Monday, September 12, 2011

Call for Submissions ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section Newsletter

Call for Submissions ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section Newsletter

This is an open call for members to send in anything which you’d like to share with your colleagues, but the editors are encouraging individuals to submit write-ups about their experiences at ALA Annual.

Suggestions for submissions about Annual include:
    * Committee reports/updates
    * Reports about the WGSS co-sponsored annual program
    * Information about the WGSS poster sessions
    * Where was the social? How was it?
    * WGSS awards & winners

Other submission suggestions include:
    * Have you recently published something, presented at a different conference (ACRL perhaps?), won an award? Think about sending us a couple sentences about your achievements so they can be shared with other members.
    * Want to highlight something happening at midwinter?

 Are you a new member? A maybe not so new member?   We want to hear from you! (and introduce/highlight you in the newsletter).
Send us a brief write-up which includes:
-          Your name & education
-          Job title & 1-2 sentences about your current position
-          What books you’ve read recently
-          What you enjoy doing in your spare time
-          Why you joined WGSS
-          A picture we can include in your profile

 Please send submissions by October 5th to Beth Strickland ( and/or Lea Engle (