The Journal of Mobile Teaching (JMT) seeks contributions on teaching and learning with mobile technologies.
Presentation categories include:
1. General Articles on Mobile Teaching - Updates and evaluations on trends, strategies, and issues on mobile teaching and learning.
2. Current Research and Trends - Articles and reports on current research that impacts teaching and learning with mobile technologies.
3. Mobile Teaching Ideas and Projects - Articles and information on how mobile can innovate classroom teaching and learning, with sample mobile teaching projects for art, health, history, language arts, math, music, and science.
4. Mobile Optimization for Visual Learning - This new addition to the knowledgebase is for articles and papers on visual learning and eye tracking for optimizing mobile teaching content.
For author guidelines and submission instructions, go to
To review the new responsive format for JMT (beginning August 2013), go to
To review all of the teaching resources of the Mobile Teaching Knowledgebase Toolkit, go to
If you have any questions about this call for contributions or have an interest in serving as a reviewing editor, please feel free to contact me at the address below.
Richard L. Austin
Emeritus Professor of Horticulture
University of Nebraska