Have you been involved in a controversy or challenge related to collections in your academic library? The ACRL Professional Values Committee encourages you to consider presenting as part of an online panel to be held in late March 2021, titled, “When Collections are Considered Controversial: Stories from Academic Library Workers.”
We are interested in highlighting how academic library workers have responded to controversies and challenges related to collection development and promotion activities, such as new acquisitions, book displays, or research guides, as well as how core library values did or did not factor into the actions that were taken and the outcome of what happened.
Potential presentation topics might include, but are not limited to:
- Collections that include controversial content related to a college or university’s history, such as yearbooks
- Black Lives Matter and racial justice resource guides or displays
- Challenges providing access to collection materials or specific holdings due to controversial topics
- Difficulties or successes in promoting library resources on social issues and potentially controversial topics at your campus
Please fill out the following form by Friday, January 25, 2021 to indicate your interest in presenting: https://forms.gle/