Call for Contributors: Mid-career library and information professionals: a leadership primer
You are invited to propose a chapter for a new book, Mid-career library and information professionals: a leadership primer to be edited by Linda Crook and Dawn Lowe-Wincentsen. This book is intended to explore leadership issues for those find themselves in the grey area between being new librarians and being in established leadership positions.
Some suggested chapter subjects are listed here, though other ideas are very welcome as well.
* Stuck in the middle: leading from above and below
* Aiming for the top: planning the future of your career
* But we've always done it this way! Dealing with the "old guard" of all ages - even when it's you! * Mentoring, succession planning, recruitment
* Dealing with the sophomore slump
* Continuing education and career development
* Leadership when this isn't your first career
* Promotion: becoming a leader as an internal promotion
* New in town: coming in at a leadership level
* What to do when you have evaded the leadership pixie
* Leading without being an administrator or manager
Proposals should be 300-500 words and include a chapter title and short author biography. Please send these to Dawn and Linda at and by Jan 30, 2010. We will select proposals by February 28th, and completed chapters will be due
by May 1st.