Monday, March 26, 2012

Call for Chapters: Emerging Roles in Academic Librarianship

Call for Chapters: Emerging Roles in Academic Librarianship
Publisher: McFarland & Company
Co-editors: Rebeca Befus, Michigan State University and Jill Wurm, Wayne State University


Chapter Proposals (250-500 words) due by: April 30, 2012
If selected, full-length chapters will be due by: August 30, 2012

Book Concept:

Do you play a unique role in your library? Have you met only a handful of librarians who do the same work you do? Do you see the need for new skills in the profession? Are you tired of people thinking that all you do is buy books?

Chapters are sought for an anthology written by academic, special librarians or LIS faculty sharing information on a unique job or role in librarianship. Our profession has changed a great deal with the proliferation of technology and we want to capture how librarians are dealing with changes in reference, collection development, and technical services. Topics of specific interest are in areas of: copyright, web services, teaching and learning, systems, and assessment. Optimal chapters might include (but are not limited to) information about your role, position, or skill, helpful educational backgrounds, why this role/position was created, and how this role/skill is changing the profession. Chapters that take a data or research driven look at the changes in the profession over the last 20 years or the future of position in academic libraries are also sought.

Chapter Information:

Chapters, written in English, will be between 3000-5000 words in length and should be written in language that would be helpful for students, librarians, LIS faculty, and library administrators wanting to know more about the skill or job being discussed. We would like to request that no previously published work be submitted. Chapters may have multiple authors however we would ask that there be no more than 3 co-authors per chapter.

Proposal Submission Instructions:

Please e-mail a topic proposal of 250-500 words describing your idea and qualifications by April 30 to Please use the phrase EMERGING ROLES in the subject line. Aftercareful review of chapter abstracts we will contact individuals to request full-length chapters.

We look forward to hearing about all the fascinating work you do at your library and hope to create a helpful resource for future students, librarians, and administrators.