Got Research? Share it at SLA 2016!
September 24, 2015 | Categories: Conference
The word research conjures up images of scientists in lab coats hunched over microscopes or professors with books piled high on their desks. But savvy librarians and info pros know that research is really just a way to scratch an itch—an itch to learn, to improve, and especially to share.
Conference Presentation
Each year, a dozen or more SLA members conduct in-depth research on topics ranging from embedded librarianship to knowledge management to big data to open access. They then share what they’ve learned by presenting contributed papers at the SLA Annual Conference. The contributed paper sessions are among the most popular events at the conference, and with good reason—they provide substantive knowledge about issues of current interest to librarians and information professionals around the world.
SLA is now accepting proposals for papers to be presented at the 2016 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO in Philadelphia. Paper topics should be related to library science, information management, or other issues pertaining to client service, technology, or administration in special libraries.
A panel of SLA members will conduct a blind review of the proposals, and the strongest proposals will be selected for development into papers. Proposals will be evaluated on the strength of the ideas, quality of the writing, and potential member interest.
Proposed papers must also meet these requirements:
At least one author must be a member of SLA;
At least one author must commit to presenting the paper at the 2016 Annual Conference;
The proposal must be submitted by the deadline (4 December 2015);
The paper must not have been published in, or submitted to, any other publication or conference planning group; and
The author (and any co-authors) must sign a publication agreement that permits SLA to use the paper in various formats.
Deadlines are as follows:
4 December 2015: Applicants submit their proposals in abstract form. Abstracts should be single-spaced Word documents (or plain text) between 250 and 300 words in length, or roughly one page in 12-point type. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to Rachel Bates Wilfahrt at
21 December 2015: Applicants are notified of the review panel’s decisions, and those with the strongest proposals are invited to develop them into full papers.
26 April 2016: Authors submit their paper (see the writing guidelines ( for instructions on style and formatting) and signed publication agreement. (
12-14 June 2016: Authors deliver 15-minute presentations (allowing 5-7 minutes afterward for questions) of their papers during 90-minute sessions.
To learn more, read past contributed papers or contact Jan Chindlund or Rachel Bates Wilfahrt.