Thursday, April 28, 2005

Call for Submissions and Nominations for PRIMO

Call for Submissions and Nominations for PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online

The Emerging Technologies in Instruction Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online. PRIMO is a database of exemplary online instruction materials that aims to promote and share peer-reviewed instructional materials created by librarians. Projects meeting the selection criteria are added to the database.

Submissions and nominations for PRIMO are accepted continually, but are reviewed for possible inclusion twice per year.


Nominations: April 25, 2005

Submissions: May 9, 2005

The submission and nomination forms are available from the following page: (copy link)

For further information contact committee co-chairs Jennifer Knievel
( and Kathy Magarrell (