If you’d like to volunteer to help with the 2013 Academic Libraries Conference but have a limited availability, please consider being a juror. You can choose to be a juror for program proposals or poster sessions.
The Academic Libraries Work Group is looking for volunteers from a variety of academic libraries (community colleges, private institutions, public universities, etc...) and roles (technical services, references services, administration, etc...) to evaluate and rank proposals based on a provided rubric. Jurors would be required to read and evaluate program proposals between December 10th and February 1st, and poster proposals between Feb. 22nd and March 8th.
If you’re interested in participating, please email Patricia Bravender (bravendp@gvsu.edu) or Jill Sreitzer (werdeljc@udmercy.edu) (Please do not reply to the list) with the following information by Monday, November 26, 2012:
- Your Name
- Desired role: Proposal Juror or Poster Juror
- Your Library Type (community college, college, university, other—specify)
- Your Job Specialty (management, instruction, cataloging, reference, etc)
- (OPTIONAL) A brief description of your area of interest if you’d like to share what you’ll bring to the group
For more information - visit http://www.mla.lib.mi.us/events/academic