries to showcase their innovative library integrations.
Interested speakers should contact either Matthew Bejune or Mark Dehmlow, Chair and Co Chair of the Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group by May 12th.
Matt and Mark
Matthew M. Bejune
Digital Reference Services Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Library Science
Purdue University Libraries - UGRL
504 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2058
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Call for Papers: On the Horizon Issue: THE FATE OF THE ACADEMIC JOURNAL
Call for Papers: On the Horizon Issue: THE FATE OF THE ACADEMIC JOURNAL
Dr. Tom P. Abeles, editor
The Royal Society of London launched "Philosophical Transactions" in 1665 to get ideas out of closeted correspondence and into wider circulation. Today there are estimated to be 24,000 academic journals. The March issue of University Affairs (, suggested that many of these provide more of a "publishing" venue rather than for the larger goal of getting ideas into circulation. This has become a stumbling block for the "open access" movement designed to use the Internet as a way to make knowledge open and accessible. The open access movement has also brought into focus the industry which has come to be dependent on the income from these journals, including large publishing houses and small academic societies where revenues subsidies other activities.
The increasing availability of scholarly articles through the Internet seems to reflect other issues which were once not visible. This includes plagiarism, poor editorial control over writing quality and thin articles which probably should be notes or a chart in a more substantive piece. Thus the potential of Open Access could raise the bar for authors and editorial boards of journals while challenging the purpose and substance of the scholarly journal. Simultaneously, some scholars have chosen to take their ideas to the larger, public, venue through the popular press and alternatives offered by the advent of electronic deliveries and just-in-time publishing.
What is to be the fate of the scholarly publication in the near and long term? What does this import for the current list of scholarly journals, the publishing houses and societies that distribute ideas via the journal, whether in print or electronic, subscription or open access? What does this mean for The Academy and the academic, given the shifting roles within the University? In an Internet world, where does respected knowledge originate and does this depend on the disciplines as defined by The Academy?
The Call
On the Horizon seeks ideas in the form of prospectus not to exceed one page in length. These will be due by 1 June 2006 with notification by 1 July and full papers due by 1 October, 2006. Ideas accepted will be published in essay format of up to 5000 words, but may be shorter. Footnotes and references are to inform as well as validate. Authors retain the copyrights beyond the publication in OTH. Final paper will include an abstract and key words.
The editor is interested in thoughtful ideas on format or collaborative/complementary articles. Questions can be addressed to the editor, above.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Tom P. Abeles, editor
(Thanks to Beyond the Job Blog)
Dr. Tom P. Abeles, editor
The Royal Society of London launched "Philosophical Transactions" in 1665 to get ideas out of closeted correspondence and into wider circulation. Today there are estimated to be 24,000 academic journals. The March issue of University Affairs (, suggested that many of these provide more of a "publishing" venue rather than for the larger goal of getting ideas into circulation. This has become a stumbling block for the "open access" movement designed to use the Internet as a way to make knowledge open and accessible. The open access movement has also brought into focus the industry which has come to be dependent on the income from these journals, including large publishing houses and small academic societies where revenues subsidies other activities.
The increasing availability of scholarly articles through the Internet seems to reflect other issues which were once not visible. This includes plagiarism, poor editorial control over writing quality and thin articles which probably should be notes or a chart in a more substantive piece. Thus the potential of Open Access could raise the bar for authors and editorial boards of journals while challenging the purpose and substance of the scholarly journal. Simultaneously, some scholars have chosen to take their ideas to the larger, public, venue through the popular press and alternatives offered by the advent of electronic deliveries and just-in-time publishing.
What is to be the fate of the scholarly publication in the near and long term? What does this import for the current list of scholarly journals, the publishing houses and societies that distribute ideas via the journal, whether in print or electronic, subscription or open access? What does this mean for The Academy and the academic, given the shifting roles within the University? In an Internet world, where does respected knowledge originate and does this depend on the disciplines as defined by The Academy?
The Call
On the Horizon seeks ideas in the form of prospectus not to exceed one page in length. These will be due by 1 June 2006 with notification by 1 July and full papers due by 1 October, 2006. Ideas accepted will be published in essay format of up to 5000 words, but may be shorter. Footnotes and references are to inform as well as validate. Authors retain the copyrights beyond the publication in OTH. Final paper will include an abstract and key words.
The editor is interested in thoughtful ideas on format or collaborative/complementary articles. Questions can be addressed to the editor, above.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Tom P. Abeles, editor
(Thanks to Beyond the Job Blog)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
CFP: Cool Tools and New Technologies
Friday, October 27, 2006
Deadline: May 12, 2006
The tenth annual October Conference for New England academic librarians, sponsored by the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries.
We seek presenters for the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries' annual October Conference for New England academic librarians! The topic this year is "Cool Tools and New Technologies.” The Conference is scheduled for Friday, October 27, 2006. The day-long event will be held at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire (an easy two-hour drive from Boston, Springfield, and many other New England locations).
What's new on the technology front of import to libraries? Lots more than we have time to explore on our own! At this year’s October Conference—our tenth!—we’ll take a day and have fun exploring new online tools, software, services, and hardware, and their features that enhance our work as librarians.
What are you doing with information and communications technologies, tools, software, services, and gizmos? We are seeking presenters to describe and/or demonstrate new and emerging technologies and tools, innovative ways you use existing tools, or cool tricks that you’d like to share.
Tools can help us with our teaching, reference, research, marketing, outreach, and day-to-day workload management. Have you adapted free- or shareware to meet a particular need in your library? Have you used RSS, wikis, or blogs for an unusual library implementation? Have you used Connotea or podcasts in your work? Have you discovered a particularly useful or little known feature in a browser or Google or another search engine? Here's a brief and non-exclusive list of ideas that have come to us: bookmark management (on the browser, on the web, in special software); social web; data mining; browser extensions; making movies for library education; visualization of search results; delivery of search results (via RefWorks or EndNote); new gadgets and their potential library uses (cellphones, iPods, etc.).
To submit a proposal for a presentation (10-30 minutes), please e-mail by May 12. The proposal should include a description of the technology or tool you want to present, its application to library work, and how long you think you’ll need for the presentation.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Deadline: May 12, 2006
The tenth annual October Conference for New England academic librarians, sponsored by the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries.
We seek presenters for the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries' annual October Conference for New England academic librarians! The topic this year is "Cool Tools and New Technologies.” The Conference is scheduled for Friday, October 27, 2006. The day-long event will be held at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire (an easy two-hour drive from Boston, Springfield, and many other New England locations).
What's new on the technology front of import to libraries? Lots more than we have time to explore on our own! At this year’s October Conference—our tenth!—we’ll take a day and have fun exploring new online tools, software, services, and hardware, and their features that enhance our work as librarians.
What are you doing with information and communications technologies, tools, software, services, and gizmos? We are seeking presenters to describe and/or demonstrate new and emerging technologies and tools, innovative ways you use existing tools, or cool tricks that you’d like to share.
Tools can help us with our teaching, reference, research, marketing, outreach, and day-to-day workload management. Have you adapted free- or shareware to meet a particular need in your library? Have you used RSS, wikis, or blogs for an unusual library implementation? Have you used Connotea or podcasts in your work? Have you discovered a particularly useful or little known feature in a browser or Google or another search engine? Here's a brief and non-exclusive list of ideas that have come to us: bookmark management (on the browser, on the web, in special software); social web; data mining; browser extensions; making movies for library education; visualization of search results; delivery of search results (via RefWorks or EndNote); new gadgets and their potential library uses (cellphones, iPods, etc.).
To submit a proposal for a presentation (10-30 minutes), please e-mail by May 12. The proposal should include a description of the technology or tool you want to present, its application to library work, and how long you think you’ll need for the presentation.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
CFP: Wikimania 2006
CFP: Wikimania 2006
Wikimania 2006 is the official conference of the Wikimedia Foundation.
August 4-6, 2006
Cambridge, Mass.
We are accepting submissions for papers, posters, presentations, workshops, and discussion groups. We are also accepting nominations for speakers and speaker panels, and suggestions for other activities. Everyone is welcome to submit abstracts and ideas. Be bold in your submissions!
Important dates
30 April 2006 (Extended) : Abstracts due for panels, papers, posters, discussion sessions and presentations -- Notification of acceptance: by May 15
1 Jul 2006 : Final submissions
4-6 Aug 2006 : Wikimania
Conference Themes
Submissions should address one or more of the following themes:
Technical infrastructure – Issues related to Mediawiki development and extensions; Wikimedia hardware layout; new ideas for development (including case studies from other wikis or similar projects).
Wikimedia projects and content – Presentation of interesting projects and results; future aims of the projects and types of distribution; ways to improve content quality. New uses for project content: in education, journalism, research, &c.
Free knowledge and access to information – Present and future free knowledge initiatives; related library and archival projects around the world and input from librarians and archivists; ways to gather and distribute knowledge.
Wiki social science – The contributors and users (who are they? Where do they come from?); reputation and identity issues; conflict resolution and community dynamics; scaling digital communities. Languages and cultures and their interactions online; multilingualism via wikis.
Law and Policy - Copyleft, collective copyright, special issues pertaining to communal editing and distribution; other legal areas for which Wiki[mp]edia is an interesting case study. Policy creation within individual projects.
Wikimania 2006 is the official conference of the Wikimedia Foundation.
August 4-6, 2006
Cambridge, Mass.
We are accepting submissions for papers, posters, presentations, workshops, and discussion groups. We are also accepting nominations for speakers and speaker panels, and suggestions for other activities. Everyone is welcome to submit abstracts and ideas. Be bold in your submissions!
Important dates
30 April 2006 (Extended) : Abstracts due for panels, papers, posters, discussion sessions and presentations -- Notification of acceptance: by May 15
1 Jul 2006 : Final submissions
4-6 Aug 2006 : Wikimania
Conference Themes
Submissions should address one or more of the following themes:
Technical infrastructure – Issues related to Mediawiki development and extensions; Wikimedia hardware layout; new ideas for development (including case studies from other wikis or similar projects).
Wikimedia projects and content – Presentation of interesting projects and results; future aims of the projects and types of distribution; ways to improve content quality. New uses for project content: in education, journalism, research, &c.
Free knowledge and access to information – Present and future free knowledge initiatives; related library and archival projects around the world and input from librarians and archivists; ways to gather and distribute knowledge.
Wiki social science – The contributors and users (who are they? Where do they come from?); reputation and identity issues; conflict resolution and community dynamics; scaling digital communities. Languages and cultures and their interactions online; multilingualism via wikis.
Law and Policy - Copyleft, collective copyright, special issues pertaining to communal editing and distribution; other legal areas for which Wiki[mp]edia is an interesting case study. Policy creation within individual projects.
Monday, April 17, 2006
CFP: Articles on Insutitutional Repositories (OCLC Systems & Services)
CFP: Articles on Insutitutional Repositories (OCLC Systems & Services)
OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives will be publishing a special issue on institutional repositories in early 2007. This peer-reviewed journal is looking for case studies related to the planning, implementation, collaboration, metadata decisions, ongoing issues, etc. of institutional repositories. Lessons learned, mistakes to avoid, cooperation among various constituencies are also topics of interest. Please direct all questions and proposals to the editor, Dr. Brad Eden, by April 30 for approval. Deadline for article drafts will be October 2006. Do not reply to this message; please send all correspondence to the email provided below. Thanks.
Dr. Brad Eden
Editor, _OSS: IDLP_
Associate University Librarian for Technical Services and Scholarly Communication
University of California, Santa Barbara
OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives will be publishing a special issue on institutional repositories in early 2007. This peer-reviewed journal is looking for case studies related to the planning, implementation, collaboration, metadata decisions, ongoing issues, etc. of institutional repositories. Lessons learned, mistakes to avoid, cooperation among various constituencies are also topics of interest. Please direct all questions and proposals to the editor, Dr. Brad Eden, by April 30 for approval. Deadline for article drafts will be October 2006. Do not reply to this message; please send all correspondence to the email provided below. Thanks.
Dr. Brad Eden
Editor, _OSS: IDLP_
Associate University Librarian for Technical Services and Scholarly Communication
University of California, Santa Barbara
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Int. Conference on Music Information Retreival (ISMIR 06)
Int. Conference on Music Information Retreival (ISMIR 06)
October 8-12, 2006,
Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC, Canada
Full Call for Papers:
ISMIR 2006 Call for Submissions
ISMIR 2006 is the seventh international conference on Music Information Retrieval and will be held at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in beautiful Victoria, Canada. The annual ISMIR Conference is the established international forum for those working on accessing digital musical
material. It reflects the tremendous recent growth of music-related data available and the consequent need to search within it to retrieve music and musical information efficiently and effectively. These concerns are of interest to academia, industry, entertainment, and
education. ISMIR therefore aims to provide a place for the exchange and discussion of news, issues and results, by bringing together researchers and developers, educators and librarians, students and professional users, working in fields that contribute to this multidisciplinary domain, to present original theoretical or practical work. It also serves as a discussion forum, provides introductory and in-depth information in specific domains, and showcases current
products and systems.
Papers, posters/demos, tutorial and panels are solicited for,
but not limited to, the general areas:
- Music libraries, archives, digital collections
- Intellectual Property rights and business issues
- Western and non-western musicology, music analysis
- Composition, musical forms and structures
- Searching, navigation, retrieval
- Knowledge representation
- Music perception, cognition, affect, emotion
- Human-computer interaction and interfaces
- Databases, languages, protocols
- Systems, internet software, mobile devices
- Social and ethical issues
- Papers, posters/demos, tutorials, panels : 17 April 2006
- Notification of acceptance : 15 June 2006
- Camera-ready paper submission : 08 July 2006
Check the conference website for more
details and updates.
October 8-12, 2006,
Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC, Canada
Full Call for Papers:
ISMIR 2006 Call for Submissions
ISMIR 2006 is the seventh international conference on Music Information Retrieval and will be held at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in beautiful Victoria, Canada. The annual ISMIR Conference is the established international forum for those working on accessing digital musical
material. It reflects the tremendous recent growth of music-related data available and the consequent need to search within it to retrieve music and musical information efficiently and effectively. These concerns are of interest to academia, industry, entertainment, and
education. ISMIR therefore aims to provide a place for the exchange and discussion of news, issues and results, by bringing together researchers and developers, educators and librarians, students and professional users, working in fields that contribute to this multidisciplinary domain, to present original theoretical or practical work. It also serves as a discussion forum, provides introductory and in-depth information in specific domains, and showcases current
products and systems.
Papers, posters/demos, tutorial and panels are solicited for,
but not limited to, the general areas:
- Music libraries, archives, digital collections
- Intellectual Property rights and business issues
- Western and non-western musicology, music analysis
- Composition, musical forms and structures
- Searching, navigation, retrieval
- Knowledge representation
- Music perception, cognition, affect, emotion
- Human-computer interaction and interfaces
- Databases, languages, protocols
- Systems, internet software, mobile devices
- Social and ethical issues
- Papers, posters/demos, tutorials, panels : 17 April 2006
- Notification of acceptance : 15 June 2006
- Camera-ready paper submission : 08 July 2006
Check the conference website for more
details and updates.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
CFP: ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group (ALA 2006, New Orleans)
CFP: ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group (ALA 2006, New Orleans)
ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group is calling for speakers for its meeting at the ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center MCC Rm.333-334) Saturday, June 24, 2006, from 1:30 - 3:30 pm.
Presentation topics should be of current interest to catalogers. Possible areas of discussion include but are not limited to: AACR, RDA, electronic resources, FRBR, authority control, digital libraries, bibliographic control of media resources, current metadata schema, and training of professional/paraprofessional staff. Presentations should be approximately 15-20 minutes in length. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers.
Please respond to me directly.
Sandy Chen
Co-Chair, ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group
ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group is calling for speakers for its meeting at the ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center MCC Rm.333-334) Saturday, June 24, 2006, from 1:30 - 3:30 pm.
Presentation topics should be of current interest to catalogers. Possible areas of discussion include but are not limited to: AACR, RDA, electronic resources, FRBR, authority control, digital libraries, bibliographic control of media resources, current metadata schema, and training of professional/paraprofessional staff. Presentations should be approximately 15-20 minutes in length. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers.
Please respond to me directly.
Sandy Chen
Co-Chair, ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online
PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online
The Emerging Technologies in Instruction Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online.
Nominations: April 25, 2006
Submissions: May 9, 2006
The submission and nomination forms are available from the following links:
Site submissions for PRIMO are accepted continually, but are reviewed for possible inclusion twice per year. For further information, please contact committee co-chairs Susan A. Vega García at and Mark Szarko at
The Emerging Technologies in Instruction Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online.
Nominations: April 25, 2006
Submissions: May 9, 2006
The submission and nomination forms are available from the following links:
Site submissions for PRIMO are accepted continually, but are reviewed for possible inclusion twice per year. For further information, please contact committee co-chairs Susan A. Vega García at and Mark Szarko at
Monday, April 10, 2006
CFP: After Katrina: Rebuilding Landscapes, Rebuilding Cultures
CFP: After Katrina: Rebuilding Landscapes, Rebuilding Cultures
International Cultural Studies Conference, "After Katrina: Rebuilding Landscapes, Rebuilding Cultures." Sponsored by the Program in Louisiana and Caribbean Studies, Louisiana State University, June 16 and 17, Baton Rouge. Papers invited from all disciplines on topics related to cultural loss, preservation and change following natural and manmade disasters. Proposals on diaspora and recovery strategies are especially welcome. Send one page abstracts to by May 5th. Details will soon be posted at:
International Cultural Studies Conference, "After Katrina: Rebuilding Landscapes, Rebuilding Cultures." Sponsored by the Program in Louisiana and Caribbean Studies, Louisiana State University, June 16 and 17, Baton Rouge. Papers invited from all disciplines on topics related to cultural loss, preservation and change following natural and manmade disasters. Proposals on diaspora and recovery strategies are especially welcome. Send one page abstracts to by May 5th. Details will soon be posted at:
CFP: 2006 Film and History League Conference "The Documentary Tradition"
CFP: 2006 Film and History League Conference "The Documentary Tradition"
The Film and History League conference details can be found at The meeting will run from 8-12 November, 2006 in the Dolce Conference Center near the DFW airport. Many subject area venues are listed on the web page.
AREA: Sport Documentaries
From the classic and controversial Olympia (1938, Leni Riefenstahl) to the critical and commercial success of Murderball (2005: Rubin and Shapiro), sport documentaries represent a significant if under researched aspect of the documentary tradition. Certainly, documentary filmmakers have long recognized the sporting domain, whether that be sporting events, athletes, or sporting cultures, as fertile terrain for telling stories that reach an audience well beyond the sports aficionado: Hoop Dreams (1994, James) for example is in the top ten biggest grossing documentaries of all time. Furthermore, sport documentaries also constitute an increasingly important part of the burgeoning television sport channel output. As sport continues to expand and permeate global cultural consciousness, documentaries will continue to chronicle, critique and celebrate sport by offering us windows and mirrors on this universal human endeavor.
How do we account for the Sport Documentary? How have particular sport documentaries engaged with political and social issues, such as nationalism, gender, race and sexuality? Is it the case that sporting events, as one critic has argued, lie at the "actuality" end of the documentary spectrum? Is it useful to talk of the sport documentary as a sub-genre of documentary film? What is the relationship between: sport and the documentary; between sport documentaries and sport fiction; and between sport documentaries and mainstream sport programming? We are inviting submissions on all aspects of sports documentaries. Deadline for submission is July 25, 2006.
Send all inquires and proposals to
Ian McDonald
University of Brighton,
Chelsea School
Denton Road
Eastbourne, UK
BN20 7SP.
Tel: +44 1273 643852
The Film and History League conference details can be found at The meeting will run from 8-12 November, 2006 in the Dolce Conference Center near the DFW airport. Many subject area venues are listed on the web page.
AREA: Sport Documentaries
From the classic and controversial Olympia (1938, Leni Riefenstahl) to the critical and commercial success of Murderball (2005: Rubin and Shapiro), sport documentaries represent a significant if under researched aspect of the documentary tradition. Certainly, documentary filmmakers have long recognized the sporting domain, whether that be sporting events, athletes, or sporting cultures, as fertile terrain for telling stories that reach an audience well beyond the sports aficionado: Hoop Dreams (1994, James) for example is in the top ten biggest grossing documentaries of all time. Furthermore, sport documentaries also constitute an increasingly important part of the burgeoning television sport channel output. As sport continues to expand and permeate global cultural consciousness, documentaries will continue to chronicle, critique and celebrate sport by offering us windows and mirrors on this universal human endeavor.
How do we account for the Sport Documentary? How have particular sport documentaries engaged with political and social issues, such as nationalism, gender, race and sexuality? Is it the case that sporting events, as one critic has argued, lie at the "actuality" end of the documentary spectrum? Is it useful to talk of the sport documentary as a sub-genre of documentary film? What is the relationship between: sport and the documentary; between sport documentaries and sport fiction; and between sport documentaries and mainstream sport programming? We are inviting submissions on all aspects of sports documentaries. Deadline for submission is July 25, 2006.
Send all inquires and proposals to
Ian McDonald
University of Brighton,
Chelsea School
Denton Road
Eastbourne, UK
BN20 7SP.
Tel: +44 1273 643852
Thursday, April 06, 2006
CFP: ALA 2006 - ALCTS Scholarly Communication Discussion Group
CFP: ALA 2006 - ALCTS Scholarly Communication Discussion Group
The ALCTS Scholarly Communication Discussion Group is looking for speakers for its meeting at the ALA Annual meeting, New Orleans, on Monday June 26, 2006, from 1:30-3:30 pm. We are looking for speakers who are willing to discuss the role of technical services in institutional repositories. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers. Please respond
to Brad Eden,, by April 21, 2006. Thanks.
We will also be looking for a new Vice-Chair/Chair Elect. If you are
interested, please contact Andrea Imre at Thanks.
Brad Eden, Ph.D.
Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Head, Web and Digitization Services
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries
Andrea Imre
Vice-Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Electronic Resources Librarian
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
The ALCTS Scholarly Communication Discussion Group is looking for speakers for its meeting at the ALA Annual meeting, New Orleans, on Monday June 26, 2006, from 1:30-3:30 pm. We are looking for speakers who are willing to discuss the role of technical services in institutional repositories. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers. Please respond
to Brad Eden,, by April 21, 2006. Thanks.
We will also be looking for a new Vice-Chair/Chair Elect. If you are
interested, please contact Andrea Imre at Thanks.
Brad Eden, Ph.D.
Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Head, Web and Digitization Services
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries
Andrea Imre
Vice-Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Electronic Resources Librarian
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Speakers needed: ALA ALCTS CCS Cataloging Management DG
Speakers needed: ALA ALCTS CCS Cataloging Management DG
(This is for the Cataloging and Classification Section of ALCTS of ALA. For more information, visit:
ALCTS CCS Cataloging Management DG will have its meeting at the ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. on June 24, 2006. We are calling for speakers. The topics should be related to the catalog management issues. Presentations should be 15 minutes or longer, with additional time for discussion.
If you are interested, please contact Sharon An at as soon as possible.
Sharon S. An
Chair, ALCTS CCS Catalog Management DG
(This is for the Cataloging and Classification Section of ALCTS of ALA. For more information, visit:
ALCTS CCS Cataloging Management DG will have its meeting at the ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. on June 24, 2006. We are calling for speakers. The topics should be related to the catalog management issues. Presentations should be 15 minutes or longer, with additional time for discussion.
If you are interested, please contact Sharon An at as soon as possible.
Sharon S. An
Chair, ALCTS CCS Catalog Management DG
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
CFP: The Archive, the Book, and the Library (Modernist Studies Association)
CFP: The Archive, the Book, and the Library (Modernist Studies Association)
Proposed Panel for Modernist Studies Association 8 (2006)
October 19-22, 2006, Tulsa, OK
This panel seeks proposals on modernist critiques of (and experimentation with) the technology and institutions of the book. In what ways did modernist authors and movements address the material manifestations of literature, both old and emerging, in an effort to "make it new"?
Papers might address the relationship between print and manuscript, the role of the printing press, the relationship between modernist authors and publishers, booksellers, libraries, and universities, the use of the typewriter, methods of reading, and experimental or utopian bookmaking. Some examples might include: Pound's advocation of a "loose-leaf" system instead
of bound anthologies, to keep the best material in front; the influence of late 19th-century sentence diagrams on modernist poetry (e.g., Stein, Williams); the burning of the library in Williams's *Paterson*; avant-garde (especially Futurist and Constructivist) experimentation with printing and typesets; Olson's use of the typewriter (or O'Hara's use of the telephone)
and other new technologies; and other related topics.
Please send a maximum 500-word abstract along with a brief bio/CV to Timothy
Carmody at by April 20. Inquiries welcome.
Proposed Panel for Modernist Studies Association 8 (2006)
October 19-22, 2006, Tulsa, OK
This panel seeks proposals on modernist critiques of (and experimentation with) the technology and institutions of the book. In what ways did modernist authors and movements address the material manifestations of literature, both old and emerging, in an effort to "make it new"?
Papers might address the relationship between print and manuscript, the role of the printing press, the relationship between modernist authors and publishers, booksellers, libraries, and universities, the use of the typewriter, methods of reading, and experimental or utopian bookmaking. Some examples might include: Pound's advocation of a "loose-leaf" system instead
of bound anthologies, to keep the best material in front; the influence of late 19th-century sentence diagrams on modernist poetry (e.g., Stein, Williams); the burning of the library in Williams's *Paterson*; avant-garde (especially Futurist and Constructivist) experimentation with printing and typesets; Olson's use of the typewriter (or O'Hara's use of the telephone)
and other new technologies; and other related topics.
Please send a maximum 500-word abstract along with a brief bio/CV to Timothy
Carmody at by April 20. Inquiries welcome.
CFP: Westminster English Colloquia Series - Unpacking the Library: Literatures and their Archives.
CFP: Westminster English Colloquia Series - Unpacking the Library: Literatures and their Archives.
Event Date: June 10, 2006
Deadline for Abstracts: April 16, 2006
The history of Western culture is punctuated by affirmations of the presence, rebirth, or return of literature. Such affirmation involves, necessarily, if implicitly or symbolically, a turn toward the archival forms of the text – that is, traditionally speaking, a turn toward the codex and the library. This recourse to textual holdings in various senses clearly involves often unacknowledged complexities of institutional, technical and cultural issues.
Indeed, the relation between literature and the library has often been problematic – appearing within or between: the maintenance of ideas and the accumulation of material; imaginative or intellectual freedom and ideological collections policies; excitement and boredom; private ownership and mass dissemination; taxonomy and miscellany, chaos and order; past and future. The library may appear not only as a place of memory, security, and knowledge, but of loss, trauma, and indeterminacy. This complexity appears to be particularly apt for these times, when, in the context of digitisation, the traditional forms of textual accumulation seem to be in the process of their displacement and even their obsolescence.
However, literary studies have been historically characterised by the absence of any consistent attempt to encounter the relation between literature and its archival forms. The colloquium calls for papers which pursue a critical analysis of literatures and their archives from a multiplicity of approaches: literary-critical analyses of the figure of the library; philosophical encounters with literature and its texts; analysis of the symbolic connotations of the library from cultural studies; the appearance of textual-archival forms within contemporary art; sociological accounts of literature and the library within public culture; architectural readings of the library within the built environment, etc.
Further Information.
The English Colloquia series at the University of Westminster has been characterised by a wide range of critical engagements with key contemporary literary and cultural issues, by speakers of national and international academic standing, and by a significant record of publication.
Previous speakers have included Andrew Benjamin (Monash), Andrew Bowie (Royal Holloway), Simon Critchley (New School, NY), Alex Garcia Duttmann (Goldsmiths), Elena Gualtieri (Sussex), Maggie Humm (UEL), Simon Jarvis (Cambridge), Peter Osborne (Middlesex), Doina Petrescu (Sheffield), and Anthony Vidler (Cooper Union, NY). Previous Westminster English Colloquia include: ‘Reading Paul de Man’; ‘Art Demanding Community’; ‘The Culture and Philosophy of Comedy’; and ‘Forgotten Voices of the Twentieth Century’. The most recent events in this series were ‘Adorno and Literature’ and ‘Literature and Photography’.
Among other publications, these latter have both been developed as expanded volumes: Cunningham and Mapp (eds.), Adorno and Literature, Continuum 2006; Cunningham, Fisher, Mays (eds.), Twentieth Century Literature and Photography, CSP 2005.
The colloquium will be held on the 10th June 2006. Papers (of up to 45 minutes) or abstracts of (of up to 500 words) should be delivered via email as Word attachments by the end of the 16th of April 2006, along with a brief CV. The colloquium is able to reimburse speakers for refreshments on the day and national travel, but would welcome submissions from international speakers who will be in the UK around the time of the event.
Please direct any correspondence or enquiries to: Dr. Sas Mays, English,
Linguistics, and Visual Culture, University of Westminster, London, England,
Event Date: June 10, 2006
Deadline for Abstracts: April 16, 2006
The history of Western culture is punctuated by affirmations of the presence, rebirth, or return of literature. Such affirmation involves, necessarily, if implicitly or symbolically, a turn toward the archival forms of the text – that is, traditionally speaking, a turn toward the codex and the library. This recourse to textual holdings in various senses clearly involves often unacknowledged complexities of institutional, technical and cultural issues.
Indeed, the relation between literature and the library has often been problematic – appearing within or between: the maintenance of ideas and the accumulation of material; imaginative or intellectual freedom and ideological collections policies; excitement and boredom; private ownership and mass dissemination; taxonomy and miscellany, chaos and order; past and future. The library may appear not only as a place of memory, security, and knowledge, but of loss, trauma, and indeterminacy. This complexity appears to be particularly apt for these times, when, in the context of digitisation, the traditional forms of textual accumulation seem to be in the process of their displacement and even their obsolescence.
However, literary studies have been historically characterised by the absence of any consistent attempt to encounter the relation between literature and its archival forms. The colloquium calls for papers which pursue a critical analysis of literatures and their archives from a multiplicity of approaches: literary-critical analyses of the figure of the library; philosophical encounters with literature and its texts; analysis of the symbolic connotations of the library from cultural studies; the appearance of textual-archival forms within contemporary art; sociological accounts of literature and the library within public culture; architectural readings of the library within the built environment, etc.
Further Information.
The English Colloquia series at the University of Westminster has been characterised by a wide range of critical engagements with key contemporary literary and cultural issues, by speakers of national and international academic standing, and by a significant record of publication.
Previous speakers have included Andrew Benjamin (Monash), Andrew Bowie (Royal Holloway), Simon Critchley (New School, NY), Alex Garcia Duttmann (Goldsmiths), Elena Gualtieri (Sussex), Maggie Humm (UEL), Simon Jarvis (Cambridge), Peter Osborne (Middlesex), Doina Petrescu (Sheffield), and Anthony Vidler (Cooper Union, NY). Previous Westminster English Colloquia include: ‘Reading Paul de Man’; ‘Art Demanding Community’; ‘The Culture and Philosophy of Comedy’; and ‘Forgotten Voices of the Twentieth Century’. The most recent events in this series were ‘Adorno and Literature’ and ‘Literature and Photography’.
Among other publications, these latter have both been developed as expanded volumes: Cunningham and Mapp (eds.), Adorno and Literature, Continuum 2006; Cunningham, Fisher, Mays (eds.), Twentieth Century Literature and Photography, CSP 2005.
The colloquium will be held on the 10th June 2006. Papers (of up to 45 minutes) or abstracts of (of up to 500 words) should be delivered via email as Word attachments by the end of the 16th of April 2006, along with a brief CV. The colloquium is able to reimburse speakers for refreshments on the day and national travel, but would welcome submissions from international speakers who will be in the UK around the time of the event.
Please direct any correspondence or enquiries to: Dr. Sas Mays, English,
Linguistics, and Visual Culture, University of Westminster, London, England,
Monday, April 03, 2006
Call for speakers: ALCTS Scholarly Communication, ALA Annual (2006 New Orleans)
Call for speakers: ALCTS Scholarly Communication, ALA Annual (2006 New Orleans)
The ALCTS Scholarly Communication Discussion Group is looking for speakers for its meeting at the ALA Annual meeting, New Orleans, on Monday June 26, 2006, from 1:30-3:30 pm. We are looking for speakers who are willing to discuss the role of technical services in institutional respositories. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers. Please respond to Brad Eden,, by April 21, 2006. Thanks.
We will also be looking for a new Vice-Chair/Chair Elect. If you are interested, please contact Andrea Imre at Thanks.
Brad Eden, Ph.D.
Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Head, Web and Digitization Services
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries
Andrea Imre
Vice-Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Electronic Resources Librarian
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
The ALCTS Scholarly Communication Discussion Group is looking for speakers for its meeting at the ALA Annual meeting, New Orleans, on Monday June 26, 2006, from 1:30-3:30 pm. We are looking for speakers who are willing to discuss the role of technical services in institutional respositories. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers. Please respond to Brad Eden,, by April 21, 2006. Thanks.
We will also be looking for a new Vice-Chair/Chair Elect. If you are interested, please contact Andrea Imre at Thanks.
Brad Eden, Ph.D.
Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Head, Web and Digitization Services
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries
Andrea Imre
Vice-Chair, ALCTS Scholarly Communications
Electronic Resources Librarian
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Sunday, April 02, 2006
CFP: Transborder Library Forum (FORO) 2007
CFP: Transborder Library Forum (FORO) 2007
Location: Tempe Arizona
Date: February 20-24, 2007
Deadline: April 30, 2006
Conference Main Page:
The 2007 Transborder Library Forum (FORO) Program Planning Committee is pleased to invite original proposals for Papers, Workshops, Round Tables, and Poster Sessions that support this year's theme and FORO objectives; as well as volunteers willing to moderate Plenary and Concurrent Sessions for the 2007 FORO, hosted by Arizona State University Libraries February 20-24, 2007 in Tempe, Arizona.
FORO Goals and Objectives
FORO, the Transborder Library Forum, is a volunteer organization that cultivates a venue for the cooperative exchange of ideas, and the discussion of experiences and efforts concerning the provision of library services in the border regions between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
FORO objectives include:
-strengthening links among information professionals concerned with building information bridges across international borders;
-planning and implementing cooperative projects between libraries across geographic borders;
-facilitating the development of resource networks;
-introducing librarians to current commercial library products and services;
-sharing our cultural heritage while promoting literary and library services.
Location: Tempe Arizona
Date: February 20-24, 2007
Deadline: April 30, 2006
Conference Main Page:
The 2007 Transborder Library Forum (FORO) Program Planning Committee is pleased to invite original proposals for Papers, Workshops, Round Tables, and Poster Sessions that support this year's theme and FORO objectives; as well as volunteers willing to moderate Plenary and Concurrent Sessions for the 2007 FORO, hosted by Arizona State University Libraries February 20-24, 2007 in Tempe, Arizona.
FORO Goals and Objectives
FORO, the Transborder Library Forum, is a volunteer organization that cultivates a venue for the cooperative exchange of ideas, and the discussion of experiences and efforts concerning the provision of library services in the border regions between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
FORO objectives include:
-strengthening links among information professionals concerned with building information bridges across international borders;
-planning and implementing cooperative projects between libraries across geographic borders;
-facilitating the development of resource networks;
-introducing librarians to current commercial library products and services;
-sharing our cultural heritage while promoting literary and library services.
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