CFP: 5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5)
The OAI5 Organising Committee is welcoming poster submissions for the 5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, which will take place from Wednesday 18th - Friday 20th April 2007. The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2007.
Please consult the conference website for more information:
Posters are invited on projects directly related to the themes of the workshop and decisions on acceptance will be communicated during February. Further information is found under the call for abstracts link on the webpage:
The agenda for the workshop is also now available:
The OAI series of workshops is one of the biggest international meetings of technical repository-developers, library Open Access policy formulators, and the funders and researchers that they
serve. The programme contains a mix of practical tutorials given by experts in the field, presentations from cutting-edge projects and research, posters from the community, breakout discussion groups, and an intense social programme which has helped to build a strong network amongst previous participants. The event is almost unique in bringing together these scholarly communication communities and is proud to continue this tradition with the OAI5 workshop in 2007.