We are launching the inaugural interactive, online conference for librarians working with business, which will take place in Mid-May. This unique conference departs from the traditional format consisting of sitting and watching a webinar in a room with your colleagues. The Business Librarian Online Conference will utilize the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra platform that allows participates to move between virtual rooms to view a variety of posters while asking questions of the poster presenters; meet and talk with other librarians from your library subgroup (academic, corporate, or public); and learn from and share with your fellow librarians presenting more traditional panels and lightning talks. No need to download anything on your computer. Participate via microphone or telephone and use a webcam on a personal computer for the full experience.
Please join us making the Business Librarian Online Conference a historic and successful event. We are looking for a variety of presenters and participants. Please complete the survey to join the movement and spread the word by Friday, March 16th: https://ndstate.co1.qualtrics. com/jfe/form/SV_ 5jdESYpM03jiW69
Business Librarian Online Conference Planning Committee
- Brittany Ford, American National University, blford14@gmail.com
- Elizabeth Malafi, Middle Country Public Library, malafielizabeth@mcplibrary.org
- Joel Thornton, University of Arkansas Libraries, jbt012@ark.edu
- Laura Trude, North Dakota State University Libraries, laura.trude@ndsu.edu