Friday, February 27, 2004

Call for Contributors: Encyclopedia of North American Colonial Warfare to 1775

Dr. Spencer C. Tucker, retired professor, holder of the John Biggs Chair of
Military History at the Virginia Military Institute, and editor of numerous
award-winning, multi-volume encyclopedias of military and naval history,
seeks contributors for The Encyclopedia of North American Colonial Warfare
to 1775. The three-volume work is under contract with ABC-CLIO Publishers.

All entries must be turned in no later than the end of January 2005.
Contributors writing 4,000 or more words will receive a free set of the

For a copy of the entry list and the contributor guidelines, please send an
email to Dr. Tucker at

Kyle F. Zelner
Department of History
College of William & Mary

Member--Editorial Board
The Encyclopedia of North American Colonial Warfare to 1775