Monday, November 29, 2010

CFP: International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP)

CFP: International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP)

The International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal that begins accepting manuscripts on January 21, 2011. The first call for papers, along with full journal details, can be found at


The mission of the International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP) is to encourage the study of practices and pedagogies associated with ePortfolio in educational settings. The journal’s focus includes the explanation, interpretation, application, and dissemination of researchers’, practitioners’, and developers’ experiences relevant to ePortfolio. It also serves to provide a multi-faceted, single source of information for those engaging in projects and practices associated with ePortfolio. A refereed (blind) peer-reviewed journal, IJeP embraces inquiry into ePortfolio in educational settings holistically; therefore, manuscripts considering the following areas of investigation are welcomed:
• instruction and principles of learning that utilize and inform practical, effective ePortfolio methodologies;
• evaluation and assessment methodologies and practices supported by ePortfolio;
• case studies and best practices regarding applications of ePortfolio for learning, assessment, and professional development supported by scholarship of teaching and learning practices and research methodologies;
• theoretically rich accounts of the principles grounding ePortfolio work and its relationship to larger social and cultural phenomena; and
• innovative development and applications of technologies that enable new ePortfolio practices.
Those interested in joining the review board for IJeP are encouraged to visit

Please feel free to share this announcement with interested colleagues and on appropriate listservs.
Rebecca K. Miller, IJeP Associate Editor
College Librarian for Science, Life Sciences, and Engineering
University Libraries at Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia

ALA NMRT Handbook Committee Chair, 2010-2011
ALA NMRT Liaison to VLA, 2010-2011