Tuesday, March 04, 2025

CFP: UKSG Uncovered Conference - 17th and 18th September 2025 (Online Conference)

UKSG Uncovered: what you didn't know you needed to know

We are delighted to announce the call for speakers for our new online event – UKSG Uncovered.

Over the last few years, the online UKSG November Conference has highlighted new and emerging topics, uncovering issues that members of our community may not be aware of. In 2023, we gave research integrity specialists a chance to speak directly to librarians about the prevalence, impact and severity of everything from unintentional errors to outright fraud, while in 2024 cybersecurity experts from within and outside our community shared lessons in protecting ourselves and the scholars we serve. Recognising that the conference covers themes which are not typically touched by other knowledge community events, we've elected to rename the event UKSG Uncovered. Our goal is to shed light on neglected topics and help the UKSG community understand 'what you didn't know you needed to know', and this year we're tackling the thorny topic of responding to uncertainty and risk

Call for speakers

We live in changing and unpredictable times. Whether political, economic, or originating in the natural world, disruptive events are becoming increasingly common. In this UKSG Uncovered event, we want to hear from speakers who have experience of overcoming or managing such disruptions – whether that's taking back a library from protestors, recovering your collection after a fire or flood, retrenching after major budget changes, or managing responses to political declarations. If you have insights into how the knowledge community can protect scholars, students and others who depend on us from the worst impacts of disruption and uncertainty, please submit a suggested title and short description here.  If you would like to hear from a specific speaker on a particular topic, please share that information with us here.

UKSG Uncovered takes place online over two half-day sessions, in a format that encourages speakers to talk candidly about their experience and practice, and offer a ‘behind the scenes’ perspective of the challenges and issues they are facing. It is an entirely digital event, open to speakers and attendees globally.

The deadline for submission is Tuesday 22 April, after which our programme committee will convene and review all submissions. If you need any assistance with any aspect of your submission, please do not hesitate to contact us at events@uksg.org.

We would be grateful if you would share this message with your own networks.

If you’d like to be the first to hear more details about the event and register as a delegate, please register your interest here.

Many thanks in advance!

The UKSG Uncovered programme committee

CFP: Libraries and Research Forum of the Modern Language Association (Toronto, Ontario, Canada - January 2026)

The Libraries and Research Forum of the Modern Language Association welcomes submissions to its two proposed panels at the Modern Language Association's annual convention, held in Toronto from Jan. 8-11, 2026.

Collections as AI data?
Should libraries provide collection data to generative AI companies? Should libraries restrict access to web scraping? What impact will these decisions have on access, research, privacy, and information literacy? Guaranteed panel. 350 word abstract.
Deadline for submissions: Saturday, 15 March 2025
To submit, please email Amanda Licastro, Swarthmore College (amanda.licastro@gmail.com ) and Joshua Ortiz Baco, University of Tennessee Knoxville (jortizba@utk.edu )

Book Bans and Censorship in Academic Libraries
This non-guaranteed panel addresses the evolving book banning and censorship discourse at the federal level and how it impacts academic libraries. We welcome higher ed, public, and K-12 perspectives. 350 word abstract.
Deadline for submissions: Saturday, 15 March 2025
To submit, please email Alison Fraser, State University of New York at Buffalo (awfraser@buffalo.edu )