To merge or not to merge. Libraries the world over are struggling with the issue of combining various service desks: circulation, reference, reserves, technology support, etc. Often the result of a desire to improve or streamline library services, it can also be viewed as a major cultural shift within the profession; a loss of identity and a blurring of the lines in terms of roles and responsibilities. In some instances, it’s a decision borne out of necessity, particularly in light of diminishing budgets, shrinking spaces, and reductions in staffing.
The Journal of Access Services is seeking manuscripts for an upcoming special issue that will address the implementation of the single service point. This special issue will be comprised of case studies from a variety of types of libraries.
Submissions may focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Cross training of professional and paraprofessional staff to handle new tasks
- Scheduling considerations for matrixed staffing and optimal coverage
- Designing a service point to meet a variety of needs
- Assessing the effectiveness of merged service desks
- Virtual reference as a means of maintaining optimal service levels
- The role and supervision of student employees in a blended environment
- Embracing changing roles and responsibilities as the new normal in libraries
The Journal of Access Services receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its ScholarOne Manuscripts site located at: