LILAC 2011 Call for Papers
URL Paper Submission:
Please read the notes below before submitting a proposal and please submit your abstract using the LILAC template. Please note that submissions not submitted using this template may not be considered. Applicants will be notified by 1st December 2010 if they have been successful or otherwise. If you have any queries please contact
Deadline for proposals:
* Call for papers opens 6th September 2010
* Call for papers closes 1st November 2010
Notes for Presenters at LILAC 2011
All presentations should address one or more of this year’s conference themes:
* New to teaching
* Creativity in IL
* Supporting excellence in the research community
* IL in society: making a difference
* IL in the future
* Evidence based IL
A PC with Internet access and PowerPoint will be available to presenters (apart from poster sessions although wireless access will be available to poster presenters). There are a number of break-out rooms and papers, demonstrations and workshops will be scheduled throughout the conference as parallel sessions.
Please do not send us a full paper; we require a 500 or 300 word abstract which will be sent to a panel of reviewers. We also require a short description of your paper (max 50 words) which will be used on the parallel booking form.
Please note: all presenters will be expected to register as delegates. There is a special discounted rate for presenters.
Presentations should take one of the following forms:
Short Papers (30 minutes)
Short papers should be no more than 15-20 minutes in length with 10-15 minutes for questions. Please submit a 300 word abstract. Short papers are likely to reflect work in progress, innovations or other developments. A key requirement is that the paper has a clear focus. In a 15-minute presentation it will be inappropriate (and difficult) to try and present the “whole” project. Instead, presenters need to draw out and focus on key areas. Chairs of the parallel sessions will keep strictly to time to ensure these sessions do not overrun.
Long Papers (45 minutes)
Long papers should be 30 minutes in length with 10-15 minutes for questions. Please submit a 500 word abstract. Long papers will typically be based on research or a more in-depth investigation. They may be reporting on projects (local, national or international), which focus on research, development, dissemination or evaluation.
Workshops sessions (1 hour)
These sessions will be an hour in length. We require a 500 word abstract. Workshops involve active participation and discussion with the focus on participants being able to develop skills or practical ideas for future implementation in their own practice. We will be unable to accept workshop submissions which require a computer lab as this facility is not available at the conference venue.
Symposiums (1 hour)
These sessions will ideally be led by two or more people and provide a short presentation with opportunity for audience participation and interaction. They could take the form of a roundtable debate or may present different viewpoints on a theme. They should provide an opportunity for discussion and debate around the conference themes. We welcome submissions from individuals from different institutions. We require a 500 word abstract.
Pecha Kucha (6 mins 40 seconds)
Pecha kucha (pronounced pe-chak-cha) takes its name from the Japanese term for “chit-chat”. Pecha kucha presentations consist of exactly 20 slides, each of which is displayed for 20 seconds. Total presentation time is precisely 6 minutes 40 seconds and so it is important to use the transition feature in PowerPoint to time your presentation exactly. The pecha kucha presentation style is highly visual. Text is generally kept to a minimum with images being used to portray key messages. The pecha kucha presentation format enables the speaker to deliver a short, focused presentation on their topic which really grabs the audience’s attention. Examples of previous pecha kucha sessions can be found on the LILAC 2010 web site. We require a 300 word abstract.
Poster Presentations
Posters are a way to share information visually such as research findings or innovative applications. Whilst posters should be self-explanatory and can usefully be accompanied by handouts, presenters will be expected to be available to discuss their work at specified times during the conference. Presenters may use a laptop if required. Please submit a 300 word abstract describing your poster. Posters should typically be no larger than A0 size (841mm × 1189mm) portrait style. However if you have any queries please contact