CFP: Librarians Publishing for Professional and Personal Development (Essays for Monograph)
As a successfully published librarian, please consider contributing to Librarians Publishing for Professional and Personal Development aimed at helping U.S. librarians become published.
Since publishers only give contracts/royalties to authors or co-authors, I will do the sending of royalty checks myself based on paperwork I receive. Only the first year's royalties will be divided among the 18 contributors; subsequent royalties remaining with me as editor. Contributors receive a complimentary book.
Word total for 3 articles based on the writer's experience is 4,000: one article may be 1500 words, another 1500 words, the last 1,000 to total 4,000. Deadline for e-mailing articles is September 1, 2006.
Please e-mail a 50-55 word bio with your present position, relevant publications, awards, and highlights as a librarian for the contributor page.
One of the books I co-authored is The most recent one for Peter Lang Publishing is forthcoming.
To check my background, enter Smallwood
Librarians as poets, YA authors, book reviewers, columnists, essayists, magazine contributors, textbook writers, children's books, are just a few ways librarians are interested in knowing how to get published.
Thank you for your consideration and do ask questions!
Carol Smallwood