Call for Papers : Symposium on Book Culture Studies, sponsored by the
Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture / Association Canadienne
pour l'étude de l'histoire du livre
Place: University of Western Ontario, at the annual Congress of the
Humanities and Social Sciences
Date: 31 May and 1 June, 2005.
Theme: Inside & Outside: the material book in cultural and literary contexts
The Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture seeks paper
proposals for its conference at the Congress of the Humanities and Social
Sciences. We define book culture broadly to refer to studies in the
history of the book, literary and cultural history, historical
bibliography, etc. The Conference will offer scholars working in a broad
range of humanities and social science disciplines in Canadian universities
to meet on the common ground of studies of book and print cultures. The
conference organizers will consider papers on all periods and places, and
are looking for works that contribute to the study of written communication
by any writer, in any medium, language or genre.
Proposals should be a maximum of [250 words] and include a title and
abstract, indicating the research basis of the study as well as the
argument of the paper.
Papers may be in French or English and should not exceed 20
minutes. Please forward proposals by February 1st. Presenters must belong
to the Association.
Papers in English should be forwarded to:
Prof. Robert Brazeau
Dept. of English and Film Studies
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2E5
Papers in French should be forwarded to:
Josée Vincent
Département des lettres et communications
Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, Québec J1K 2R1