Friday, September 16, 2011

LOEX 2012: Call for Proposals

LOEX 2012: Call for Proposals
Energize! Accelerate! Transform!

40th Annual LOEX Conference
May 3 - 5, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
Proposals due: Friday, November 18, 2011

Instruction librarians know that it’s essential to Energize! their teaching, Accelerate! change, and Transform! student learning. We invite you to contribute your recipes for instructional excellence at LOEX 2012, in Columbus, Ohio.

Successful proposals will model best practices, provide useful information that participants can use at their libraries, showcase effective and innovative practices, support collaboration, and be as applicable as possible to a wide range of academic institution types.

Successful proposals should attempt to reflect elements of one of seven tracks:

* Cocktails: Shake it up --
Engaging students with active learning
* Salads: A mixture of unique ingredients --
Reaching diverse populations
* Entrees: The foundation of every meal --
Developing your teachers and your program
* Combo Platter: One from column A, one from column B --
Collaborating across campus and with different institutions
* To Go: Take it with you --
Learning on the go, anytime, anywhere
* Chef’s Surprise: Something different and unexpected --
Pursuing cutting-edge trends in teaching and learning
Dessert: Always leave room for this -- Measuring the effectiveness of programs and learning

Breakout Session Formats

Two types of proposals will be accepted:
* Presentation: A 50-minute session that includes time for a 40-45 minute presentation and 5-10 minutes of question and answer. Most feature a successful program, practice or key issue related to instruction or information literacy. Presentations are intended for an audience typically of 30-70 people. Presenters should include in the proposal description the topic and an outline of the presentation.
* Interactive Workshop: A 50-minute session where the presenter facilitates a learning experience in which attendees develop or explore teaching and/or research techniques. Presenters are expected to facilitate a well-planned and interactive session. Workshops are intended for an audience typically of 30-50 people. Proposals should include a description of the topic and details on how the presenter will make this session a “hands-on” experience for attendees.

In addition to breakout sessions:
1. Students currently enrolled in a Master's program in library and information sciences, along with librarians in resident or intern programs, will be invited to propose poster sessions. Details about poster sessions will be issued in a separate call for proposals.

2. (New this year!)  Lightning Talks—short (eight minutes or less) presentations given during a single Saturday session by different presenters.  There will only be handful (~ five) lightning talk presentations, as they are intended to be an energizing, but small, part of the conference.  Proposals will be due in late January.  More details about Lightning Talks will be issued in an early November call for proposals.

Submission Information

Proposals can be submitted only through the online submission form and must be received by Friday, November 18, 2011. The primary contact for the proposal will receive a message indicating receipt of the proposal when it is submitted and will be notified if the proposal has been accepted for presentation by Friday, January 13, 2012.

If your proposal is accepted, then up to three presenters will be automatically registered for the conference and required to pay registration in full by Monday, March 26, 2012.
More information, including the proposal submission form, can be found at:

If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, contact Catherine Cardwell at

Learn more about the LOEX 2012 Conference at
Learn more about LOEX at