The NMRT Endnotes Committee seeks contributors for the Spring 2014 issue of its annual e-journal, Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table.
Endnotes is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that addresses issues faced by new librarians and LIS students nearing completion of their graduate programs. Article submissions are accepted throughout the year. Articles should range from 2000 – 4000 words and present original research, practitioner-based research, and/or case studies. Those interested in discussing an article idea are encouraged to contact the Editor at to determine if the proposal fits the publication’s scope.
Article submissions are accepted throughout the year; however, articles received by April 1, 2014 will receive guaranteed consideration for the Spring 2014 issue.
We strongly encourage students in LIS programs to considering submitting articles for publication.
Authors must be NMRT members at the time of publication.
For more information about Endnotes, including complete submission guidelines, please visit .
Jodie Borgerding
NMRT Endnotes Committee