2nd Call for Papers: North American Serial Interest Group 23rd Annual Conference “Taking the Sting Out of Serials”
Date: June 5-8, 2008
Location: Tapatio Cliffs Hilton Resort, Phoenix, Arizona
Deadline: October 15, 2007
CFP URL: http://nasig.org/conferences/2008proposals.html
The 2008 NASIG Annual Conference will be held June 5-8, 2008, at Tapatio Cliffs Hilton Resort, Phoenix, Arizona. The conference program will feature ideas and issues that relate to electronic resources, scholarly communication, serials, and publishing. Conference presenters will include publishers, librarians, subscription agents, and library systems vendors.
In order to prepare a comprehensive program, the Program Planning Committee is issuing a second and final call for program proposals. PPC welcomes submissions related to the following topics:
* Vendor/library relationships -- vendor responses to customers' suggestions
* E-resources -- licensing and perpetual access, e-books, print on demand, ERMS
* Collection management -- serials preservation (binding/reformatting/offsite storage)
* Digital collections -- institutional repositories, digital preservation, metadata outside the library
* Cataloging -- rda and serials cataloging, MARC local holdings, government publications issues
(batchloading, minimal records)
* Technology -- federated searching, OPACs – display issues and alternatives from the traditional systems, information seeking behaviors in electronic environments,
practical applications for current and emerging technology
* Needs and practices of non-academic libraries
* Personnel management -- supervision, workflow, training and retraining in libraries
* Serials and e-resources in the reference department
* Career development in serials
The Program Planning Committee will review all submitted proposals for their content, timeliness, and relevance to the conference theme and reserves the right to combine,
blend, or refocus proposals to maximize their relevance and to avoid duplication. In addition, the Committee will treat all submissions as suggestions and guideposts. Time management issues and reimbursement guidelines generally limit each session to two speakers. Also note that proposals may be suggested as one type of session and/or format and ultimately be accepted as any one of the other types of sessions or formats; this decision is the purview of the Program Planning Committee. Vision and Strategy speakers are required to produce a written paper for the conference proceedings. ALL presentations must be original and not previously presented at other conferences.
For more information about the North American Serials Interest Group,
please see: http://www.nasig.org
NASIG has a reimbursement policy for conference speakers whose
organizations do not cover expenses.
For more information about this policy, please see:
For complete program information, please see the original Call for Proposals and Program Ideas
Suggestions at http://nasig.org/conferences/2008proposals.html
To suggest a proposal or an idea, please fill out the submission form:
The deadline for this call for proposals and ideas is October 15, 2007.
Inquiries may be sent to the PPC co-chairs, Erika Ripley or Sarah Wessel
at: prog-plan@nasig.org