Call for Contributors: LITA Blog for ALA Midwinter
Worn out from the Holiday Season? Tired from too much travel and/or too much Egg Nog? Not ready to go back to work?
You know what that means . . . . time for ALA Midwinter!!
This is Jonathan Blackburn -- new volunteer wrangler for the LITA blog ( ) -- introducing myself and asking for your help in reporting on the some of the exciting things happening at this year's Midwinter Meeting in Seattle.
There are going to be many interesting sessions at this year's meeting, and we would like your help in making sure we have covered the most significant of these.
If you are interested in . . .
1. Volunteering to cover a session on the LITA Blog.
2. Nominating a session to be covered.
. . . please e-mail me at
For those interested in volunteering to report on a session, just send me your name and contact information (and the specific session you want to cover, if applicable). "Reporting" simply involves writing up a brief summary of the session along with your experiences
and any "take aways" you found.
To nominate a session for blog coverage, just send me the time and title of the session. I will be posting these on the LITA Blog Schedule for ALA Midwinter 2007: .
As always, your help will greatly benefit both those who can and cannot make it out to "sunny" Seattle this year.
Again, you can reach me at if you have any questions or suggestions.
Helpful links:
LITA Blog:
Current LITA Blog schedule for ALA Midwinter:
Policies and Procedures for Blogging on LITA Blog:
Thanks again,
Jonathan Blackburn
Web Development Librarian
Florida State University Libraries
105 Dogwood Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2047
(850) 645-6986