Author Information:
Knowledge Quest is seeking original, unpublished manuscripts that address the integration of theory and practice in school librarianship and new developments in education, learning theory, and relevant disciplines. Knowledge Quest is devoted to offering substantive information to assist building-level school librarians, supervisors, library educators, and other decision makers concerned with the development of school library programs and services. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Emerging trends
- Reading/literacy
- Collaboration/Co-teaching
- Leadership
- Evidence-based practice
- Makerspaces
- Technology
- Classification systems
- Career development
- Standards/testing
- Collection development/curation
- Inquiry
Knowledge Quest is NOT interested in:
- Basic primers on the role of the school library/school librarian
- Press releases or vendor news articles
Your submission will be reviewed by the Knowledge Quest Editorial Board. Authors will be notified upon receipt of manuscript. Unsolicited manuscripts undergo blind review by the Knowledge Quest editorial advisory board. The process takes approximately 3-4 weeks. When the review is completed, the author will be notified of the outcome.
Author Information: