Ex Libris users of Kentucky and beyond:
The eBUG Conference is scheduled for June 14, 2013 at Georgetown College in Georgetown, Kentucky.
Proposals are now being accepted for presentations for the 2013 annual conference of the Ex Libris Bluegrass Users Group (eBUG). Presentations are being sought for all Ex Libris products, such as Primo, SFX, Voyager, etc. We highly encourage the submission relating to public services, library instruction, technical services, and systems.
All topics should be related to Ex Libris products and presentations should last approximately 45 minutes. Chosen presenters must agree to provide ELUNA and Ex Libris copies of their presentations for posting on their respective websites, if requested. Conference registration fees for presenters of accepted proposals will be waived.
Proposals should be submitted on the eBUG website http://libwired.info/
The deadline to submit a proposal is March 1, 2013. Notification regarding acceptance of proposals will take place by March 15, 2013.
Questions may be directed to the current eBUG officers:
- Melissa Brooks (m.brooks@moreheadstate.edu) - Morehead State University
- Ophelia Chapman (o.chapman@moreheadstate.edu) - Morehead State University
- Benjamin Rawlins (ben_rawlins@
georgetowncollege.edu ) - Georgetown College