NOTE: Deadline extended until April 21, 2014
The ALCTS Technical Services Managers in Academic Libraries Interest Group and the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group welcome proposals to be the featured speaker at the groups’ joint meeting during the 2014 ALA Annual Conference. This meeting, scheduled for 8:30-10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 28th, will focus on issues facing technical services librarians in academic libraries.
The ALCTS Technical Services Managers in Academic Libraries Interest Group and the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group welcome proposals to be the featured speaker at the groups’ joint meeting during the 2014 ALA Annual Conference. This meeting, scheduled for 8:30-10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 28th, will focus on issues facing technical services librarians in academic libraries.
The speaker will deliver a brief (15 minute) overview of those issues in the form of an extended lightning talk, then participate in roundtable discussions at which the attendees can follow up on those ideas. The proposed topics for the roundtables include: promotion and tenure (2 tables, one for those with faculty status and one for those without faculty status); research and publication; tips for supervising librarians who are seeking P&T and/or who are doing research; collaborative research and publication; the continuing issue of silos; service opportunities for TS librarians (geared toward younger/newer librarians); general issues facing new technical services librarians.
To be considered for this session, please email a proposal, in .doc or .docx format, of no more than 500 words to Amy Lana ( by April 21, 2014. Please be sure to include the following information with your proposal:
Contact information
Proposed title of the talk
Contact information
Proposed title of the talk
The chosen speaker will be notified by April 30, 2014.