Libraries Deanship, United Arab Emirates University Arabic Scripts Web-based Catalogs in the 21st Century: Present and Future Challenges
Call for papers
Libraries Deanship, United Arab Emirates University is pleased to invite catalogers, system librarians, and library managers to submit proposal for papers to participate in a two days symposium
Theme: Arabic Scripts Web-based Catalogs
Venue: Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
Patron: United Arab Emirates University, Libraries Deanship
Time: 22-23 Nev. 2004, 9-10 Shawwal 1425
The Web-based catalog is perhaps one of the most technological accomplishments of library profession in the 21st century. With the advent of Web-based catalogs the remote access to all library resources and
electronic collections becomes a reality not only for in-campus use but also for world- wide access. Thus the library without wall, which was once a dream has become a reality. This global technological revolution, has in turn paved the way for online provision and electronic exchange of Arabic scripts bibliographical records. In the Light of these technological advancements, the library in the Arab world strives to fully utilize the networked technology to make the Arabic scripts catalog an instrumental tool for the achievement of an Arab knowledge-based society. To keep pace with these developments the Technical Services Division at the Libraries Deanship feels an urgent need to hold a symposium for the discussion of
the role, challenges, and obstacles of networked Arabic script catalogs in the 21st century, facing the Arabic materials catalogers in the new electronic era. Proposal may focus on:
1. Towards networked Arabic scripts catalogs complying with display and design guidelines.
2. The Arabic cataloger in an electronic environment that supports online exchange of bibliographic records and authorities.
3. Educational and qualifications requirements of Arabic cataloging professional in the lights of the new electronic environment.
4. Role of Quality of Arabic catalogs output in the electronic exchange of bibliographic records.
5. Networked Arabic catalog and serving the varying information needs of remote users: providing access to full-text resources.
6. Authority control in bi-scripts catalogs.
7. Performance of Arabic online cataloging modules in packages used by libraries in Arab World.
8. Cataloging of electronic resources in the Arab world library.
Guidelines and Requirements:
· Proposals should be related to the symposium theme, sub-themes or any related area.
· The proposal should have an abstract of 250 - 300 words in Arabic and English language.
· The proposal should have the following elements:
-Statement of the problem/purpose/theme
-A clear statement of objectives / research questions or hypotheses.
-Procedures: Clear description of the procedures
-Outline of topics/areas/issues to be covered
· The proposal should clearly convey the essence of the paper.
· Submission of proposal according to deadline.
· The proposal should include: title, abstract, position or title of presenter, employer or the affiliation, e-mail address, phone and fax contacts, and a mailing address.
15-5-2004 deadline for submission of the proposal n the form of a brief (maximum 500 word) abstract.
15-7-2004 Notification of acceptance/rejection of proposals.
15-9-2004 deadline for submission of complete papers.
15-10 2004 the announcement of accepted researches and papers.
The symposium will be under the patronage of the Libraries Deanship of the United Arab Emirates University. Presentations of paper will be in the Seminar theatre in the Zayed Central Library. The United Arab Emirate will arrange visa and pay for the accommodations and meals expenses for those whose papers approved by the scientific committee. Other attendees have to arrange their accommodation and other expenses.
Proposals may be sent to:
Mr. Ibrahim al-Tiniji
Head, Technical Services Division,
Libraries Deanship, United Arab Emirates University
United Arab Emirates, Al-Ain
P. O. Box 1441