Friday, June 04, 2021

CFP: Michigan Innovative Users Group (MIUG) Conference (September 17th, 2021 - Virtual)

 Save the Date: Michigan Innovative Users Group (MIUG) Conference  

Call for session proposals!


All session proposals need to be  submitted by June 30, 2021.


The Michigan Innovative Users Group (MIUG) 2021 conference is just around the corner. The date will be Friday, September 17, 2021. Save the Date!  This year’s conference will be virtual.  It will be a great opportunity to share with colleagues who do not have the opportunity to travel to these events.


MIUG represents on opportunity for you and your colleagues to stay informed about Innovative, Sierra, and Polaris updates and news.


  • Have you ever wanted to be one of the demonstrators or at least help present? 
  • Would you like to conduct a forum or help with one?
  • Do you have a subject / area that you would love to learn more about?
  • Do you know that charismatic person that loves to be a speaker to the people?
  • Do you want to be a part of the board to plan this event? Still could use members.


We are looking for ideas to help make this a great conference experience for all. Please submit any ideas or recommendations you have as soon as possible. This is a great opportunity to network and share ideas with your III and Polaris peers.  The link to submit proposals can be found here:


We look forward to hearing from you!  Learn more about MIUG on their website: