Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Call for Submissions - UKSG 2025, Brighton UK

UKSG 2025: Call for suggestions

We are pleased to announce that an in-person event is scheduled to take place from 31 March-2 April 2025 in Brighton, UK.

The conference attracts delegates from across the global knowledge community, including librarians, publishers, intermediaries, technology vendors, consultants and more. It provides a friendly and inclusive forum with a reputation for showcasing initiatives, exploring trends and connecting people from across the sector. You can see this year's programme here:

Like many conferences, we welcome developed proposals from those who wish to deliver or co-deliver plenary sessions, breakout sessions, workshops and lightning talks. These proposals ultimately form the core of our programme. However, we also welcome suggestions on themes, topics, and initiatives. In all cases, we welcome recommendations for speakers alongside topic ideas. This approach is one of the distinctive and defining features of how we co-develop our programme. It enables us to explore the issues that matter most to us as a community. You can see the whole programme for 2024 here to get an idea of topics/level etc.

Please submit your suggestions via the UKSG website:

A critical part of our strategic vision is that UKSG will represent the diversity of the global knowledge community. Our annual conference should reflect a variety of perspectives and backgrounds - and we particularly want to encourage and include those from under-represented communities.
If you have something interesting to say but do not feel you are ready for a plenary, break-out session or workshop, we can provide supportive mentors to help you prepare, or you might consider presenting a shorter lightning talk or poster.
If you need any assistance with any aspect of your submission, including any accessibility needs, then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Our call for suggestions closes on Tuesday 30 July 2024. Our programme committee will then review all submissions and communicate outcomes in August.

I would be grateful if you would share this email far and wide to your own networks - many thanks in advance!

Bev Acreman
Executive Director