Friday, August 04, 2006

Western Medical Library Assn Chapters Early Bird Registration ends 9/15

Western Medical Library Assn Chapters Early Bird Registration ends 9/15

Missions and Mountains: Believe and Achieve
October 14-17, 2006, Red Lion Hotel, Seattle

Join us for a lively, informative and jam-packed meeting of the Western
Chapters of the Medical Library Association in Seattle, October 14-17,
2006. The meeting will be preceded by two days of continuing education
with seven courses ranging from measuring your impact, evidence-based
practice, informatics, and licensing.

Contributed papers and posters by colleagues from all of the participating
chapters will provide insight into new innovations and services. Share your
own experiences and engage in conversations at a round table lunch
featuring a variety of topics.

And don't miss this year's banquet with featured speaker Gordon Taylor,
a Seattle author, whose recent book "Fever and Thirst" follows the journey
of Asahel Grant, a New England physician and missionary, through the
mountains of Kurdistan in the early 19th century.
[ ]

This year's meeting will also feature the following presentations:

-- Stephen Bezruchka, M.D., speaking about the correlation between
economic disparity and poorer health status overall in the United
[ ]

-- A panel of medical writers and reporters discussing their
experiences in covering health news.

-- Mark Oberle, M.D., sharing his personal recollections from the
Indonesia tsunami in 2004 and lessons learned about disaster
preparedness and public health.
[ ]

-- Jaime Green, speaking about how new technologies can improve
services to communities, based on her work with nonprofit
[ ]

The preliminary program, a complete list of continuing education
offerings, round table discussion topics and the registration form are all
available on the meeting web site:

On behalf of the planning committee, we encourage you to join us in the
Emerald City this fall. While you may encounter an occasional rain shower,
they provide an opportunity to sample Seattle's well-known coffee houses.

While there, take time to experience the beautiful city of Seattle. Visit the
famous Pike Place Market, zoom up to the top of the Space Needle for views
of the Olympic and Cascade Mountains, the water and the city; or consider an
Alaskan cruise or daily catamaran service to San Juan Islands and Victoria,
B.C. The Seattle’s Convention and Visitors Bureau is a good starting point
for information about the city.
[ ]

Complete their Visitor Information Request Form [ ] or
call (206) 461-5840 to receive the 128 pg. “Visitor’s Guide”, “Favorite Seattle
Attractions” brochure, and the “Victoria, Vancouver & Seattle” brochure.
(3-4 week delivery time).

The early registration deadline for the October meeting is September 15th, so
don't delay!

Lisa Oberg and Gail Kouame
Program Co-Chairs

Pamela Corley

Western Chapters Planning Committee

Pamela M. Corley
Research Support Librarian
USC Norris Medical Library
2003 Zonal Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90089-9130
323-442-1125 fax: 323-221-1235