Monday, January 25, 2016

Call for Reviewers: Multimedia & Technology Reviews

ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Needs You! 

ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors are seeking volunteers to author reviews for the April 2016 issue. To volunteer, choose your review topic from the list below and complete our review form (  by Monday, February 1, 2015. 

Initial draft submissions are due Friday, March 4, 2016

Contributing to ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews ( ) is a great opportunity to get involved with the Society, learn about interesting new resources, and help shape the publication. Please feel free to read the complete review guidelines(  and direct comments and questions about the reviews to  

Submitted by ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors: 
Hannah Bennett 
Gabriella Karl-Johnson 
Emilee Mathews 

Topics for Review 

We seek reviewers for the following resources. The snippets are taken from the resource's web page and are not necessarily the opinions of the M&T Reviews Co-Editors. 
Africa Vernacular Architecture
A crowd-sourced database of vernacular architecture from the African continent.

De Chirico Game
"Enter the surrealist world of Giorgio de Chirico. The game is a tribute to the great Italian painter.Tackle puzzles and platform challenges inside a mysterious dimension."
*game needs to be downloaded

Jan Brueghal Complete Catalog
"The purpose of this website is first, to be a place where information about the painter Jan Brueghel can be gathered, shared, and debated among scholars; second, to provide ways of furthering our understanding of how Brueghel and his studio produced this vast, complex body of work; and third, to be a resource for any visitor who is interested in the artist’s works."

Kurzgesagt (German for "in a nutshell") is a Munich-based YouTube channel and design studio that beautifully blends animation, illustration, interactives, and well-themed music to help explain a variety of educational and popular topics."

“The impetus for Mediapolis began with a simple observation: that to live in our particular historical moment is to grapple with, on the one hand, the ever more inextricable role that media play in our everyday lives, while on the other, the seemingly inexorable urbanization of the world around us. …our goals for  Mediapolis are as simple as the impetus that inspired it. We aspire to create a venue for discussion at the intersection of these two phenomena, placing urban studies and media studies into conversation with one another.”