The Contributed Papers Committee invites research and position papers to be
presented at the 12th National Conference in Minneapolis. Papers may report
the results of completed research, describe research in progress, or present
a position on a compelling problem or issue in one or more of the following
conference tracks:
Changing Environments and Cultures
Changing Political Realities
Converging and Collaborating
Evolving Modes of Scholarly Communication
Managing Electronic and Digital Information
Redefining Traditions
Teaching and Learning
Research papers should present the problem, methodology, and conclusions.
Position papers may propose theoretical models, present reviews, or describe
strategies and innovations applicable to several libraries. Case studies of
significant work at a single institution may also be submitted but may be
better suited for a poster session.
Papers must be delivered in about 20 minutes, allowing approximately 10
minutes for questions. Completed papers should be 1,800-2,500 words and
should be scholarly, well organized, clearly written, and rigorously argued.
Completed papers must be provided no later than January 10, 2005. All
accepted papers will be published both on the Web and as part of the printed
conference proceedings.
Submit your proposal via the Program Proposal Form, available online from (click on “Call For Participation”).
The deadline for submission is May 28, 2004.
Questions about contributed paper submissions should be directed to:
Glenda Thornton
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Ave. RT 501
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Voice 216-687-2475