Monday, January 07, 2019

January LITAchat Call for Panelists @ALA_LITA

Have you been working on a technology-related project at your library? Launched a new initiative?

The LITA Membership Development Committee wants to hear from YOU!

The next LITAchat will be held on Friday, January 25th from 12-1pm Central. We're looking for one additional panelist to discuss a current project of theirs. As a panelist, you'll have the opportunity to share your experience, get feedback, and help other LITA members get their projects off the ground. This is a fun, interactive, supportive way to engage with your fellow LITA members.

We hope you'll consider joining us as a panelist. Please contact Robert Wilson ( by the end of this week, 01/11/19, to express your interest.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
The LITA Membership Development Committee