Monday, October 04, 2004

Deadline Extended -- Encyclopedia of African American Literature

The editors of *An Encyclopedia of African American Literature,* under contract with Greenwood Press, seek contributors to write entries on the following authors and topics: Hilton Als, *The Amsterdam News,* Samuel A. Beadle, Frank London Brown, Barbara Chase-Riboud, James D. Corrothers, Creole, Nathaniel Dett, Education (in Literature), A. R. Flowers, T. Thomas Fortune, E. Franklin Frazier, O. O. Gabugah, Jewelle Gomez, Sutton E. Griggs, Carl Hancock, Humor, Edward Smythe Jones, Jake Lamar, Lesbian Literature, Los Angeles (in Literature), Love (in Literature), Victoria Earle Matthews, Middle Passage (in Literature), Opal Moore, Robert Deane Pharr, Prose Poem, Prosody, Eugene Redmond, Robert Reid Pharr, Revolutionary War (in Literature), San Francisco Bay Area (in Literature), Sexuality/Sexual Identity (in Literature), Signifying, Venture Smith, Spirituals, Quincy Thomas Troupe, Jr., Richard Wesley, and Shay Youngblood.

Entries will range in length from 350 to 2000 words, depending on the topic, and will be due by November 15, 2004. Detailed information about the *Encyclopedia* is available online at

If you would be interested in contributing to the *Encyclopedia* or would like more information about this project, please contact David Macey at the University of Central Oklahoma (, 405-974-5641) or Hans Ostrom at the University of Puget Sound (, 254-879-3434).