Monday, January 12, 2009

DC-2009 Web site and call for papers published

DC-2009 Web site and call for papers published

Location: Seoul, Korea (National Library of Korea)
October 12-16, 2009
CFP Deadline: April 24, 2009

2009-01-12, The National Library of Korea, the host for DC-2009, to be held 12-16 October 2009 in Seoul, Korea, has opened the conference Web site. The Call for Papers for the conference is open until 24 April 2009. Submissions are being invited for full papers, project reports and posters.

Conference URL:

Call for Papers URL:

Conference Title
"Semantic Interoperability of Linked Data"
Conference Theme
DC-2009 will focus on linked data and the enabling of the Semantic Web. Conference
participants will explore the conceptual and practical issues in breaking the constraints of data
silos and connecting pieces of data, information, and knowledge. Metadata is a key to these
processes supporting publishing and interlinking structured data on the Semantic Web.
The basic assumption behind the concept of linked data is that the value and usefulness of data
increases the more it is interlinked with other data. There is a growing interest in the metadata
community in connecting existing and future data contained in silos within and across
organizations in a meaningful way that supports extraction and correlation of the data. The
linking of data from disparate data silos presents technical and social challenges that will be
explored at DC-2009 through full papers, project reports, posters, special sessions and
Beyond the conference theme, papers, reports, and poster submissions are welcome on a wide
range of metadata topics, such as:
- Metadata principles, guidelines, and best practices
- Metadata quality, normalization, and mapping
- Conceptual models and frameworks (e.g., RDF, DCAM, OAIS)
- Application profiles
- Metadata interoperability across domains, languages, and time
- Cross-domain metadata uses (e.g., recordkeeping, preservation, institutional repositories)
- Domain metadata (e.g., for corporations, cultural memory institutions, education,
government, and scientific fields)
- Bibliographic standards (e.g., RDA, FRBR, subject headings) as Semantic Web
- Accessibility metadata
- Metadata for scientific data
- Metadata in e-Science and grid applications
- Social tagging
- Knowledge Organization Systems (e.g., ontologies, taxonomies, authority files,
folksonomies, and thesauri) and Simple Knowledge Organization Systems (SKOS)
- Ontology design and development
- Integration of metadata and ontologies
- Metadata generation (methods, tools, and practices)
- Search engines and metadata
- Semantic Web metadata and applications
- Vocabulary registries and registry services