ACRL 2013 Conference Call for Poster Proposals
Got an innovative library-based project,
best practices to solve a problem, or unique research findings? Consider
sharing them in a poster session! Posters should be an eye-catching
visual representation of a topic,
including graphics, tables, charts, text, and images. Presenters can
communicate additional details via online handouts. Presenters share
their ideas with colleagues as attendees circulate during one hour time
blocks in the poster session area, located in
the exhibits hall. Since space is limited at a poster session, a
maximum of two presenters per poster at any one time is recommended. The
Poster Session Committee looks for topics that will engage attendees
during repeated presentations.
Potential topics can be seen in the program
tags that are included on the proposal instructions page (link below).
Poster topics from underrepresented categories are of particular
interest. Here are some examples:
* cataloging & technical services
* collections projects
* preservation projects
* digitization
* data management and services
Use the application form to sell your idea
in a short, dynamic summary and provide a more complete discussion of
the contents for the reviewers. Please plan to submit an electronic version of your poster
so that it can be posted online with conference handouts. Submissions are due by November 9, 2012.
Program Proposal Instructions https://s4. 2013/abstract_instruct.cfm
Proposal Submission Form acrl/national/2013/abstract_ submission.cfm
Questions should be directed to Margot Conahan at or call (312) 280-2522.