The Call for Abstracts for the 20th Biennial Conference, VALA2020 – Focus on the Future (11-13 February 2020, Melbourne, Australia) is open; abstracts will be accepted up to and including Tuesday 30 April 2019. VALA2020 has a focus on the future of technology in libraries and the information community. Abstracts with a strong technology, R&D or future focus will be favourably considered. Accepted abstracts will go to full peer review paper and presentation. Full details can be found on the VALA2020 website -
Welcome to VALA2020 – Focus on the Future
VALA2020 – Focus on the Future – is the 20th VALA Biennial Conference.
To be held in Melbourne from 11-13 February 2020, VALA 2020 will be the year’s must-attend event for everyone who works or aspires to work in the information and technology environment of the GLAM Sector.
Once an event for library IT practitioners, the increasing common ground that exists within all collections management agencies sees VALA’s doors open to colleagues and collaborators across libraries, galleries, archives and museums. This “coming together” is reflected in our Conference Organising Committee, our Keynote line-up (announcements coming soon) and our program.
Focus on the Future
Our call to action and our challenge to ourselves, our exhibitors, sponsors, speakers and delegates is to be visionaries, to see through the lens of the future and to bring our best, most creative, contemporary and controversial selves to VALA2020.
To support us, the new MCEC Conference and Exhibition spaces provide a fully-integrated experience, with the Plenary, Exhibition Hall and session rooms on a single level and immediately adjacent to one another. The more intimate environment supports a real sense of community and collaboration, and we are excited by the new opportunities that it creates.
New program elements, including Critical Conversations, Speakers’ Corner and Vendor Presentations maximise new spaces, and sit comfortably beside VALA’s prized and peer reviewed Concurrent Sessions, international Keynote Presentations, and EPosters.
The VALA Conference environment offers inspiration and collaboration. We welcome the diverse community that contributes to our industry, our students, practitioners, academics and vendors, colleagues and competitors. It is a safe and respectful place where you can take risks, challenge yourself, ask questions and invite feedback, and where we can all learn from our shared experiences.