CFP: Archiving 2007
Date: May 21-24, 2007
Location: Arlington, Virginia
Abstract Deadline: November 1, 2006
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology has announced the Call for Papers for Archiving 2007 to be held May 21-24, 2007 in Arlington, VA. The deadline for abstract submission is November 1, 2006
Conf URL:
The Conference
From the personal to the corporate and institutional, digital memories, records, performances, and works are simpler to create, yet ever more complex to preserve. Museums, libraries, archives, universities, businesses, and individuals increasingly rely on digital media to organize, present, and save information. While new tools make the creation and use of digital documents, records, images, and collections easier and more convenient—as well as expand the audience for collections beyond traditional boundaries—the proliferation of collections and technologies means the need for strategies and solutions to archive and preserve digital materials for the long term grows as well.
The IS&T Archiving Conference brings together a unique community of imaging novices and experts from libraries, archives, records management, and information technology institutions to discuss and explore the expanding field of digital archiving and preservation. Attendees from across the world represent industry, academia, governments, and cultural heritage institutions. The conference presents the latest research results on archiving, provides a forum to explore new strategies and policies, and reports on successful projects that can serve as benchmarks in the field.
Techniques for producing, acquiring, preserving, indexing, and retrieving digital objects and images are explored in depth. The conference also strives to present unique perspectives from industry and academia on media and technology obsolescence, business models for sustainability, formats and standards for archiving, and solutions for content storage, access, and management.
The conference is a blend of invited focal papers, keynote talks, and refereed oral and interactive display presentations. The conference offers hands-on tutorial sessions on technical topics. The 2007 conference will also include a demonstration session at which attendees and select industry representatives will be able to showcase archiving programs, technologies, configurations, etc