Submissions are being accepted on an ongoing basis for upcoming issues of Catholic Library World.
Catholic Library World is the official journal of the Catholic Library Association. Established in 1929, CLW is an international refereed quarterly journal. CLW publishes articles that focus on all aspects of librarianship, especially as it relates to Catholicism and Catholic Studies. CLW articles are intended for an audience that is interested in the broad role and impact of various types of libraries, including, but not limited to academic, public, theological, parish and church libraries, and school libraries. CLW respects diverse Christian traditions as well as non-Christian and welcomes relevant articles from a variety of religious traditions.
The preferred method for submitting manuscripts is as a word-processed attachment in e-mail. Author’s full name, affiliation, and e-mail address must accompany any manuscript submission.
Articles should provide something new to the existing literature. The word count should be 3500- 5000 words and should adhere to The Chicago Manual of Style (humanities is preferred). The style should be accessible and well-documented.
Submission deadline: Submissions are ongoing.
For more information, please visit this website:
Send submissions and queries to:
Sigrid Kelsey, General Editor,
Sigrid Kelsey
Electronic Reference Services and Web Development Coordinator
LSU Libraries, LSU
Baton Rouge, LA 70803