Academic library and archives workers are invited to submit interest inparticipating in an accepted panel at ACRL 2021 titled "Who's Missing from EDI?: Barriers for Librarians with Invisible Disabilities." This session will be a semi-live panel sessions with 45 minutes of recorded content and 15 minutes of live Q+A. Panelists will need to register for the conference to be on the panel.
The panelists will talk about their experiences living with invisible or nonapparent disabilities and/or illnesses and ways we as a profession can improve accessibility, specifically how can we include disability in EDI work. It will ideally represent a variety of experiences and perspectives that include BIPOC librarians, physical and mental illnesses, and different career stages. The panel will be moderated by Katelyn Quirin Manwiller, the primary researcher on a study of over 250 MLIS-holders working in academic institutions and living with invisible illness(es) and/or disabilities, and will be informed by the results of that survey.
For full session description and to submit interest in being a panelist, please see this Google Form:
Please feel free to email with questions or concerns,
Thank you,
Katelyn Quirin Manwiller, MLIS