Call for Speaker(s) for the OLAC Membership Meeting at
ALA Annual (2012 - Anaheim)
OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC) is an
international organization for catalogers concerned with all types of
nonprint materials. Through conferences, workshops, publications,
and e-mail lists, catalogers exchange information and enjoy expert
& practical advice on cataloging audiovisual materials.
The OLAC Executive Board is sending a call for a speaker
or panel of speakers to present a brief discussion on a current hot
topic in the cataloging and metadata communities as it affects
audiovisual and nonprint media cataloging. Possible topics might include: RDA, FRBR, library linked data, non-MARC metadata, or other, but
with a focus on the AV/nonprint formats.
The 30-45 minute presentation or discussion would be held
during the OLAC Membership Meeting at the ALA Annual Conference in
Anaheim, California, on Sunday, June 24th, between 4:00-5:30pm in
the Sheraton
Park Hotel (SHERP-Park BC). The presentation will directly follow the general membership meeting agenda.
If you are interested in presenting a discussion, please
submit your topic proposal in an abstract not more than 200 words, by
Friday, May 18, 2012, to:
Heidi Frank
Ph: 212-998-2499